

I've had enough of Cambodia. I booked my return flight

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As the title states. I'm through with this country. There's too many scams and tonight was the straw that broke the camels back when someone on a moto took my phone. I come here to spend money and this is what happens? No Thanks. I'll spend me money elsewhere. I blocked the IMIE so it's a paper weight. Cambodians are so stupid, do they really think they can sell or pawn off a useless device? I'm dumbfounded


It's too corrupt here. Bribes galore, and confrontations when change is given in the incorrect manner. I've tried to deal with this, but the incident tonight has changed my entire view of this country. It will never progress because of the corruption.


Shit happens everywhere .... Get over it !


Yea I would not let that wreak my adventure, it happens , the thing about Cambodia is you need to look at all the good things , sorry about phone, it seems to be the thing to steal,  I would stick it out a few months and you might see it through different eyes , good luck on your adventure, it's a different path for each of us , corruption is everywhere, and yes your right here in Cambodia , look I would feel the same as you now with this fresh , but I'm old enough to know you will have a different perspective in a few days, hey I was in Vegas in went to the bathroom a guy pulled a gun on me took my wallet smacked me in the mouth , I had two hundred in my sock , and I proceeded to go out and gamble that away that same night , so as they say get back on the horse and don't let some coward punk , take your dreams , good luck , it will all work out , being so far from friends and family sometimes it's harder for me sometimes to get the right perspective , but give it a few days before you make a big decision , luck to you friend , I know if I was you I would feel pissed and violated ,


twinsguy20 wrote:

Yea I would not let that wreak my adventure, it happens , the thing about Cambodia is you need to look at all the good things , sorry about phone, it seems to be the thing to steal,  I would stick it out a few months and you might see it through different eyes , good luck on your adventure, it's a different path for each of us , corruption is everywhere, and yes your right here in Cambodia , look I would feel the same as you now with this fresh , but I'm old enough to know you will have a different perspective in a few days, hey I was in Vegas in went to the bathroom a guy pulled a gun on me took my wallet smacked me in the mouth , I had two hundred in my sock , and I proceeded to go out and gamble that away that same night , so as they say get back on the horse and don't let some coward punk , take your dreams , good luck , it will all work out , being so far from friends and family sometimes it's harder for me sometimes to get the right perspective , but give it a few days before you make a big decision , luck to you friend , I know if I was you I would feel pissed and violated ,

My day just got so much better, I went back to the same phone shop. Sokly, but in Kampuchea because Central Market is a smaller shop, and I already knew they had gold colored Asus Zenphones. Kampuchea had my color and the sale lady said to be careful! I get so many customer with same issue. She then knocked off $40 off the price to help me out. That's great customer service! My flight is still booked, but it can be cancelled for a full refund back to my Visa. Perhaps I need to follow your advice from Twinsguy's and look at everything from a different perspective. This is the wild west of Asia. You can drink beer on the streets, whereas you'll be thrown in jail in the US, unless you're in New Orleans where drinking outside is what make the city a party city in conservative Louisiana.


"corruption is everywhere...". Yes, but here it is the system from top to bottom.  It is not viewed by those in power as a problem, but those who complain about it are considered the problem.


taabarangse wrote:

"corruption is everywhere...". Yes, but here it is the system from top to bottom.  It is not viewed by those in power as a problem, but those who complain about it are considered the problem.

You think this is normal corruption to the likes of the US


marukai47 wrote:
taabarangse wrote:

"corruption is everywhere...". Yes, but here it is the system from top to bottom.  It is not viewed by those in power as a problem, but those who complain about it are considered the problem.

You think this is normal corruption to the likes of the US

No one wants to talk about the link I posted? It's pretty serious, yet I hear crickets....


"You think this is normal corruption to the likes of the US?"

No, I do not and I believe my post specified why.  Furthermore I do not live in the US; my life with my wife and two kids is here and has been for many years now.  The PPP article merely added factual details to what all Cambodians already know.  But it's their country and they must find their own solutions to whatever they  identify as a problem.


My friend , Cambodia might be my last choice on escaping corruption! But , if you look past this you will see a lot of beauty, in the people in the provinces, look at what they have , and what we as westerns especially us, like myself from USA, and see how happy people are , children, I love how Khmer women take such good care of there children, rarely if ever even raising there voices to a child,  I can't tell you how many times in USA I have seen women , and men whacking there child in Walmart, I'm so thankful to be out of that environment, apreciate the difference, but you know if you look at the whole picture globally , we as people from the United States should  be aware we are the most corrupted country in history, so therefore I keep my mouth shut on politics corruption etc, and enjoy the rest, you seem like a nice guy and I'm sure you will get along , but talking corruption is not a good idea, good luck


"you seem like a nice guy and I'm sure you will get along , but talking corruption is not a good idea, good luck"

First things first.  I'm not a good guy, whatever the hell that might entail.  I'm a sonuvabitch totally intolerant of ignorance, no matter how charming or excusable fellow expats may find it.

I do not talk about Cambodian problems in Cambodia.  I am an old who loves his family and would engage in no indiscretions which would reflect badly on them.  This is however a forum for many non-Cambodians who have a right to be forewarned about prevailing conditions to help them make an informed decision about moving here.

I speak fluent, but not native Cambodian and as a result am welcome in many local homes where I have been tacitly led to believe that many locals share my thoughts.  But as I have said elsewhere the locals must find solutions to those issues they perceive as problems.  I did not come here to "save" Cambodia.  UNTAC, an official international intervention, has shown what mess foreigners can create in Cambodia.

If I were not married to a local woman I have been madly in love with for over 16 years I would have left long ago.  She was and still is the right woman, but the wrong country. 

And as for America"being the most corrupt country in the world". what nonsense.  You must not have traveled much to reach such an uninformed conclusion.


Ha USA not the most corrupt county in history , yes sir you need to get out and read , jeez I see you must not know your history very well , are you kidding me ! Yes sir you need to understand USA is the most corrupt country in the world , so sorry your one of those who still see USA through rose colored glasses , just for laughs who do you describe as corrupt ? And USA is not , thanks for good laugh this morning , I really enjoy it! And yes I have traveled the world , I see you have not , denial, yes good idea , I would love to hear from other expats , and I'm thinking they too believe USA is corrupt! But you don't have to believe it , the truth is evident! And trump , ha you need to stay in Cambodia , the real world is obviously too much for you!


I see your from Germany , so I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but gosh you can start with the treatment of  Native Americans , up to now holding prisoners of war today in off shore jails, police brutality, to Japanese Americans having their land taken and locked in camps, to Vietnam war , Middle East problem?  Really too many to mention , and constant through history, we have been here less than 300 years yet all this,  you euros have buildings older than that, so yes I stand beside my "most corrupt nation in history" but i must say obviously I'm a S.O.B. also, although I was directing the" seem like a nice guy"to the younger man, I quess you and I have same problem ha


marukai, how long were you in the country and what was your initial motivation to come to Cambodia?

I think you are being a little unfair. It's not that the corruption was a complete surprise to you once you got there and your phone could have gotten nicked anywhere, let's be real here.

So, I believe that the hurt you are displaying goes deeper than what you stated. I'll just leave it at that.


The corruption, people, is at the street level in Cambodia.  And so it is not only visible, but in your face.  It's that way in central/south America, as well - they even have a word for it - "mordida" - the "little bite."

In my experience, the mordidas, while irritating in the extreme, never amount to much.  If you get into trouble you can openly give a fifty, sometimes even a twenty to the officer and all is forgotten, after a stern lecture, of course .)  And so the corruption is something you can use, if need be :)

Has anyone been accused of a crime in the US?  Hello.  The corruption, here, is simply at a higher, less visible level.  The racket is extortion and the prize is your freedom. 

(And so the skill in living in the US is to keep your mouth shut, your head down and, above all, blend into the masses.  If you EVER let them focus down on you, God help you.)

So, choose which game you want to play.


TheDigitalMage wrote:

The corruption, people, is at the street level in Cambodia.  And so it is not only visible, but in your face.  It's that way in central/south America, as well - they even have a word for it - "mordida" - the "little bite."

In my experience, the mordidas, while irritating in the extreme, never amount to much.  If you get into trouble you can openly give a fifty, sometimes even a twenty to the officer and all is forgotten, after a stern lecture, of course .)  And so the corruption is something you can use, if need be :)

Has anyone been accused of a crime in the US?  Hello.  The corruption, here, is simply at a higher, less visible level.  The racket is extortion and the prize is your freedom. 

(And so the skill in living in the US is to keep your mouth shut, your head down and, above all, blend into the masses.  If you EVER let them focus down on you, God help you.)

So, choose which game you want to play.

True... The US is very corrupt; especially with Donal Trump. Russia and China also top the list.  But this article blows my mind


Corruption is common in many countries, but varies in type.
Europe, the UK and US all have a lot of issues but they aren't Cambodia and aren't the topic in question.
Many countries have a lot of top level corruption and a few coppers that are happy to take a donation to make a speedy fine disappear, but low level corrupt officials that we commonly see in Asia tend to have a more direct impact on daily life.
Stolen phones are a different matter as low life thieves are all over the world so you can't really blame a country for that misfortune.  I think I'd be more angry at myself because I failed to keep it safe, but that's just me.


I have been here for 3yrs. It has had its rough patches. The robbery you experienced could happen in most big cities on Earth. How Ever.. you are not alone in your feelings about Cambodians. Remember this: they killed off all intellectuals in the '70s. Pol Pot's regime killed over 1.7 million. (So... that can happen in the US too. Under Trump. Believe me.) Cambodia is no paradise. I plan to leave before the next election happens in Cambodia, just in case. Cambodia is still CPP (Cambodia Peoples Party) and a Kingdom.


bit of a harsh and deeply inaccurate depiction of Cambodians - I would not allot ALL Cambodians into the same category as the Khmer Rouge. You forget to mention that the majority of the intellectuals that were murdered were Cambodian citizens. There are negative types in every society in nearly every country, the USA has many who choose to ignore the bombing of civilians (in other countries) committed by their govt (prior to Trump) for profit. Trump hasn't yet committed mass murder so til then, I'll reserve my judgement on him. I agree that volatility exists and may probably heighten during the elections (my Cambodian family have explained that this will likely happen - an uprising). I find it ignorant and offensive that you have decided to tar all Cambodians. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Trump is not a lot to do with this thread and Cambodia today is nothing to do with Pol Pot.
Insulting a whole population is less than a good idea for any reason.

Perhaps a moment to calm down would be a nice idea.


First, this is going to be a long thread with  many links, so I can only hope that  I indeed to have one full hour to edit otherwise this thread will be incomplete and nonsensical.   OK, to business....

Two guys20 said, *Ha USA not the most corrupt county in history , yes sir you need to get out and read , jeez I see you must not know your history very well , are you kidding me ! Yes sir you need to understand USA is the most corrupt country in the world , so sorry your one of those who still see USA through rose colored glasses , just for laughs who do you describe as corrupt ? And USA is not , "

In his next thread there is litany Federal sins committed against the Indians, etc
but none of which are related to corruption as I use the word.  He has moral corruption in mind whereas I am clearly referring to the illegal use of public capital for private gain.

And as for. "so sorry your one of those who still see USA through rose colored glasses ", I need no glasses to see the truth clearly anywhere.   So now lets take a look at how the experts rank the world in terms of corruption


The OP could perhaps have posted some examples were corruption personally affected him in a negative way. He first needs to get real and serious and put things into perspective.


I see a lot the word "corruption" sorry yes it seems to be the only way to stay alive. Do good and you will find yourself in trouble soon. Try to save the planet 🌠and all  sorts of people will turn against you. Do bad - look at all the big names - very hard to cue them. Besides that I worked very hard and try to do the right thing for the community but it wasn't appreciated by some scumbag who was afraid he would loose his job so they kicked me out. So now am here and be very careful how to do things.
Cambodia is fine for me.


Concerning the previous poster and his misfortune in doing good Cambodians have a twisted version of a classic Buddhist saying.  That version goes"Do Good, receive nothing, do Evil, drive a Mercedes."

Concerning Mr. Domes request (although I am not OP) there is no need to retell examples from personal experience when common knowledge is rife with examples.  Here's a good read for a sceptic.


Here's a follow up  to the world rankings of corruption.  I apologize for the lack of continuity in this post, but this format and my mobi don't mesh very well.  So here you go..

Note that the USA is tied at 14th while Cambodia is scrounging around with the bottom feeders at 136th place.  Where does your country  rate?


taabarangse wrote:

Concerning Mr. Domes request (although I am not OP) there is no need to retell examples from personal experience when common knowledge is rife with examples.

Oh, based on how the OP worded it, there is for the sake of the discussion. Nobody is denying that corruption is rife in the kingdom. The OP apparently suddenly waking up to this and blaming his decision on is completely ridiculous and just shows he didn't do his home work.


Landlord corruption. Look at all the crazy threads on Khmer 440


Oh really?. It appears that you are misusing the term corruption.


    1. dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.

Charging more for electricity (the only cases from Khmer440 I can remember) is not corruption (nor would overcharging for rent be). If you don't like your landlord, find another - it's a buyer's market anyway.

Problems with landlords are certainly common in pretty much every country and not a special Khmer problem.

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