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I already have a Real ID with my passport and driving license.
Need to renew it in 2026.
I have not driven in over 5 years, just started up the engine.
Like riding a bike though.
I think even without recent practice I can do better then many drivers we have seen lately.
Just the other day someone pulled in front of an oncoming bus, stopped then made a right turn. I was surprised the bus driver did not honk, it was a close one.
They put a gold star on the US driving papers if it is a real ID.
I am sure my passport as a chip inside.
Probably being watched right now on the internet, forgot to put tape over the camera.
They can see through walls if they wished to.
Not much exciting stuff going on here.
When a person is hired in a casino in the US they are given a full background check;
No criminal records allowed, they take urine and hair samples, fingerprints and run a credit report. photos are taken.They FBI and the local police do the reporting.
I guess they have everything on me if they want to clone me or set me up. I am not a danger or interesting enough for them to bother with. - @Marilyn Tassy
I've heard about this Real ID stuff.  Your passport will definitely have a chip inside. All modern passports have that. I believe unless you have Real ID, you cannot enter a federal building. So there's disenfranchisement straight away. If Joe Bloggs wanted to visit the FBI (if it still exists), then where's he going to do that? In the street? If your documents are stolen, how do you get in an Embassy?Â
I've done (previously) a bit of academic study on how the communists controlled people.  They usually kept everyone on the edge of legality. And everyone has something in their background which could possibly be considered illegal (depending on where you are).  It could be simply giving a melon to your neighbour and them not paying tax on it. Or someone using 2h of work time to do their own things. The authorities then used this minor and suspect evidence to leverage advantage over an individual should they come on to their radar. Tracking people, tapping their phones and bugging apartments, taking photos and writing up files was a major industry of communist governments. One thing the Stasi was good at - like the Nazis - was systematically writing and indexing everything. Quite a gold mine post communism but also part of their downfall.
Anyway, you might say you're not of interest but quite possibly if some powers in control wanted something from you, or your relatives, then they'd find something to twist your arm with. Â
I know when my husband was planning his exit from commie HU he made sure to not tell anyone, not even his parents;
As it was they still got hauled into the police station and asked about him.Since they honestly knew nothing there was nothing to tell.
He had already moved out of their home for many months ahead of time. The only person he told was the elderly widowed women he rented a bed with. Had an extra bed in her flat, not an extra room!
She liked him so much since she never had children. She told him if he stayed in HU she would leave her flat to him. He thanked her but had to go, just wanted to see the world.
He sent her post cards every so often after he left.
That was a good outcome for his parents since the story was worst for his cousin years beforehand.
His cousins brother had been shot in the knee while walking past the radio station on Oct;23, 1956. 17 years old, had no clue all hell had broken loose and was walking near the station and his uni.
He was on one of the first Red Cross ambulances to Switzerland for treatment.
He had no say on leaving Hungary or not, was just driven out.
His brother told us in person that when the commies found out he was gone they brought in the whole family for questioning. He was only 8 years old but that did not stop the police from beating the crappola out of him; His mom and dad were beat up too for days.
He seemed to still hold allot of resentment towards his older bother even though it was not his fault.
My Vegas friend is sometimes too much; She is the first to run to a doctor and get a vax for everything under the sun, she did not learn her lessons when she had failed surgeries that put her in a wheelchair. Yes, some vaxes are needed but you do not need to be first in line to get them.
OK, so she got 2 cortisone shots in her shoulder recently; My older sister got the same shot in her knee last week and was told she has to wait 3 weeks to get one in her hip; The reason being it is not healthy to get so much cortisone all at once in your system; How my friend is still going, IDK.
I can not tell her a thing, she knows better.
Well the other day she went in with her husband to get their real IDs at the DMV. She was told that because she is handicapped she can just come in anytime without an appointment and get in front of the line.
Well they went in and the clerk told them, no way, make an appointment. She actually broke down right there crying; IDK, why is it so important for her to get a real ID since she is going nowhere anytime soon?
I know she had to get up super early to get ready and it takes her longer then a healthy person to get out the door but still.
Yes, she is a bit entitled acting at times but how many wheelchair line jumper are there? They could of just done it and let it be over with.
My friend in detention has a new lawyer working on her case.
I honestly think it is really getting too close to the wire to do much about her deportation.
Less the 3 weeks left.
She said there are many women in there that are also married to Swedish citizens; One is even pregnant.
That surprised me that they would lock up a pregnant women.
She was told they will not let her stay or think about it until she actually gives birth.
So just being married to a citizen is not enough.
I also think the fact that her husband is a welfare case is held against them.
Every country wants people who will be paying taxes, not living off tax payers.
What surprised me is she said there are many Spanish speaking women from Columbia in there. Sort of far from home.
I know when my husband was planning his exit from commie HU he made sure to not tell anyone, not even his parents;
As it was they still got hauled into the police station and asked about him.Since they honestly knew nothing there was nothing to tell.
He had already moved out of their home for many months ahead of time. The only person he told was the elderly widowed women he rented a bed with. Had an extra bed in her flat, not an extra room!
She liked him so much since she never had children. She told him if he stayed in HU she would leave her flat to him. He thanked her but had to go, just wanted to see the world.
He sent her post cards every so often after he left.
That was a good outcome for his parents since the story was worst for his cousin years beforehand.
His cousins brother had been shot in the knee while walking past the radio station on Oct;23, 1956. 17 years old, had no clue all hell had broken loose and was walking near the station and his uni.
He was on one of the first Red Cross ambulances to Switzerland for treatment.
He had no say on leaving Hungary or not, was just driven out.
His brother told us in person that when the commies found out he was gone they brought in the whole family for questioning. He was only 8 years old but that did not stop the police from beating the crappola out of him; His mom and dad were beat up too for days.
He seemed to still hold allot of resentment towards his older bother even though it was not his fault.
My Vegas friend is sometimes too much; She is the first to run to a doctor and get a vax for everything under the sun, she did not learn her lessons when she had failed surgeries that put her in a wheelchair. Yes, some vaxes are needed but you do not need to be first in line to get them.
OK, so she got 2 cortisone shots in her shoulder recently; My older sister got the same shot in her knee last week and was told she has to wait 3 weeks to get one in her hip; The reason being it is not healthy to get so much cortisone all at once in your system; How my friend is still going, IDK.
I can not tell her a thing, she knows better.
Well the other day she went in with her husband to get their real IDs at the DMV. She was told that because she is handicapped she can just come in anytime without an appointment and get in front of the line.
Well they went in and the clerk told them, no way, make an appointment. She actually broke down right there crying; IDK, why is it so important for her to get a real ID since she is going nowhere anytime soon?
I know she had to get up super early to get ready and it takes her longer then a healthy person to get out the door but still.
Yes, she is a bit entitled acting at times but how many wheelchair line jumper are there? They could of just done it and let it be over with. - @Marilyn Tassy
Mrs F's grandfather was taken away by the communists and held for several days. They didn't beat him up though but they did treat him roughly. He was a countryside vet dealing with all the sick animals on local farms.  Anyway, some commie big wigs were having a pow-wow nearby and wanted pork or beef or something and needed him to certify the animals were healthy before they turned them into sausages etc. And they kept him until afterwards just in case one of the elite died from food issues. Presumably they would have blamed him regardless. By Western standards, this is outrageous behaviour but it was their daily work. Why they chose him as their victim, no idea. Perhaps he was the closest or he was in the files already for complaining about this or that. No idea. He died many years ago so no-one to ask.
Your hubby did the right thing. Keeping stumm and leaving quietly was for everyone's protection. It was a painful time for many people. We don't want that kind of government back again despite some people liking it.
Sounds like jobsworths at the DMV. If they'd asked to speak to the supervisor, maybe they could have got what they wanted. After all, as I keep saying, the DMV workers work for them, not for themselves. Â
I'm doing about 3 outside jobs today. Tracking down an oil leak on my hobby car, repairing a cupboard and cutting stone for my hi-tech birdbath's base.  As it's 18C today, there's no time to waste when the good weather is upon us!
My friend in detention has a new lawyer working on her case.
I honestly think it is really getting too close to the wire to do much about her deportation.
Less the 3 weeks left.
She said there are many women in there that are also married to Swedish citizens; One is even pregnant.
That surprised me that they would lock up a pregnant women.
She was told they will not let her stay or think about it until she actually gives birth.
So just being married to a citizen is not enough.
I also think the fact that her husband is a welfare case is held against them.
Every country wants people who will be paying taxes, not living off tax payers.
What surprised me is she said there are many Spanish speaking women from Columbia in there. Sort of far from home. - @Marilyn Tassy
Sounds like she does need new lawyers. But I expect it'll take a bit of luck to stay in Sweden. If the lawyer had their head screwed on, they could try for an emergency injunction at the EC level to stop the deportation.  If they are determined to deport her then it's grasping at straws this late in the day.  Usually they won't deport at risk people if they are likely to be murdered when they get there. Don't know if that's a risk for her. I would be surprised if the courts did not take into account the husband's needs supported by her as a carer.
Maybe the Colombians are actually refugees trying to find somewhere safe. It's full of drugs down there. And Venezuela has got a nasty government. One can imagine wanting to get away from things there.  Maybe they got picked up at the airport and are being deported from there. I could imagine Colombia just saying, we don't want them back, we don't think they are Colombians, not our responsibility. That happens in the UK when they cannot prove their nationality - there's nowhere to deport them to.
They lock up pregnant women in the UK prisons. They have mother and baby units but they don't stay together in there more than something like 3 years. After that, the kid has to go elsewhere. Something like that.Â
From what I have seen in US films they also let moms in prison stay with their child for awhile; Not sure if it is 3 years though.
My friend had /has some health issues too. She had 2 blood transfusions a month or so ago.
She was suppose to see a GP for an MRI and had shots to try to reduce the size of a tumor in her uterus she has a tumor and ATM they are not sure if it is cancer of not.
She told them she was ill and losing blood, she was told by the police that they do not care if she drops dead after she is out.
Harsh, I always thought Sweden was full of liberals who bent over backwards for everyone, seems times have changed.
So being ill or being pregnant is no pass jail for free card;
Love using the term card, makes me think of Trump.
Ran around today taking care of business and jumped into the Great Market Hall just to see what was going on.
About 3 pm.
Not too busy and the stalls have plenty of items but not many buyers;
Their prices were higher then the shops like Aldi and Lidl are;
I have no idea how they are still in business;
From what I have seen in US films they also let moms in prison stay with their child for awhile; Not sure if it is 3 years though.My friend had /has some health issues too. She had 2 blood transfusions a month or so ago. She was suppose to see a GP for an MRI and had shots to try to reduce the size of a tumor in her uterus she has a tumor and ATM they are not sure if it is cancer of not.She told them she was ill and losing blood, she was told by the police that they do not care if she drops dead after she is out.Harsh, I always thought Sweden was full of liberals who bent over backwards for everyone, seems times have changed.So being ill or being pregnant is no pass jail for free card;Love using the term card, makes me think of Trump.Ran around today taking care of business and jumped into the Great Market Hall just to see what was going on.About 3 pm.Not too busy and the stalls have plenty of items but not many buyers;Their prices were higher then the shops like Aldi and Lidl are;I have no idea how they are still in business; - @Marilyn Tassy
I was guessing about the mother and baby 3 years. I got that number from some UK TV show I was watching.
Anyway, regarding the Swedish situation, not treating her medical conditions is a bit risky for them. If she had an incident in custody, then they'd have to take her to hospital and they wouldn't know for some time if they can move her. And if she died, then maybe her husband should sue the police for negligence. But they are right, once she's out and somewhere else, it's not their problem.Â
Maybe some of the Market Hall people are engaged in money laundering. Any cash business is suspect. It doesn't make sense to be in business unless they are making money and turning a decent profit. Anyone making 15% or less is suspect unless it's a very high volume commodity business. 25-30% is more like the minimums. I cannot see people working hard for 15%.
Trump is of course, a lunatic. I watched a CNN report on fruit importers in California.  They pointed out avocados which were without 25% tariff and lemons with 25% tariff. As a one off, they can of course, raise prices on the limited number of non-tariff avocados to the same price as the tariff version. It's a quick buck and a one off until they run out of stock in their refrigerated warehouse. Â
I also read for the average American, they will be paying $2000 a year more for just living due to the overall effect of the tariffs. Well, whatever, over here we'll get it in the neck soon enough. It's going to make my North American (actually Canadian)-made hobby car parts more expensive and Amazon.com is now off the radar for sure.  But quite possibly, we'll all be blown up anyway before I have to worry about it.  I could hardly face the news today as the flip-flopping Trump drives me mad. But while I was fixing my car, I heard some calls on LBC radio (in the UK) and I started to wonder if we are seeing the early days of a long-winded slow-motion break up of the USA. A caller from Indianapolis was effectively saying that. I wonder which state is going to bring it up first.
I expect those next to Canada might start to say something - maybe Maine or Vermont, possibly Washington. I did a similar exercise with a guy I knew from Belarus over Russia. Over there, no chance of a referendum but Maine or Vermont, quite a good chance. But what do I know. Not much.
It is strange but after being in and out of the US for more then 15 years, I have no real attachment emotionally to the place.
My husband used to tell me he was between 2 countries and now I know what he was talking about.
They do grow lemons and avocados in Ca. probably not enough for the demand though.
I am sick of the news, the past few days I have let it upset me a bit and it only hurts me, my opinion does not matter to anyone, can not change the world.
They only way we can change the world is by not over reacting and by being the kindest person we can under circumstances.
I learned that when I was getting my cancer treatments, not to take it personal, to see beyond the BS and to believe it will get better. day by day. Easy to say but doing it can be a hard.
Nothing material is that important , sounds like a chiquè, finally got to use my French keyboard!
It is strange but after being in and out of the US for more then 15 years, I have no real attachment emotionally to the place.
My husband used to tell me he was between 2 countries and now I know what he was talking about.
They do grow lemons and avocados in Ca. probably not enough for the demand though.
I am sick of the news, the past few days I have let it upset me a bit and it only hurts me, my opinion does not matter to anyone, can not change the world.
They only way we can change the world is by not over reacting and by being the kindest person we can under circumstances.
I learned that when I was getting my cancer treatments, not to take it personal, to see beyond the BS and to believe it will get better. day by day. Easy to say but doing it can be a hard.
Nothing material is that important , sounds like a cliché, finally got to use my French keyboard! - @Marilyn Tassy
They were Mexican avocados and lemons. It hardly makes any difference to us here as I think ours come from Spain or Italy. I had some Aldi strawberries today and they came from Spain. I only mentioned the avocados and lemons because of the tariffs.
I've always been between 2 countries - the UK and HU now but it has been others, like Germany and The Netherlands. I was always more comfortable in DE and NL more than here, even though my family is here and things are familiar. Probably because I have better language skills there. My links to the UK are declining fast since my parents have gone. I have one daughter in the UK and 3 siblings and of course a lot of cousins but we only meet at funerals. It's quite remarkable when we meet up, it's just like we are carrying on a conversation from before. I think when I get past that retirement date, I'll have no excuse but to learn Hungarian properly. I should have the time to do it. Then perhaps I won't be a stranger in a strange land.
I expect that if I had some dread disease, I'd have different priorities. I can appreciate for sure what you say.  I guess what I really worry about is keeping my family alive and by extension, when to escape from here. I cannot help it as professionally I was always looking at risks and Plan A, B, C and D etc. When push comes to shove, it seems that being kind won't cut it, some scumbag will always try to take advantage of good nature and sense of fairness. And it has always been so. My bro felt nothing was important as he was thinking of his chemo all the time. He tried to be busy but his cancer had other ideas, overtook him and first took away his options and then his life. Just miserable. Miss him terribly. It's been 10 years.
In other news, I've hoovered my car, touched up some scratches and as it's a really nice day, I'm going to take the furry monster walkies on one our regular routes. It'll be nice to see some Spring and commune with nature, birds tweeting etc.
Yes ,soon it will be swim season again;
I felt ill yesterday, the day before we ran around and I was hat less.
I dislike wearing hats all the time but I am probably one of the last people to remove a hat until it is actually hot outdoors.
I wonder why the fashion of hat wearing went out of style?
I suppose we can blame it on sitting in cars?
Told my son today that I felt ill yesterday and he was too much; Said I have months to live. What?? He wishes!!
I know he is our son but at times he is really too much;
We are still waiting for him to grow up, let,s see he is pushing 50 so might not ever happen.
I could see myself living back in the states but it is so expensive now and the longer we are gone, the more shocking the prices are;
I used to split rent with my sister, my share was $60. a months and electric. Only took about 3 days worth of tips to pay my monthly bills and the rest was for fun.It was a large 2 bedroom apt.
Less then half a weeks pay to live on, what happened in the US?
My moms house payment was a whopping $108. a month!
Oh well, sound like my husband when he reflects on bread in Hungary costing 5 forints
Cousins,I only knew 2 of my female first cousins and everyone else were male cousins. I was the baby of the boomers. Then my brother came but most of my cousins are a good 7 to 10 years older then I am.
One female cousin from each side.
Both bull headed and spoiled.
My cousin who visited us here in Hungary was the older bro of the cute blonde one; They did not speak to each other for years and years. IDK what went on between them. She passed a couple years ago from MS and he never said a thing about it, his wife just said he did not get along with his sister.
She was older then me but since she was short, blue eyed and blonde she got all the attention and everyone thought she was the baby.
Being tall has it,s perks but down side too. Everyone used to think I was older because I was taller then some adults. Only perk was sneaking into clubs at 15 with my sister, she would draw darker circles under my eyes and shadow my face to make me pass as 21 to get in. Loaned me her clothing and college ID to enter. Never was stopped but never dared to order anything stronger then a soda.
I talk big about not letting the media get to you but after watching world news with what is going on with the EU, I am a bit concerned to say the least.
WW2 was not enough?
Maybe we all will be heading home before too long.
Yes ,soon it will be swim season again;
I felt ill yesterday, the day before we ran around and I was hat less.
I dislike wearing hats all the time but I am probably one of the last people to remove a hat until it is actually hot outdoors.
I wonder why the fashion of hat wearing went out of style?
I suppose we can blame it on sitting in cars?
Told my son today that I felt ill yesterday and he was too much; Said I have months to live. What?? He wishes!!
I know he is our son but at times he is really too much;
We are still waiting for him to grow up, let,s see he is pushing 50 so might not ever happen.
I could see myself living back in the states but it is so expensive now and the longer we are gone, the more shocking the prices are;
I used to split rent with my sister, my share was $60. a months and electric. Only took about 3 days worth of tips to pay my monthly bills and the rest was for fun.It was a large 2 bedroom apt.
Less then half a weeks pay to live on, what happened in the US?
My moms house payment was a whopping $108. a month!
Oh well, sound like my husband when he reflects on bread in Hungary costing 5 forints
Cousins,I only knew 2 of my female first cousins and everyone else were male cousins. I was the baby of the boomers. Then my brother came but most of my cousins are a good 7 to 10 years older then I am.
One female cousin from each side.
Both bull headed and spoiled.
My cousin who visited us here in Hungary was the older bro of the cute blonde one; They did not speak to each other for years and years. IDK what went on between them. She passed a couple years ago from MS and he never said a thing about it, his wife just said he did not get along with his sister.
She was older then me but since she was short, blue eyed and blonde she got all the attention and everyone thought she was the baby.
Being tall has it,s perks but down side too. Everyone used to think I was older because I was taller then some adults. Only perk was sneaking into clubs at 15 with my sister, she would draw darker circles under my eyes and shadow my face to make me pass as 21 to get in. Loaned me her clothing and college ID to enter. Never was stopped but never dared to order anything stronger then a soda.
I talk big about not letting the media get to you but after watching world news with what is going on with the EU, I am a bit concerned to say the least.
WW2 was not enough?
Maybe we all will be heading home before too long. - @Marilyn Tassy
Yes, swimming ideal but not quite warm enough for outside dipping.
It's such a nice day, it's definitely time to be outside. We're going to go to go out and do something this weekend as it's IWD (International Women's Day).  It's a big thing but I always forget. It says on Monday, it'll be 21 C. Wow!  At last the outside world becomes more properly accessible. We've got our windows open (and obviously no heating). By April, our heating will be off.
I wonder if hats went out of fashion because of improved heating or clothing?  Humans loose a significant amount of their body heat through their heads so a hat makes a good difference and of course, it's fashion statement. I also think it's harder to get in and out of cars with hats on. Cars seem too low these days and one has to stoop to get in.
What's up with your son? I don't know your relationship, but it seems an unusual thing to say. I wish I had opportunity had arisen with my mother to tell her that we loved her but she was in a coma at that important time. Should have done it before. We've got a relative who is 50+ going on 15. Sometimes you get flashes of normality for that age but sometimes I wonder what is going on in people's heads. I hardly know what is going on in mine so I'd better solve that first.
Rents and utilities are incredibly expensive now. It's bonkers expensive.  I wonder if we could afford those costs if we lived in the UK, especially if we're on a pension income only.  We do have cheaper eggs than the USA. I think they've reached $12 a dozen over the pond. That's an awful lot for eggs. They need some hero characters from Star Wars to help - Princess Layer and Hen Solo.
I'm going to try not looking at any news over the weekend as I'm getting too crazy about it. I already looked this morning and I was very unhappy.  I don't think it will work to try and not look. I'm still listening to the radio. Maybe a big mistake.  I am not in social media (apart from here). If I was, I'd be on the way to the mental asylum.  I hadn't anticipated stopping work would leave my mind at a loose end likely to be taken down an unhappy rabbit hole.Â
I need a good TV show to binge. I could read a book - a detective novel by very popular Scottish writer Ian Rankin.  I've still got some stuff to do in my shed, so there's always that.
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