How to make friends in Mozambique
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We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (local and other expats)Â when you are living in Mozambique
Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Mozambique??
Thanks in advance for your participation
I wan to visit Muntapouze in Mozambique for business purposes, so I need ur valuable advices in this regard from getting the business visa upto living there , so can u help me in this regard
Hi Shisham,
I would advise u not to do business in Mozambique unless u speak fluent Portuguese or an African Dialect.
Mozambique is so corrupt that most of your capital will be taken up with bribes and then there is no guarentee that u will get anything.
What type of business do u have in mind?
I lived in Mozambique for 20 years and was luckily very lucky in getting the right contacts.
It is also difficult getting permanent residency.
You are welcome to write to me off the list at and I will endenvour to help you with advice where I can.
Take care Di
hi dia
  how are you?im just new to all this comeing to maputo with hope of finding good minerls and rough stone.can u guide me with that plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?
i have found that by visiting many of the charities/organisations around the area, you can make friends and contacts quite easily.
Dear Diana,
i am currently living in Beira, its my 2nd weekend and i am all alone, plz advise how to socialise in this place
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Absolutely!!Well said ms.Diana.I was in Maputo till jan 20th 2013,but i left for good.My family was doing business for the past 25 years n we r now struggling to run.
I now live happily in Dubai.Mozambique can never b business frendly or developed country if things goes in this manner.
I wish all the best for the country and the ppl.
Think well!!!
I would like to politely disagree with yaso6. In 25 years many business have been opened in Maputo. Not every businee succeeds by now you know out of every 100 only 10 % will survive past 3 years. The figure reduces with years and this applies everywhere in the world. If you do your reseach well and consistently check your progress you must succeed. So everybody is welcomed to do whatever they can do well, the opportunities are there. Avoid illegal business do legal the right way.
If you want to know people in Mozambique contact me.... I will help you