I'm new to Cayman
Hello Hello!I'm new to Cayman. Arrived in June. Is it always this hot???
sophiacarib wrote:I'm new to Cayman. Arrived in June. Is it always this hot???
I'm new to Cayman. Arrived in June. Is it always this hot???
Only in the summer. In winter it gets down to 70F - sometimes a bit below that.
Hello sophiacarib, Welcome to ½ûÂþÌìÌàA new thread has been created from your post on the Cayman Islands forum so as you can better interact.Maybe you can introduce yourself, so that members of this forum get acquainted to you. Cheers,Bhavna
Starting in mid/late October, it will start becoming much more bearable to be outdoors. Cooler ambient temps, occasionally breezes that actually feel nice.
I am an Indian,having experience of over 25 yr in financial services,capital market and Insurance.I am interested to immigrate in Cayman island.S.TANDON