Q: How to proceed to get a landline installed in Fiji?
Ans: Visit any Telecom Fiji Limited (TFL) outlet and they will guide you through the process. The requisite documents vary from person to person, but you can also visit their website for more details.
Q: What are the mobile operators?
Ans: Vodafone Fiji (Good services)
    Digicel Fiji (good services. Their international calling rates are cheaper, as quoted by some people. I am not sure, as I use Vodafone and I did not bother to shift to Digicel as I got my Vodafone SIM at the airport).
    Inkk Fiji (a subsidiary of Vodafone Fiji - a kind of budget solution)
Q: What is your average monthly budget?
Ans: Internet (30GB)  mobile phone  landline (with international calls) is around 100 FJD per month. It can be more or less depending on your usage. TFL landline has the most reliable and reasonable internet services. I use Vodafone internet at work, which is also good, but expensive. Digicel's internet "Unwired" was really a pain and I had to get rid of it after trying it for one year at home. Now I use TFL landline and I never had a problem.