

Getting a job with a tourist visa


Good day sir, i'm joshua by name, I base in dubai but i'm from nigeria. I got subclass 600 visa to australia, please is it possible to look for job with this visa since is a tourist visa, maybe after securing job then change my visa to the other visa which can allow me to work?

See also

Visas for AustraliaE-visitor visa in AustraliaThe Working Holiday Visa in Australia Sponsored visa in AustraliaPermanent residency in Australia

You cannot look for work on a tourist visa. Visas cannot be changed. You have to be out of the country to get a visa changed.
If caught looking for work on a tourist visa you will be deported and not allowed back into the country for 2 years or more.


stumpy is right. though you can try look for a job and future sponsorship if they are interested to hire you.


Working on a tourist visa is illegal mate, your visa will be cancelled immediately by the Border Protection in case they find you working and with that mark on your visa, you will not be enter AUS later anytime and it will be an impact in your all future visits to any country.


Hi Joshua, yes it is illegal to work in holiday visa. What is the best way to do is either you convert your holiday visa to student visa or work visa also holiday working visa.