

Planning to relocate to Slovakia next summer 2016

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Hello , We area family with two kids aged 13 and 15 . We come originally from Lebanon and planning to relocate to Slovakia next summer 2016.
We are seeking your advises based on your experience and would like to get answers for the below:
1) Whats the safest city to live in ?
2) What areas you recommend to look for a an apartment to live in ?
3) We have looked to international schools through the website but we find them a bit over prices , what international schools you recommend (Better educate the american high school or IB)
4) What is the average cost of living for a mother and two kids
5) is it better to rent a furnished or unfurnished apartment
6) Is the local community considered to be friendly

Sorry to make it long, but appreciate your help ...next post will ask some business related questions.

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Hello there tarikbahjat,

Welcome to ½ûÂþÌìÌà :)

A new topic has been created from your post on the Slovakia forum so that you may easily receive some feedbacks.

To begin with, you may read the following threads so as to get some clues :

- Safety in Slovakia

You may also read the topics under the forum categories found on the right of this page.

Best of luck,


how you


Best place would be to bratislava

You will pay at least 600 euro a month for a small apartment then you have your reqular bills etc

Generally locals are not welcoming to Arabs or Muslims generally and are intollerant to any form of islamification so this again may affect your decisions

But if you think education is expensive in Slovakia then I would not bother comming here as you really cant afford to live there, the private education in Slovakia is some of the cheapest in Europe. But normal schools are also very high standard.

Average living cost per month for a mother and 2 kids would be around 1500 euro with all the food bills etc this is also living on a very tight budget.


I dont think that Bratislava is the best place to be :)
Depends of aspirations and expektations. Than, u can evaluate


Bonjour Tarik, kiffak?

Don't think Bratislava is your only option, Zilina, Banska Bystrica or Kosice are really nice and will be a lot cheaper than Bratislava.

Hazan saaidan wa ila likaa.


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