I'm seeking housing for a young man I know who lives on La Gonave, has finished high school, and is ready to pursue studies at a technical college in Port-au-Prince. He prefers the Alliance Technique school which has multiple locations around PaP but he's open to any opportunity to train for a suitable career.
If you have any recommendations, please contact me ASAP.
If you have suggestions outside of Port-au-Prince, let me know. I've recently learned there are technical schools in other cities, too.
I am somewhat fluent in French which is how I communicate with this young man I met in March 2014 while I was in Anse-a-Galets for 5 days. If your French is better than your English, feel free to send me a message in French. I do not speak or read Creole.
J'ai un ami qui s'appelle Étienne et qui habite à la Gonâve. Il vient de passer l'examen pour terminer ses études secondaires. Il aimerait aller à Port-au-Prince tout de suite pour continuer ses études à une école technique. Il a besoin de trouver du logement. Avez-vous des suggestions ou des contacts?