Naturalisation and citizenship in Nicaragua
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Hello everyone,
What are the requirements for acquiring citizenship in Nicaragua? For example, length of residence, language requirements, employment etc..
What formalities are involved in the process?
What is the policy on dual-citizenship in Nicaragua? Do you have to give up your former nationality?
What are the advantages and benefits of acquiring Nicaraguan citizenship, in your opinion?
Thank you for sharing your experience.
I am still trying. It's been nearly 2 years. I have gone through 4 lawyers, all who didn't know what they were doing. It should be easy; I bought property 9 years ago; I've built over $200k of buildings; I have 3 vehicles, I've incorporated a Nicaraguan Company.......I even had a Nicaraguan baby with my wife on Isla Ometepe! But no, they still need more papers. I have my MIFIC certificate. But every time I go to immigration, something has expired, or they need more.....they even wanted 4 years of Canadian bank statements translated to Spanish! I have over $4million of property in Vancouver, 60 years old with a huge annual income and donated a container of baseball equipment to the country, which cost me over $7K. Next week I will be going to Interpol for my 3rd time for another clean record report. Even my new son was able to get. Nicaraguan passport within a month!
You need to be at least a Resident to be able to register a vehicle. It's strange, I could own my land, but I couldn't own my scooter!
Brad, I am not a resident even, yet my car is under my name. Have the rules and regulations changed lately?
Was your car brought into Nicaragua?
I have bought a 2012 Hilux pickup, a 200cc motorbike and a scooter...... but I haven't been allowed to register them in my name or insure them in my name. I bought the Hilux for $12K and we had a lawyer draw up the ownership papers to show I bought it. But any time I have to show the police my ownership card, I have to show the previous owner card and the police have no problem with it.
Also, I can't get wifi or satelite TV from Claro for my house in my name (9 years!).....they require I use a friend's name. Getting a phone line is no problem
Had written you a long one as Firefox crashed on me :-(
Just wanted to summarize:Â though I have been in Nicaragua since 2009, I do not have residency, I just leave or extend my visa every three months. The last "proroga" I did back in April, they were a bit less " enthusiastic "(?).
I managed to get my "circulacion" done with my Cdn. Passport...but that was 8 years ago. Every year I've renewed my SegurosdeAmerica by just showing my Cdn. Driver's license. Don't know about this year, since I have to renew again when I get back in a few weeks.
I have not yet tried to get my farm's paper work to " registro de la propriedad " since the last owner seems to be in no hurry to do the "traspaso" from her deceased aunt to her name.
Overall, things seem to be getting a little more convoluted with every passing day, is it a Daniel (FSLN) thing or just a worldwide phenomenon (?)
In hindsight, should have gotten the ball rolling on these issues way back...If Nica act in congress gets to pass...there could be additional red tape and roadblocks showing up everywhere...
So this is only based on my research on the info that's already out there as I am not at the point where I am going through this process. However, I like to be prepared and armed with info so I'm not flying blind.
First step would obviously be to acquire permanent residency. In my particular case I will be able to obtain citizenship through marriage and having Nicaraguan kids with 2 years perm residency according to the Nicaraguan Constitution
Ley de Nacionalidad states about naturalization the following:
Ley 149,
Article 7
1. Must agree to renounce other citizenships.
  To my understanding that means when in Nicaragua, you are a Nicaraguan and are subject to Nica law. Just as we require others to renounce any prior "allegiance" to other countries during the our naturalization ceremonies. Same in Nicaragua. You can loose it only if you go to the US embassy via a formal procedure to surrender your passport as some countries require. You can also re-acquire it in some cases if it's "lost" supposedly.
2. Have 4 years continuous permanent residence in which you have:
  a. Honest means of living
  b. Demonstrate good moral conduct and aren't on the wrong side of the law
  c. Sufficient knowledge of Spanish language, geography, history, & social and political organization
Article 8: Can get citizenship with 2 years permanent residency based on the following:
  a. from Spain or nations that adopt the principle of reciprocity
  b. Based of marriage to a Nicaraguan. "The above requirement will not be required when the national law of the foreign spouse loses his nationality because of marriage"
Article 9: Can get citizenship with 2 years permanent residency and renounce other nationality based on the following:
 Those foreigners who have established an industry or exercise an activity that contributes to the economic, social, and cultural development of the country
Article 10.- If your parents have naturalized, it can extend to your kids once they reach the age of when they can choose to maintain their Nica citizenship which I believe is 18, when they would get a cedula and be considered an adult.
Eventually you will have to take a test to demonstrate your knowledge of the language and the country, just like you would have to if you naturalize in the US. They might come and visit your neighbors to see what kind of person you are.
For our particular case the advantage would be primarily the ease of travel between the US and Nicaragua for visiting family. My husband would be able to go with me and not have to petition for a tourist visa (since he will be a naturalized US citizen) and I will not have to leave the country every 90 days to reset a tourist visa.
There is an advantage of legally being able to purchase a vehicle and land, or have a paying job as it is illegal to do so according to the law. Just as tourists in the US can't get paying jobs since they are "taking jobs away from US citizens", they don't want tourists to take jobs from Nicaraguans.
Going through the process may prove entirely different as you can see from some of the comments. As always it's best to get help from a lawyer. I hope this info points you in the right direction.
Got this info straight from the Constitution:
Here's the most recent copy from 2014
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