
How things are in the States is why many of us are here


AARP offers medjet with a paid membership, worth a look


MedJets IS evacuation insurance. I have it and it costs about $300.00 per year for my wife and I


This post relates to medical evacuation insurance, and I have posted this in the past - AirMed-   is an air evacuation service that flies worldwide, and has 'evacuated' people such as Henry Kissinger. I know, and have worked with most of these guys, and they are top-notch. The cost is cheap - less than $300/yr for an individual plan, less than $400/yr for a family plan. Invaluable if you need it.


You really need to need to stop listening to propaganda and do some research.
A simple Google of ranks of prosperous countries  puts the US at 18th.
Ranks of peaceful countries puts the U.S. at a disturbing 118th.... no miss print 118!
In Belize we have our problems but we don't shoot people in synagogues or churches, we don't gun down 50 people at an out door concert, we don't enter schools and shoot children, the list could go on.
Take a big reality pill.
Bob Wright


Not sure who, or what, you are replying to here, or if this was the thread you intended to reply to.


karenjoe wrote:

Not sure who, or what, you are replying to here, or if this was the thread you intended to reply to.

The thread topic shows up as “How things are in the States is why many of us are here”. It’s strange since the thread is about insurance/evacuation.


Yea, in 2015 it was about that topic in the beginning. Somehow in 2016 it changed to evacuation insurance.