

Recognition of foreign qualifications in Kazakhstan

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Hello everyone,

Were your professional qualifications recognised in Kazakhstan? What country did you complete your qualifications in? What profession are you in?

Did you have to go through any formalities to get your qualifications recognised, such as to have them translated?

If your qualifications weren't recognised, were there any additional tests or exams you had to complete before you were able to practice your profession in Kazakhstan or continue with your studies?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


See also

Living in Kazakhstan: the expat guideRetirement abroadPermanent ResidenceGetting married in KazakhstanKazakhstan Residency programs

My teacher- and specialist qualifications from Ugandan institutions of learning were accepted without any query in 2014. However, due some shenanigans, there is now a move to apostille all academic documents related to my profession or to have them notarized by the local Ministry of Foreign Affairs or a related entity. The enforcement of the requirement depends on the province in which one takes up work.


Hi Priscilla,

I'll try and answer your question as I can. I'm from New Zealand and that's where I got all of my qualifications.
To get my job here, I simply sent copies of my documents without translations. My boss is from America so it was no problem.
But one of my friends had to get his documents attested to get his job.

I hope this helps.
