I love driving in Ethiopia. It's like go-cart racing with no rules. Forget about lines, even if they exist they don't for other drivers. Everyone has a broken left arm which explains the lack of turn signal use. You have to drive offensively and defensively equally at all times, otherwise you'll never get anywhere. There is an attitude of "it's my road" so watch out. With very few exceptions there is little courtesy. Where else do you have a highway combined with a round-about?
As to hazards besides the roads themselves... pedestrians....watch out. Hit one and it's jail, period. They have the right-away and everywhere is a crosswalk. As for the rules.... they seem to be the same as anywhere else, but the traffic police will make them up to give you a ticket. Do not just give in if you're asked to pull over, ask for an explanation of what you did, be sure you have proof of insurance, and your license. Getting one is an experience in itself, and a welcome to the political system juggernaut.
Best times to drive... late evening, Best time for frustration... rush hour. Once you have the hang of it, its is pure joy! Seriously, I love it.