



i've headed over to the fish market several times. the stuff is great and i can recognize shrimp, eel and octopus and the small clams but what is the rest of the stuff...anyone know the arabic names of fish and their foreign equivalents?? French, Italian...I haven't got a clue...(and not just about the fish, unfortunately, but let's start there?)

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Not got a clue on the names, but did visit the fish market with friends the other day.

Clean, well presented, all on iced trays, floor clean and washed down etc

Very pleasantly surprised, expected to be upto my knees in it.


I don't much either but ...
Rzam is mackerel (blue stripped fish)
Morjan is pandora
dooth = grouper
boga is bogue (similar to sardines bigger and don't tastes as fishy)
that pretty much sums up my fish knowledge...I usually just ask what the best fish would be for the dish i want to make!


thanks yadayada. are those little orangey ones must be rouget? i'm thinking, but i was wondering about the blueish ones with the yellow stripes. i'm going over there today -- taking names and writing them down! LOL


who would have guessed that it could be this simple? i'm walking around with a taxi driver who helps me out and speaks french. he's telling me what he knows, i'm writing it down and the various fishmongers are telling the arabic names and any other language names that they know...when VOILA!

i come to stall number 15...i'm asking my "guide" what he thinks a certain fish is....even my accent in french must be too american, because the gentleman behind the counter says "it's monkfish!"......after i picked my jaw up off the floor, i said, excuse me, you speak english?....i do have that gift of stating the obvious.

yes, he speaks excellent english. introduced himself and said he would help me and answer any questions i might have!!!   and is at stall 15 everyday!  what luck!


now i'm excited about buying fish
.... don't go there!!!