

Education in DENMARK!

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Hey guys my name is Ahmet Emre Bağrıyanık and I'm a high school student from Turkey(11th grade).

Last 2-3 years have been tough for me and i cant focus to school anymore.
My CPU was 3.8 and now 3.2 . And i wanted to change my life completely. I've been in love with scandinavian countries since i saw the photos from my fathers scandinavia trip. And tbh i liked the Denmark most. So i found a school called Østerbro International School in Copenhagen which also has an IB diploma programme and i liked the school aswell. Lessons are %100 english and there is no need me to learn perfect danish.

Now this is the list of things i want to learn:
1. Is there an exam for universities or you get accepted by your high school grades?
2. Is it expensive to live there?
3. What is the legal drinking age?
4. Are danish people racist towards turkish people?
5. Personally i dont believe a religion but are danish people religious?
6. Do most of the danish people know English?

See also

Studying in DenmarkStudent life in CopenhagenUniversities in CopenhagenGood secondary english schools in Aalborg or CopenhagenSalary paid masters

All Danish speak English. Racism, yes and no, because Denmark government no wants more foreigners in  its country. But in these international schools, there is a lot of foreigners and there are a lot Turkish in DK. If you are not religious, there is not a lot of problem. Yes, the life is expensive, as all scandinavian countries. You can have a sharing for 400€ per month, but you must add all others daily depenses and taxes (as TV computer tax, about 300€ per year). Count about 1000€ per month (you have the exact amount on websites "studying in DK).

For the school, I don't know. You must above all prove your level in English with a TOEFL or IETLS test. Watch in the school website to know.

That's all I can say you.

Hope to got help you.


yea i passed the toefl exam with 620 points 3.5 years ago but they said toefl valid for 2 years. so i have to pass the exam again but i dont think it is a big problem.

btw thanks for your answer :)


In another website i got those 2 replies that made me feel bad.

"I find it difficult to understand the reason foreigners still live in Denmark. system excessively designed to exclude (social, economic etc) anything foreign. The moment you step your feet on Danish soil, you begin to feel unwanted. I studied in Aarhus University for 2 years (2011-2013) and I must say it was the worst time of my life. My friends born in Denmark to foreign parents admit that they don't feel like Danes but just another foreigner here to "leech" the system. For all those foreigners in Denmark, my heart goes out to you."

''I am Danish and I have never ever felt any sense of belonging to this country ever since I was born. I don't hate Denmark but I certainly don't love it or have any feelings towards this country whatsoever. I can't stand to live in it anymore, there are to many things that I dislike about it. The list is so long. The Danish culture sucks, it's all about drinking and getting wasted. The weather is so damn depressing, its rainy and cloudy almost all year round. People are very cold, rude, disrespectful, and have no manners at all. They are so reserved - especially if they see a foreigner, then they're the first ones to run. They would rather avoid you, they would never approach you and try to get to know you. They are not social, they think they are better than anyone else and they are too proud to admit their flaws. Did I say they're rude? Oh yeah, they're rude. I can't stress that enough. Rude and reserved. Even if you are born to non-Danish parents, and you've lived in this country all your life, even if you speak the stupid language fluently with absolutely no accent, even if you behave like all Danes do, NOTHING will ever be enough for them.. because they will still see you as a foreigner, they will NEVER see you as a Dane. Never ever. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try. Do you really wanna live in a country where you feel that you have to kiss their assess everyday in order to feel accepted by them? NO! So don't ever move to Denmark. If someone wanted to swap citizenship with me, I would do it in a heartbeat! I am fully convinced that Denmark is the last place on earth I wanna live the rest of my life in. Oh and don't even get me started on our "so-called" welfare system and our taxes. What bugs me even more is that Danes are so proud of their welfare system - a welfare system that doesn't even function properly! A welfare system where you have to wait several months to see a doctor, even if your case is urgent (for example: if you're dying from cancer). People die in Denmark before they get the chance to see a doctor because of this "lovely" system. And the taxes, oh God the taxes.. They are ridiculous, ridiculous is actually an understatement.. The government takes up to 60% from you in taxes, and what do you get in return? A lousy welfare system! And then they tell you that you should be happy that you are getting free education. Well, buddy.. Aren't we paying the highest taxes in the world?! Then free education is the least thing I would expect! I can keep going, but I think I have made it pretty clear that Denmark is not the place you want to move to. Leave it to the proud Danes, they can keep it! It's the most boring country in every aspect. Trust me, you are not missing out on a thing! In fact, you are better off without setting foot in this country.''

Do you guys agree this?


"My friends born in Denmark to foreign parents admit that they don't feel like Danes but just another foreigner here to leech the system" - hey there, guy from sunny Turkey. To get dans U got to live here, see them, hear them. Nothing special.
They gonna take U - like "another one, who wants to enter heaven, from some hell country..."
Only dans think themselves special. They hate others being smarter then they pretend to be... Small country. They are like that. Life in Copenhagen with No cheating, which dan can met in Instambul, by the way (cause how turkish cheat turists in Istanbul...thats another not funny story).|
But about dans - they are like tired to understand non dans - without even trying to understand any other country. Young persons have no idea which other country is were. They cant handle another "ikke dansk" - its like all world can speak danish, at least in their small country they love hear any dansk. They are specific, careless, with weak level of education about anything not about Denmark. But if U are about to enter high school in Denmark, go ahead, try and get it. They are ok, not worther then turkish, be sure.


Yes, Denmark is very conservative but, if you learn Danish, people will come easilier to you. There are a lot of foreigners students in DK... But the main stay between them... And also, a lot of foriegners who work in DK haven't either a good picture because they speak only in English.

The politic becomes very strict with non-EU citizens. But if you don't make none problems, that will be ok :)


@irbisphoto hi you have mediestream



Hello and welcome !

Please note that this is an old inactive thread.

I would recommend that you open a new thread on the Denmark forum to seek advice from members

All the best




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