

Hepa B Carriere. will they let me in Cayman Island?

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Zayn gavin

Hi to all .. I really need your help guys , im waiting my working visa this year to work in cayman island .. My work is a delivery driver for a restaurant , my question is do they allow me if im a heppa b carrier but im healty .. 1,400 ci dollar is my travelling cost to cayman , its very risky if i provide that kind of amount then suddenly they just deport me due to my situation .. So please someone help me if they have a HBV test in cayman ..

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Gordon Barlow

Your best bet is to ask your employer, or the agency. Considering the expense of getting here, it seems to me you would be foolish to come without getting yourself cured first. Medical treatment is extremely expensive here, and pre-existing conditions are not covered by medical insurance. Also, Hepatitis B is infectious, so you might fail any test you took in Cayman. It's just not worth the risk. Sorry.

Zayn gavin

I heard to my friend that when i get there , my medical test is after 3months before the renewal of my visa .. I might earn in that 3months , then before they renew my contract i going to quit in my job as a delivery driver then look another job wich is 3months again before the renewal of my visa ,,is it posible?! Thank u my friend


@Zayn gavin

Seems you are going to try and beat the system. When the authorities find you out then there is the likelihood that you will be jailed, deported and banned from the country.

As Gordon Barlow has stated Hep B is an infectious disease so get yourself disease free before you look at entering the country.

Gordon Barlow

stumpy wrote:

Seems you are going to try and beat the system. When the authorities find you out then there is the likelihood that you will be jailed, deported and banned from the country.

Zayn. Stumpy is right. Entering any country without disclosing a serious infectious disease (more infectious than HIV, I've read) would quite likely get you on Interpol's list, and the Cayman authorities would no doubt confiscate your passport. But your main problem, actually, might be our local Filipino community. They are a very law-abiding community, and their "Don" (as they call him) would not take kindly to your proposed actions. You would be wise to think again about coming to a place like this one.

Zayn gavin

Thank you to the both of you Gordon and Stumpy, I really appreciate it.. Hopping when i take medical test here its totally cured, because after i took treatment i never take a test.. God,.help me please for my family..