

average salary and cost of living in malta

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What is a 'financial platform' exactly? Any idea how big the company is and if it's local or foreign?


It's foreign owned, and they are basically acting as an agent sourcing all over the web for potential clients (loans, deposits, investments) and connecting them to banks matching their needs, risk profile etc. - no further information available right now, my guess would be 25-40 employees based on other companies with a similar business model.


I'm going to take a wild guess and say they'd pay 40 -50k Euros for a business developer. You can life comfortably on that if you have up to 2 dependents. If you tell us what you expect in terms of lifestyle we'll give you an indication as to what salary you would need to achieve it.


Thanks, that sounds promising!

My wife will be working herself, never took her longer than 4 weeks to find anything suitable, and since we don't have kids I'd basically say zero dependents.

And actually we live a very modest lifestyle, currently in a 50m² apartment with basic amenities. Since Malta would be a residence for a longer period if anything goes as planned, 2 bedrooms with 80-90m² would be preferable, but nothing fancy. And apart from occasionally eating out and going to the gym, we don't have expensive hobbies either.

Last time I was visiting (2006) public transport was already quite good, so we wouldn't even need a car I guess.


You have very modest expectations. If you live and work in the same town you can make do without a car but otherwise I suggest you get one. You can live comfortably with your wife on an aggregate income of 40k. However, the more you earn the more you can save for your retirement and the sooner you can retire. Your standard of living is bound to be much better here than it is in Lagos so you should seriously consider the offer you have.


i doubt it will be anyhwere near €80K

On An Island

Gentlemaniac wrote:

But right now I feel that my time in Africa is coming to an end, dealing with all those daily operational challenges (starting from constant power outages, endless traffic jams etc. up to fraudulent staff, high staff turnovers and a low educational standard) are just getting too annoying and I would like to get back to Europe, at least for a while.

You won't escape power outages, endless traffic jams, fraud and high staff turnovers by coming to Malta. Although it obviously won't be as prevalent as it probably is in your current location.


You don't need a car. Public transport is pretty good- and getting better??- and it's inexpensive to rent a car for the occasional times you want to do a round-the/-island trip or something.
The obsession with car ownership here is bizarre. Though of course that's universal, but seriously, you do not need a car in Malta.


Toon wrote:

i doubt it will be anyhwere near €80K

That's fine, I didn't expect it. I've been to Malta few times, and the cost of living are way below expat-standards in Lagos... Sure you can live for 2 Dollars a day if you really want to, but any amenities have to be imported and are crazy expensive, so I wouldn't really mind a reduction.


lambada wrote:

You have very modest expectations. If you live and work in the same town you can make do without a car but otherwise I suggest you get one. You can live comfortably with your wife on an aggregate income of 40k. However, the more you earn the more you can save for your retirement and the sooner you can retire. Your standard of living is bound to be much better here than it is in Lagos so you should seriously consider the offer you have.

Thanks, that's exactly what I was hoping for. Lagos is a very tiring place, especially securitywise - absolutely no movemend is possible without a car with private driver, I can't even walk to the nearest shop and do my groceries on my own. Feels like a golden cage... Even Liberia during the height of the Ebola outbreak didn't feel as restrictive, and it was truly bad.

Will definitely proceed with the interview and see what comes up, but either way my interest in Malta is growing constantly now that I'm reading more on the economic development etc, my previous visits were all touristy, so I didn't bother too much.

Thanks again for the invaluable input!


Do the research and manage the expectation and you will be fine


Guys my hubby has been offered a job paying 22000(tax excluded) per year. How much does that make after tax deductions ? Thankss


amy0212 wrote:

Guys my hubby has been offered a job paying 22000(tax excluded) per year. How much does that make after tax deductions ? Thankss


Thanks again !



I am a student in the UK and I am applying to work in Malta as an entry level accountant in PwC. Can anyone help me with the salary rate and if that salary will be enough for a regular life in Malta?

alaga saala

What of medical doctors salaries?


Any salary with PwC will be enough to live off in Malta.

Ask for the salary you think you are worth . After all , you want to work for PwC !

THat is the way they sell their services. So do the same and you will be successful.



If you are not yet a fully qualified accountant it is unlikely that you will earn enough to live independently. If you're happy with sharing accommodation then you might manage to get by. On the other hand, if you're already qualified you will be fine.


Thank you ricky and Lambada,

I am planning on coming with my girlfriend which currently has a laboratory technician position in the UK.
I hope it will be possible for her to find a job in Malta.

alaga saala

Okay thanks


Hi i was wondering what is the average salary for a laboratory job with 1-2 years experience.

I am considering coming in august 2016 and i was wondering if there are available vacancies and what is the salary of them


Aurobindo are going to be looking very soon


panosioannoust wrote:

Hi i was wondering what is the average salary for a laboratory job with 1-2 years experience.
I am considering coming in august 2016 and i was wondering if there are available vacancies and what is the salary of them

Quite unlikely that you will find in short time a laboratory job without having local certifications and at least basic knowledge of Maltese language. Better to consider a Customer Service salary (15 - 20k) for the beginning  :) and then learn Maltese, let recognise your certificates and start applying for lab jobs ...
btw, entry salary in local Pharma/Chem firms as lab worker (no degree) the salary will not be more than about 12k, with BSc degree about 15k, with MSc from 20k


does anyone know if there are jobs where you actually earn 4.2 euros per hour?
would you get around 600 every month after taxes if you work 40 hours pw?

Does anyone know how to apply for a job as catering assistant or similar roles in schools or uni?

Thank you very much.

Junkyard Angel

Plenty of jobs in hotels where you can earn 4.2 upwards, hard work but easy t get the job.



Can you share the link of your blog with me please. I got an Offer from a company in Malta, Im really looking for information about cost of living, Im getting the offer for 30.000 Eur a year, would that be enough for me and my wife (no kids) and enough meaning Housing, utilities, saving and having money to live without struggles, not luxury but decent life?  Thank you for your time and sorry for asking to much hehehe


Two people can live without struggles on 30k but won't save much. If you avoid getting a car and limit your overseas travel you should do pretty well. Things would obviously be better if your wife were to work full or part-time.


lambada is spot on. Both my partner and I (no kids) lived on one salary of 30k for about three months. We chose to live in a nice penthouse so 60% went into rent + bills which is quite high. But we have no car so that kind of offsets it. Food-wise we bought what we liked (including alcohol - the one thing that's actually very cheap in Malta ;-)) but stuck to Lidl and no luxury brands. Not much money to save or go out a lot but OK to live a good life :)



Is it normal to do a 50 hour week in Malta in an admin role ? Thanks


maltaangel wrote:


Is it normal to do a 50 hour week in Malta in an admin role ? Thanks

No, not normal, and actually even illegal !
Normal working hours per week for full time job are 40, can be extended up to 48 is necessary due to business situation. Everything above 48 hrs (even occasionally) requires written consent of the employee.


Thank you


Hello Julian,
I wonder from where did you get these prices regarding rents.
I was living in Malta for 2 years together with my husband and 5 children but after his death last year we had to leave. We were paying 500 euros for 3 bedroom apt in Bugibba.
I know that during summer time, prices go crazy and 600 might be enough only for one bedroom.
Anyways if you can find for me something that cheap please let me know because at this moment we stay in our mother in law house in Kuwait as illegals and my children haven't been to school for a year now :(
Thanks and good day


Dear Mona

If I understood your post correctly you are referring to Julian's post on page 1, this is dating back to 2012. I think it is pretty safe to say that rental prices like that no longer exist.


Hi Mona,

North is more expensive that the South. For 500/600 Euro you can rent a whole terraced house in the South (for long let) and 3 bedroom apartments starts at 400 Euros


Dear Tina,
You are absolutely right.


Hello everybody!

Can you please advise if it's enough to earn 50 K EUR annual for family with 2 children and what kind of life we can have for this money.

Thank you


A decent life. Nothing posh, but a decent life.

It depends. :)


Agree with mantasmo! Decent salary although I'm not sure how much it costs to send your children to a private school here. For 2 people without kids it would be a fantastic salary IMO.


Hello guys,

Now I am considering to move to Malta. And I will have this week two interviews. One for the position of accounts payable at WUBS in Sliema, another for risk enterprise analyst ( in audit field) at Deloitte. And I was wondering maybe smbd can tell me what salary should I ask for?

P.S - finished Master degree in Finance and Economics (university top 10 in Europe), have 2 years of experience in analysis and compliance.

Thank you in advance!!!! :)


Hello new to Malta just started work as a dental assistant I qualified in Cardiff university over 11years ago and was going to ask you all do you know the average salary as I'm finding it difficult to find the answers

Thank you


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