

Can one park at the airport for a couple nights?


I am wondering if I can park at the airport and take the bus into San Jose as opposed to driving into San Jose? Anyone know a) if this is possible? b) how much it costs more or less? and c) is it safe?

If any of these make it prohibitive, is there an alternative?
You might say "take the bus from where you are to San Jose" but unfortunately that is not an option, we can't get to the bus station from where we are without driving and then we'd have the same problem - no place to park the car safely for a couple nights.

Anyway it would be much preferable if we could drive into the airport, park it there and leave it for 2 nights, then pick up the car and drive home. But as I recall the parking at airport is something like $2.75 an hour! Is there no long-term parking alternative like around U.S. airports?

See also

Driving in Costa RicaImporting Electric vehiclesSenior citizen applying for a nrw motorcycle licenseMotorcycle licensingSansa Airlines $1000 credit
Tingo Rick

if you park at the airport garage do it below near the cashier or as close to baggage claim exit  where there are plenty of policemen. The  last i did this about 6 months ago I believe it cost $32 per day. This may have changed.  Do not use airport parking away from thee airport.   Be sure to lock it up good.  Do not leave anything in the car that could cause an interest in it


Tingo Rick wrote:

if you park at the airport garage do it below near the cashier or as close to baggage claim exit  where there are plenty of policemen. The  last i did this about 6 months ago I believe it cost $32 per day. This may have changed.  Do not use airport parking away from thee airport.   Be sure to lock it up good.  Do not leave anything in the car that could cause an interest in it

Thanks a lot for the reply. That's all good info! I appreciate it.
Sorry I didn't answer sooner but I got very busy and honestly forgot that I had posted it here, as I decided to take a taxi instead of parking at the airport. But this will help me investigate for possible future use.
At $32 a day I'm not surprised not too many people take this option! Where I'm from you could park for $12 a day and be pretty much assured your car would be there and safe when you returned!
Jheez, it's incredible to me how Costa Rica has lower labor costs yet so many things cost more than in the USA...

Tingo Rick

because of the import taxes which are impsed on products not made here in costa rica