

Immigration regime

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Having been here some time, I am here under the old immigration regime- as in pay overstay fine on exit.

Was thinking of trip to Cuba for a month , so would have to pay overstay on leaving. However no idea of the new Immigration rules.
So on return from Cuba ,now the good old days seem to be gone, how would that change the situation with the new rules.


It wont. Go on vacation, pay the fine on exit and come back. Yiu will get a new 30 day tourist card and start xounting again.


well must have got my facts mixed up somewhere  along the line, thought I read something a while back that things had changed and the immigration was clamping down and made it harder to stay long term.
ah well if its same as before thats good, carry on as normal :-)


same as before...no issues.


What a lot of snowbirds people are doing about it is......going to Mexico instead, where you get a full 6 months, no questions asked; and where it's cheaper and better food.


For anyone cannot afford the overstay fine should not be here!


Every gringo can 'afford' it, but it's insulting and inconvenient, especially compared to competing countries that don't have it.  Who knows how many tourists the dr is losing because if this move, and last summers disgraces, like dragging old ladies out of the supermarket and arresting them?


They have the right to put what fees they want in place - we are guests here. 

I  will agree they need to make it "available"  a  3 month or  6 month visitors visa with a corresponding fee. That would certainly take some of the corruption out of the mix and add convenience.

And for those who don't like it or think it is too expensive, go elsewhere.


I'm sure many do go elsewhere,   and have considered other places.   By charging more, and having those disgraceful dragnets, they lose, money and it damages their reputation.   Unlike you guys who have big investments, committments there, many people, can just walk away, or not bother when they compare places.   On the other hand, for you guys, you will keep making excuses unless it gets totally intolerable  for you.


Not excuses at all honey. I do not find this a hassle at all quite frankly!


Well personally speaking having lived in a number of countries, find the regime here, although not perfect, its reasonable .
I much rather pay a fine than having to leave the country every couple of months or so and then come back , as you have to in many other countries-  thats far more expensive.

Well the amount of time I overstayed here, in some countries I be in jail possibly for years or pay astronomical fines so things here are reasonable by comparison and glad it has not changed as I thought!


In the usa over staying your visa you are banned from the country for a year I think


Not wishing to overstay in the DR especially when applying for residence, how long do you need to leave DR before returning? Would a simple road trip into Haiti be sufficient or a propeller flight  to one of the neighbours?
Hoping this will not be necessary but previous dealings with different countries defines that our residence application will take a lot longer than most, as mixed marriage, dual nationalities and lack of birth Certificate for my wife have in the past proven to be  lengthy but not insurmountable hurdles


Dont why you brought that up, this was not about USA , but DR and visit to Cuba

and >MrD

also dont see the relevance there.. I said nothing about residence etc
its a simple trip to Cuba for a month as holiday and then come back to DR


Sorry tp,
Wasn't trying to hijack your thread just using the title. Is it possible to just cross a border and come straight back?
Regards D


of course...


Yes but what boarder you going to cross? Haiti is thenonly one we have and its a long way away. They have their own exit fee. 15 years ago it was US 60 per person in cold hard cash!


Sorry Planner.  The question was: Is it possible to just cross a border and come straight back?  The answer is a simple yes.  If you are presuming that they want their passport stamped and make everything official and by the book, even $60 USD is pretty cheap.  Alternatively, hop on a plane or boat (i.e. Puerto Rico) have a little visit and come right back.  Easy...  This isn't Kansas, I know of many people that cross the Haitian\Dominican border on a regular basis quite easily and in most cases don't pay anything, even getting your passport stamped is quite doable even without leaving the country.  That's just the way it is...


Well as things seem to have moved on to Haiti. Did consider visiting there before, but the place from what one hears, is in  pretty desperate state. although of course what one hears is not always how it actually is.

Has anyone actually been there and spent some time ?? Is it reasonably safe?

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