Hi, I'm Eve & a new to the Albania forum- just joined yest! I've started a thread asking about experiences of all of you out there who have moved to Tirana from London or similar cities... Just wanted to introduce myself:
I'm 33 & have 2 kids aged 3 & 5 years. Hubbie's albanian & we're considering a move to Tirana with the kids for a more family lifestyle. Kids would go to English speaking schools (would love to hear your recommendations!) & we would have more family time together. We've had so little time together in London since life is soooo expensive & don't see that this lifestyle would be good for kids going fwd. however, we are really education conscious for kids. Also, Hubbie has family we are close to in Tirana but I don't speak much Albanian so I would need to learn. That's us basically. Would love to hear from everyone out there & get to know about your experiences in the city, the good, bad, ugly, beautiful- we would just love to hear from everyone who has lived a fast paced, very "western" lifestyle & moved to Tirana.
Looking forward to your responses.