

Reliable contacts in the BPO business ?

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I'm French, still working in France as a software architect.
I'm Working right now on a project aimed at delegating software development and application running in the Philippines.

Who should I meet first ? Did some of you had good (or bad) experience with BPO companies in Manila/Makati ?

Thank you for you replies :)

En français
Je travaille en ce moment, depuis Paris, sur un projet qui vise à confier le développement de modules applicatifs et l'exploitation de systèmes informatiques aux Philippines.

Qui contacteriez-vous sur place, à ma place ? Avez-vous une expérience de travail avec des entreprises de ce secteur (BPO, orienté software, hosting, cloud computing) aux Philippines ?

Merci d'avance


we are looking for partners at (moderated: no ads please) from around the world please refer some people for this also
can u please help?? (moderated)is UNIQUE organisation for PROFESSIONALS. Can U Please MONETIZE

We are searching for sponsors for (moderated) paying 10 to 15% commission on open basis to put the content
We will give u AUTHORITY and LETTER and HELP U DO SO
Will u do this??
I think you could easily put a place on the site for:

- your sponsors to advertise
- partners to advertise
- businesses what you have success stories with to advertise.
- anybody to advertise (at the bottom of each page)

It's not apparent if there's other content you could monetize, unless you know some subject matter experts with businesses that are willing to pay to put educational or informative articles on your site.

So, if you had sponsors, partners or success stories, quite often those businesses would be willing to advertise or pay to put information on your site.

Let me know, if any of this would be good to look in to.

(moderated: no ads please)


Thanks for replying... but ahhhem... Maybe my question wss'nt clear enough ? Le me try again.

I'm just looking for personal insights. I mean, dialog with people who had personal experience of specific BPO companies, especially in the Philippines.

Obviously, plenty of Filipino companies can be found on the net - in software development or application hosting fields. Where to start ? Which ones are reliable ? Which one to contact first ?

That's where opinions, insights, actual credentials, based on personal experience, might be enlighting ! :)

Thank you for future replies.


Hi gabprag, welcome on Expat-blog! :)

You can aslo post in French in the Philippines francophone forum.

I wish you good luck



Thank you for the suggestion. Very appropriate. I just did it.

By the way, I'm still stuck with some e-mail limitation. Can't go on with ongoing conversation... Too bad:rolleyes:  I see you're an administrator, that's good news ! could you please re-open it ?
Thanks in advance


We are regularly increase the size of our mailbox. However, the mailbox size increases gradually, when you participate more on the forum.


Great ! It works again ! Thank you !

And BIG thanks to each person who answered my post by e-mail. I'm now able... to answer :)

I understand that, as some members told me about their professional experience in the Phil's, they might prefer to answer either on the forum or by e-mail...
Got better access now, so please feel free to do as you like ! :)



Désolé, pas passé sur expat-blog depuis un certain temps.
A mon avis pour avoir informations et pistes sérieuses sur qui contacter, essayez avec : le Club Chambre de Commerce Française aux Philippines (leclub-fcc.org) et le PEE de Manille Poste d'Expansion Economique / French Trade Commission (tresor.economie.gouv.fr/se/philippines).

Je donne des informations sur la vie aux Philippines sur mon petit blog "expatauxphilippines.blogspot.com".
Si vous souhaitez me contacter, de préférence sur mon e-mail :
< dtesteil737@yahoo.com.ph >.

Bonne continuation.



Bonjour Domy,

vous devriez éviter de donner votre email sur les forums (attention au spam ;))


Bonjour Domy,

Extra, merci. Je t'écris, et je prends contact avec eux dans la foulée.


Bonjour Gorilla,

Excellent année 2011 !

L'adresse mail ci-dessus n'est pas reconnue par yahoo. Pas grave : je t'ai répondu... sur l'adresse mail qui vient avec ton (excellent) blog.

Merci encore et à bientôt!

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