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Welcome to Expat-Blogs Justrelax..................
If you want to share something we all are here to contribute our views if anything can be done.........
Yes it is everywhere and people like us are suffering and making suffer.............but how you can fight against it without disturbing your normal life..................
soft-ochyks wrote:Here in the middle east, you don't see local mingo with people
What are the "Mingo"?
I looked it up in Wikipedia and, well, a certain tribe of Red Indians sort of didn't fit. Then I tried the Urban dictionary that had so many different meanings I still am no wiser.Â
I Think everywhere are just the same,but slightly different in Jordan..LOcals Mingle with Expats (but the risk is,other LOcals will either Stare at you or saying something in their language) it's pretty annoying,i know..
Question: What does the Bible say about racism, prejudice, and discrimination?
Answer: The first thing we must understand in this discussion is that there is only one race - the human race. Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, Jews etc.. not different races. They are different ethnic groups within the human race. All human beings have the same physical characteristics (of course with minor variations, not significant). And even more important is that all human beings were created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). God loves the world (John 3:16). Jesus gave His life for every person on earth (1 John 2:2). And every person obviously includes all ethnicities mankind.
Boby. As the administrators will soon remind you, religion is a taboo topic on this Forum. Especially a post that is based on the premise that yours is the only true religion!

Nicely said...

(Moderated: too generalised statement)...i.lived n jordan an the stares i got but mostly i was ask why did i want to be there since im from usa or did i like there country...i was going to work a job once but they wanted me to dress high fashion and have late nite meetings with saudi men...amd this was a car rental company....so i decline...so .. (moderated : inappropriate and off topic)
Everyone knows that you should be a Moslem because the Moslem believes in world harmony, please visit us our mosque in Iraq or Syria. The bible is band in Saudi Arabia as are all other religions.
Dennigmt wrote:Boby
Everyone knows that you should be a Moslem because the Moslem believes in world harmony, please visit us our mosque in Iraq or Syria. The bible is band in Saudi Arabia as are all other religions.
So much for world harmony with bibles being banned and the fighting going on in Iraq and other places. Also religion is not a subject matter that this forum encourages.
Hello all,
Like stumpy stated, Topics on religion is not encouraged on this forum, so please avoid them.
Hi to all from Albania!
Racism is hatred of one person over another.
Her concern term is defined in several versions, but if ethnic racism (like skin color) is the most difficult (only in case of marriage) then the others are in the hand of each. "We have to change" toward homogeneity in the working environment which we belong.
Religion has two components within it. There are cultural vector, but has dangerous ideological vector. To much more we can see this phenomenon in political ideologic islam, (Vehabi) as a threat and presented today from emigrant in host countries, carrier of this religion. This is the reality and we should not abuse the rights, but need to put working brain. Religion is like a software in the mind of the man who picked up the message, the processes and put it into action. So only if the software is the same, people are likely to produce as much peace between them.
In my country, there is no racism on foreigners, on the contrary these are preferred and in some cases respected without a deserved status. Racism to us is religious, political, skin color (only for marriage), nationalist racism as a historical product.
Cristian religions are not ideological
Please read the email from kenjee regarding religion as a forum topic. And please refrain from multiple postings.
why do you love that ? You should be proud of who you are, not American
Science has classified the human species into 3 main categories of race; Mongoloids, Negroids, Caucazoids. All others are ethnicities. This is based on genetic research. Mexicans, Italians, jews, Japanese, Polyneisians, Russians...etc, are not races of peoples.
Hi Breitho
You stated
why do you love that ? You should be proud of who you are, not American
Your comment came on my email. I dont know what you are referring to, its out of context with anything that I was discussing!
Please explain?
what do people about Pele ???
boby brown1 wrote:Question: What does the Bible say about racism, prejudice, and discrimination?
Answer: The first thing we must understand in this discussion is that there is only one race - the human race. Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, Jews etc.. not different races. They are different ethnic groups within the human race. All human beings have the same physical characteristics (of course with minor variations, not significant). And even more important is that all human beings were created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). God loves the world (John 3:16). Jesus gave His life for every person on earth (1 John 2:2). And every person obviously includes all ethnicities mankind.
Very right, but what to do expat peoples? This is important to know and not question the religions of each country.
I proposed as a good opsion to "homogenizing" with host nations. So I gave a concrete option, but that the moderator deleted the my theard. The right applies to the court, while people build their relationship with agreement between them.
Hi Breitho
Who is Pele? What did he do?
Try Mingle? it could be what was meant!
" Hi Breitho
Who is Pele? What did he do? "
Pele is a dark skin man,if brazilian look down people with dark skin man,then I don't know what to say.
Hello there ,
Nowadays everybody talks about racism and hot to stop it or control it . In my opinion there is a form of racism in every county , only extend is different .
It a cultural and social responsibility to start fighting against racism from schools. In my experience people who has traveled and liked outside their own county for a long time are less racist , they tolerate others better and try to enjoy and embrace the differences rather then holding it against the other person.
On the other hand, i would also blame the Media for giving us a false picture of the reality of others lives , only once a person starts digging much further than what the media tells us , they start to learn that people of the different race and color has nothing different than us than small trivial things.
In Puerto Rico.....Como estar mi negro/negra is a common greeting...not at all considered racist. Also, referring to a young woman as "Mommie", is not considered to be misogynistic.
I have always been surprised that this subject is permitted on EB when subjects like 'religion' and 'politics' are frowned upon. Looking through the posts many contain virtually no content so here goes with something rather controversial from a UK site that has some 'meat' to it.Â
An article by Nadeem Walayat about racism in the Middle East from someone who usually only ever writes about the economy (which is the reason I read some of his stuff).
What are the opinions of you guys on this?
Same experience here in the Philippines..most of the locals here see me and point..sometimes laugh out loud..even thou interracial is common here..but as u said most of us **** here have gotten used to it.
El_Jost wrote:I have always been surprised that this subject is permitted on EB when subjects like 'religion' and 'politics' are frowned upon. Looking through the posts many contain virtually no content so here goes with something rather controversial from a UK site that has some 'meat' to it.Â
An article by Nadeem Walayat about racism in the Middle East from someone who usually only ever writes about the economy (which is the reason I read some of his stuff). What are the opinions of you guys on this?
An excellent link, El. I think the writer is probably right in saying that almost all European Jews are descended from converts, and not from the ancient inhabitants of Palestine. The Sephardic Jews (mainly based in Spain) were most likely descended from the Berbers of north-western Africa and the Ashkenazi (mainly in Eastern Europe) from the Khazars of south-eastern Europe north of the Caucasus. That opinion is still sometimes dismissed as "anti-Semitic" by the Israeli government and its supporters, but it's accepted by most objective observers now.
For my own amusement I have looked into the origins of the ancient Israelites, and posted my opinions on my personal blog ("Barlow's Cayman), beginning in January 2012 with an essay titled "The Children of Israel". The next ones were "The Hebrews" in February 2013 and "Noah, Yahweh and Company" in October 2013. My interest is in names and historyrather than religions. However, in December 2011 - before any of the other items - I posted "Too Many gods", and "The Names of God" in March 2012 is also relevant. Christianity's and Islam's inheritance of the Israelites' tribal god has been at the root of much of the world's religious wars, and I wish those supposedly comprehensive religions would disown the inheritance, if it's not too late!
Anti-Jew sentiment has absolutely nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with tribal prejudice. For me, racism is a much, much, broader sentiment - lying somewhere among tribalism (nationalism), religious loyalty, and sexism, as an unwelcome prejudice.
I believe that racism and all the other topics are acceptable for the ½ûÂþÌìÌà forum, although most of the posters on racism trivialise the issue by limiting their comments to pious assertions of disapproval, without any kind of argument. I hope that your introduction of a serious theme doesn't frighten the horses!
Some time ago I read a couple of your articles on your blog about "the Israelites". I must look again.
The whole subject about "the Jews" is one that is very confused...almost as though there has been deliberate muddying of the waters as far as the truth is concerned.
What I think Nadeem Walayat brings out well (assuming his arguments are based on facts, which I have not have the time to research myself) is that the Israelis of today are not "the real Jews", ...that they are not even "Semitic" from an ethnic point of view but are of Eurasian origin. As a consequence the Palestinians, who are truly "Semitic", are "the real Jews" of today only that somewhere along the way they changed their religion to Islam (most probably were compelled to).
If that is the reality of the situation it makes your head spin because the Israelis are constantly hollering "Anti-Semitism" at the world at large, while at the same time engaging in regular bouts of persecution (I almost said ethnic cleansing) of the Palestinians.
Edit: Naturally I'm sure Mr. Walayat was not suggesting we call the Palestinians "Jews". That would be unnecessarily confusing.Â
El. I find the history of the Israelites very interesting. In one of my blogs ("The Hebrews" in February 2013) I described Moses's gang of cutthroats to be the Taliban of their times - all that smiting and blood-letting, you know. However, the origins of the tribe that came to be called "Jews" is irrelevant to the recent European invasion and occupation of what a century ago was called "Palestine". To the natives of the land, the invaders in the 1940s were Europeans - nothing more nor less - so any racial conflict in the territory was and remains between Europeans and Semitic Arabs. The invaders' Jewish-ness is not a factor, except to the extent that the invaders identify themselves (with no proof whatsoever) as descendants of the residents of the territory two thousand years ago. Well. You and I can identify ourselves as descendants of the god Zeus, if we want, but it ain't necessarily so. (As a matter of fact, somewhere in my family-history papers I have a 19th-Century printed pedigree proving (!) my grandfather's descent from Adam and Eve. So actually the whole world belongs to ME. Yee-hah!)
Gilberte863 wrote:In China ,there exist also racist phenomena, because China is a developing country, many people have never been out of the country and have never seen foreigners, so when the foreigners appear, a lot of people staring at you, the eyes will make you uncomfortable.
Well, but I don't think that merely staring at strangers can be classed as "racism", as the term is normally used in English! You're being a bit harsh, there, Gilberte.
JUSTINA7 wrote:Racism, is man made, it doesn't originate from God, God loved the world so much, he gave his son, this quoted by one of you.
In December 2011 I blogged (available in the Archives of my website) "Too many gods", pointing out that tribal viciousness was heartily endorsed by the god of Moses and the Israelites.I quoted from the Bible as follows:
And they warred against the Midianite and they slew all the males. And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captive, and their little ones. And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? Behold, these caused the children of Israel to commit trespass against the Lord. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man. But all the women children that have not known man, keep alive for yourselves.
I commented on this story, with these words:
Why don't Christians and their priests and pastors publicly renounce the Biblical atrocities [slaughtering prisoners of war, raping and killing their widows and sons, and keeping the little girls as sex slaves], and the psychopathic god that inspired them?
Tribalism is merely a form of racism - different tribes are the same as different races, in practice. Foreigners are sub-human and don't deserve mercy: isn't that exactly what racists think of the members of other races? Sure it is.The god of Moses was adopted by the Christian church as its "God the Father". So it's hard to argue that racism/tribalism does NOT originate from the Christian God. What do you reckon, Justin?
JUSTINA7 wrote:when God said 'Thy shall not Kill!' he meant it!
Justin. No, that's not quite true. The Ten commandments invented by the priests of the Israelites (and attributed to their tribal god, naturally) applied only within the tribe - NOT to outsiders. THAT was the tribe's justification for the slaughters so relished by the composers of the OT. Regrettably, that distinction still applies today in our Western nations and cultures. It's OK to slaughter those whom our political leaders identify as our tribes' enemies, but not to kill any of our own tribe. That's why political leaders happily bomb Afghan villagers by the score, ripping arms and legs off with abandon, and torturing survivors, while forbidding the same crimes within our communities - and incidentally bending over backwards not to impose "the death penalty" on their (the leaders') own citizens.
I'm glad we agree that racism and tribalism are pretty much the same thing.
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