

Internship at National Museum Dehli


Hi everybody!
I am a french anthropology student specializing in Indian fashion history and hancrafts and I would like to apply to the National Museum of India in Delhi for an internship from late may to september '11... Does anyone here knows how I can contact the museum? I've looked everywhere but it's impossible to find an email or postal adress on the website... Also i'd like to know about life in Dehli: rent prices, transports, lifestyle, dos and don'ts... Any advices welcome!
Thank you

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Welcome on board marie03,

I hope that other members will bring their input to your various queries soon.



Hello Maire

There is no internship available in India with any kind of Government body, you can look for NGO's which are helping in reconstruction or preserving monuments.

Hope this helped


Hi Ash, thank you for your reply I will have a look at the NGO's!


[Moderated: please post in classifieds]


Hello Marie .

The you will find more information on the official website at .

The curator of the dept. of anthropology is on a long leave so you might not get an internship there but you may try other training programs . One training program on "Care of Manuscripts including illustrated Manuscripts" starts on 27th November but the last date of application is 30th SEP 2011. But you can still email your application to one Mr. Ramesh . He is the training incharge for the mentioned program. His email is jain_ramesh@yahoo.co.in. I think you might need to decide quick.

About New Delhi ...It will be super chill around November. Delhi is close to so many other cities of historical importance so you'd have your time spent in discovering and exploring them. Check out indiamike.com if you don;t already know . Its a great website for foreign nationals giving you tips from their experiences.

Hope this info helps.

Cheers !


Apply through websites and job consultancies.