

Making phone calls in Ghana



When settling in Ghana, one of the priorities is to be able to make phone calls.

How to proceed to get a landline installed in Ghana?

What are the mobile operators?

What is your average monthly budget?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience,


See also

Living in Ghana: the expat guideMobile PhonesThe best apps for expats in GhanaKeeping in touch while living in GhanaBest cell phone companies in Ghana?

You can get a landline in Accra but people usually use mobiles unless it is an office phone. To get a SIM you need to register with your passport. Phone calls are relatively cheap. I can speak to my mother in the UK for 45 mins for around 5 cedis.


Hi... What kind of SIM are you speaking of that you can register with your passport? Also do you have any experience with getting a locked phone unlocked to use here with a new SIM card. I have a phone I brought with me from the US but it has a service plan that won't work with a new SIM. Any ideas on that? Thanks!


When you go to buy a SIM with any of the providers you have to prove your identity - hence the need for a passport. Not sure if you can get your phone unlocked but am sure it is possible. You might think about buying a very cheap phone to use here


Thanks. As always, your advice is appreciated.


Phone and providers come with the varying challenges.

A landline can be set up.

You can buy a SIM card from a street hawker but at legitimate offices, you will need a passport to  buy a SIM card.  The good thing is that your card can always be replaced if you loose it or leave it somewhere on your travels

Phone providers are work in a different way depending on the area you are in, the type of phone and the
'blocks' to your service from other external factors!!!!

I have 3 SIM cards.  One is always works!!!


I would like to know about landlines phones only. How are they set up and what's the best provider to go through when your communication will mainly be in the United States?


Whether you can get a landline depends on where you live in Accra. I think Vodafone is the company to contact. Not sure why you would prefer that to a mobile unless you are a business


In Accra Vodafone is probably the best choice, their data package is actually good and in some areas you can enjoy fibre optic line


Thank you all for the information on.getting a landline.phone


Coming from the united states I am use to having a home phone as well as a cell. So once I settle in Accra I want both.

david lee 1

GGMIMI ,hello welcome .I have done a lot of research on this .What the phone companys  do is change the megahertz that there phones work on so you have to use there phones . having a unlocked phone is best but if the phone came from another country there is a good chance it will not work in Ghana.  There are  what they call  international  phones  that you can adjust the hertz on  ,but you have to know  what to look for  ,and they  are expensive. If you brought a phone with you from lets say the US it probably will not work.  sorry  Hope this helps .


Thanks David for the information. I am not bringing a phone from the US I was just asking which companies would be the best to provide landline service in Ghana. Because when I relocate there I want to know who to contact when getting a house (landline) phone.

david lee 1

To answer that Khann  could give you the best advice since all my  friends  have cell phones .She is very knowledgeable  in that area .Good luck  David  Lee