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Flasher wrote:vozdovac wrote:@expatlibya
I am saying that English language is available much more than before through TV, internet, music, etc and is easy to learn it.
I don't understand you. Do you really think they will not be able to go in English speaking colleges/universities? Limitations for what?
I put that frustration sentence not for you than for people above you. Sorry.
I just wanted to say there are other schools in Tripoli, especially if she is paying herself and not sponsored by company.
To add that I have visited American, Irish and British school and I know even few teachers from British school. I am sure even now that my decision was the right one.
And please do not mix German (Deutsch) and English.
The finest gift you can give to a child is education, to try and scrimp on this is unfair.
Your argument sadly doesn't work, you can learn only the basics from TV, internet or music. One common problem with the English language is that whilst the majority speak it, few actually understand it.
This is a point sadly missed by many. Humour, clever word play, wit and repartee, it's just what we do. You don't understand it then throw a strop. Especially the likes of Firefox. Brazilian my arse.
You meet me at any place you want in Tripoli, I will be there with my passport. I'll prove you wrong you better apologize for what you have just said, and WTF is the admin doing, here we have a person disgracing another of his country of origin. You're so being reported!
I think you and Nada have mixed words, because Deutsch is German word, not English. Enjoy!
Still I didn't heard anything smart from you. If you think some dirty language from you in proper English is good example of clever word play mixed with humor, congratulations!
Is that nice language you mentioned really needed to continue schooling in UK?
Do you speak any other languages? Or you Maddy?
vozdovac wrote:@expatlibya
I think you and Nada have mixed words, because Deutsch is German word, not English. Enjoy!
I give up!!
Mudman wrote:My dad is bigger than yours,
yeah, but my dad can do a handstand
Mudman wrote:This is like a school playground.
Grow up kiddies. My dad is bigger than yours, so there.
OMG your so funny, I'll give you a 0/10!
FireFox wrote:You meet me at any place you want in Tripoli, I will be there with my passport. I'll prove you wrong you better apologize for what you have just said, and WTF is the admin doing, here we have a person disgracing another of his country of origin. You're so being reported!
At least in German, Russian, etc they employ the professional teachers, not some desperate, bored to death housewives with or even without high school diploma whose only knowledge is English language...
Children do not learn the real values in the life in these highly paid schools, only the snobism and to be friends with someone if they or their parents will have some kind of benefit from it.
Parents of these children just want to be in position to say that their children are going to these schools.
Many Libyans and others graduated from prestigious universities in Canada, UK, etc.. just for fun. 80% of postgraduate students are from abroad there, easily getting their degrees and even working as Teaching Assistants although the English is not their native language.
I would really like to see that some of these people on the forum that are constantly insulting others learn any other language apart from their English.
I was just wondering what are these people doing at their jobs if they have enough time to post 24 hours 7 days a week...
Welcome to the Forum.
Nothing like an independent, unbiased, well researched and factually supported post.
Was it?
*Note: I'm selling popcorn to those who're amused by pro-nationalist arguments, thinly disguised as factually beneficial posts. Free soft drink to anyone spotting a grammatical error in a post.
**Popcorn only on offer to anyone failing to spot the irony here.
@Seljacina iz Sirokog
bravo majstore!
"bored to death housewives" - by chance I know wife of one British guy working in British school. When I asked her what she was doing in UK, she told me she was a housewife and is too bored at home, so she took that job just to fulfill her time. She don't have any related education at all.
Come on Mudman or Sandman, tell some more jokes in humor full English, enlighten us all. Pathetic...
This forum is starting to be useless with creatures like these.

"bored to death housewives" that's what they do, did you also know that some expats from the UK & US working here don't have proper qualifications in terms of Masters or even a Bachelors degree. They are not qualified at all and they'll get salaries they can only dream of in their home country.
Let me give you an example this guy I know works on a rig as a Drilling Engineer and believe you me if you ever ask him about his qualification, he doesn't have a clue on what his qualification is all he knows is how to speak English (mother tongue) and some work experience.

vozdovac wrote:@Seljacina iz Sirokog
bravo majstore!
"bored to death housewives" - by chance I know wife of one British guy working in British school. When I asked her what she was doing in UK, she told me she was a housewife and is too bored at home, so she took that job just to fulfill her time. She don't have any related education at all.
Come on Mudman or Sandman, tell some more jokes in humor full English, enlighten us all. Pathetic...
This forum is starting to be useless with creatures like these.
Tell me about it especially sandman, this black creature always has the ''AGAINST'' Libya policy in his head, even though he's working or worked in Libya.
A Muslim, a Croat, and a Serb were sitting near a river bank.
Suddenly a figure emerged from the water and said,' Each one of you make a wish and it will be granted.'
The Serb spoke first:' I wish all the Croats would die!'
The Croat retaliated,' I wish all the Serbs would die!'
It was now the turn of the Muslim,' All I want is a cup of tea,' he said.' My two fondest wishes have just been fulfilled!'

Forget it Sandduck, you need to take a hike!
You should really rename yourself into SADMAN..
all the last messages are off topic - I guess we should close this discussion
Thunderbird, Firefox or any other username you could use, we told you to calm down
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