

STC Fiber Optics

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I have a bunch of questions about the STC FTTH (Fiber to the home) and I need help . Some of these questions might be dumb because I know nothing about this topic.

First of all,

1.Does it come with its own device? or do I have to have Joud 2/3 or something?

2.Is it stable and reliable?

3.Is it worth it?

4.How much does the 4mbps and 20mbps cost (Including the setup and all)?

Please share any experience you have with other ISPs too, Thank you.

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Stable and reliable...

Does come with Modem and free installation.

Way Way more worth than your money.

I use 10 mbps..Think around 150 SR pm


Scratch all the questions I asked . I found out that fiber optics are not available in my area yet . I've decided to change to postpaid JoudNet (10 or 20 Mbps , haven't decided yet) but I've seen one complaint about how he/she gets 7mbps when they paid for 20mbps and lots of complaints about STC giving them the wrong billings . I was asking around on websites looking for help but I couldn't find any .

So here are the new questions

1. Do u get the speed u paid for?

2. How much is the installation and router ?

3. How long did STC take to come to your house and install it?


is Joodnet really unlimited? any fair usage policy?


I'm planning on buying a 4G router which costs around 500SAR and getting a 4g data only SIM from STC for 300SAR for three months. I've talked to people here in the compound that use and like this service. Problems with STC's systems right now because of the newly required fingerprint scheme but hope to buy this week. I'll report back on how well it works.


DONT! Please Don't . I have the QuickNet 4G unlimited 3 month too . It is trash ! Basically , stc has a fair usage policy , once u exceed it , your internet speed goes down to 0.5 Mbps . There are hashtags (#halfmega) and websites ( ) about it . I would recommend fiber optics if they are available in your area (20mbps for 200 monthly ) which is great .


I've heard that it is limited but it is 50gb daily . You wouldn't usually exceed 50gb in a day . I bet you won't even exceed 10gb


Wow, thanks for the heads up. That's pretty scary, didn't see that in the fine print. Do you know what their download amount is before they start the throttling.  Not sure whether I can get fibre here in the compound, just looking for a quick solution. Thanks.


To be fair , the speed goes up to 20mbps during a part of the day ( for me it's 1PM to about 4PM ) then it goes back to 0.5 Mbps . You can check the coverage map on stc.com for fiber optics or get JoodNet


Hi there, is that 50GB a day for the STC 4G SIM service?


It's for the JoodNet . I am not sure about STC quicknet


Thanks for the info, much appreciated.


1.    Yes it comes with router but you have to select the bundle to subscribe.
2.    It is stable and reliable if you take more care for in house wiring
3.    Yes
4.    You can se the details at and select.
5.    You have to confirm everything before finalize. I do not want you to be the victim as me, I am paying for 20mb while my line stander can work on 10mb, so I have 10mb and paying for 20mb.


joodnet is unlimited and im using since many months now and im paying 199 sr for 20mb speed per month and its best of all other network


Please avoid anything over the air,such as 4G 3G,unless you can confirm (with someone using it in your area) that coverage is good and interface is low

Using Jood 2 - 40 Mbps
-Ping latency is low,which is good and bandwidth is fair too (Can be hammered if you go all out on it)
-The only issue is the router with lack of options,though it's the default one from STC,it is bundled with it (So can't complain much)
-3 out of 4 Lan ports on it are purposely locked by STC,If we request them to turn the other one on,they will split the intenet speed to 20-20,so I went with a switch which can be a issue when hitting it from multiple computer due to bandwidth constrictions)


Hussal wrote:

Lan port 1 AND 2 are opened for internet by default, the speed will NOT be divided, you get the full speed on both ports.
In certain types of STC FTTH modems you can use all the ports, but changing ports settings from the configuration page.
I'm an FTTH technical support engineer in STC.

Edit: I just signed up on this website, and I think i posted this on the wrong place,it was intended to be a reply on someone's post

After some calling back and forth over the years, I found that I was misinformed by an STC technician when I asked him about why the 2nd port is disabled and he told be if I was to enable the second port they would split my speed between the 2 ports (So I continued using a switch).

Recently couple of months back, strangely after a power outage the switch died and one of the ethernet cable runs died off (tested it with a friend's cable tester, says it's fine and 6 wires are receiving signal) so I suspected it was the port (Thinking the cable was fine) and I called STC about it, they ended up opening up the 2nd port as he was debugging from the other side (initially he was going on about this being older first model which doesn't support this or that, forgot what he was going on about) now yay I got the 2nd port working. Turns out the ethernet cable was the issue and also another cable connected to that switch previously, stopped being detected by the computer. Strangely this very cable won't be detected by the computer but works with invision (Yes, using the 3rd port which is exclusively reserved for invison only).

Fast forward couple of days of what on earth is going on and ending up rerouting a new cable, after finding out that it works on both the computer which previously wasn't detecting the previously already set cables. Currently using unlimited fibre now and strangely as of recently, during the midnights the internet tends to be throttled down to 2 Mbps, I called them up about it when it happened during afternoon once, it tends to end up being maintenance on their side which recently seems to be more common.

I want to ask about couple of things if you don't mind, why wasn't it announced to the public that Skype packets are pretty much blocked (Compared to Viber and all which had articles being written by news agencies it was strange for skype being not talked about) and 2ndly do the newer router's support wireless AC (801.11ac)?

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