Dear ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ,
My name is Kirill Krylov, I`m Russian resident in Portugal.I have been living and working in Lisbon for 5years.
Sharing my experience regarding to your survey `Are you happy in Portugal`.
I would like to say that I was happy in Portugal before local powerful and authorithies started to abuse me here.They violate my rights,persecute me without my fault and enforce me to pay tremendous fine.
I`ve been renting with my mother flat that belongs to one Portuguese real estate owner Mr Damásio Capelo, resident at Rua Oeiras do PaiuÃ, 27, 2780-285 Oeiras, VAT N104168820, from 6.11.2013.This Portuguese lord let me enter with my mother to live at his flat but didn`t advise that some muslims and criminals from Rumania had been living there before(we got it known from our neighbour later).Mr Capelo also didn`t check electricity counter at his flat he gave us to rent.
07.11.2013 I assigned my contract with EDP. One day after their employee came to connect electricity at the flat.That young fellow from EDP came without his instruments at 6 o`clock, asked me to give the data from electricity counter and left me at home five minutes later. He cannot observe the counter at all for the reason he came at dusk time without lantern and instruments. But now EDP`s official writes as if that employee checked the counter as it must be done. It`s lie that young fellow reported to escape punishement cause of his negligent work. EDP hadn`t checked the counter at rented flat from my entrance till 18.07.2016 when their technician(he was called by myself cause of suspectively high electricity invoice) found that obsolete equipment purposely damaged and removed it.But now they accuse me in illegal usage of electricity and enforce me to pay 1298,48EUR of expences that I have never done.
My three-year unemployed mother and me have at this flat one refrigerator and three lamps only,we reduced our consumes on all levels.
EDP had been providing us with low-cost services at the flat with damaged electricity counter that was changed only after 2 and a half years after I assigned my contract with them.EDP didn`t control the equipment that belongs to them but unjustly accused me in stealing of energy and enforced me to pay 1298,48EUR.It is brutal violence of European Charter of Fundamental Rights,Art. 48.
In my opinion their managers just want to get easy money and falsificated facts to gain profit even from negligent work of their employee.
May be will give some suggestion in my case.
Kirill Krylov