

Married to a French man

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My husband and I got married here in the US. He is now back home in France and I really want to join him. But I am getting so overwhelmed with the requirements and laws involved. Please tell me this is easier than it seems?!  And do you recommend any sites? I was thinking I would need to apply for the long stay visa to start-while I am here in the US. Is this correct and is it costly? Can I apply for it once I am in France or is that not wise?
Please help me....feeling so defeated in fulfilling our love story.
Thank you in Andvance

See also

Working Holiday Visa in France for Japanese nationalsWorking Holiday Visa in France for AustraliansWorking Holiday Visa in France for South KoreansWorking Holiday Visa in France for New ZealandersVisas for France
Olive France

If you got married in the States you need to get married in France too.  If I were you I would get your fiancé visa from the US. You must go to the French Embassy closest to where you are living there.  There's lots of info on their website.  The other option is to come to France , marry within 3 months of your tourist visa. The catch here is that they want proof of living together for 6 mos in France at the prefecture.   So with that being said it would be easier to get your one year fiancé visa in the States before coming back here in France.  You will be able to relax atleast and be able to  fulfill all the marriage documents  you need to marry in France.  By the way that is another story on its own.  If you want help message me and I can tell you what you need.  Let me save you the headache I went through .  Don't get discouraged! It takes  patience and can be done .  Look on line at French Embassy and make an appointment with them asap! Then you can join your hubby .  Good luck


First, you do not have to re-marry in France. My French husband and I married in the states, and now live in France.
If not already done, get your husband to register your marriage in France, and add it to his (now your also) livret de famille. You do this via the consulate that covers the place where you got married.
Yes, apply for the long stay visa, joining a family member / spouse of a French National. The application fee is waived, but the OFII fee once you arrive in France is not (something like 275€). I went through the consulate in San Francisco; you will need to go through your consulate, and the requirements may be different. The application form is the same tho.
You can't apply for your visa in France.
Here are posts about my experience:


Thank u! So he is taking our California marriage license to have it registered in France...is that the first step. Do I need to have income proof for long stay visa ?


Awesome! What proofs do I need to bring with me to the SanFran office


Re Your California marriage certificate - we simply registered it via the SF consulate (yours too, I see, assuming you were married in NorCal). I'm not sure what difference there is in taking it to France. They may actually tell you to register via SF, because that's where you married.
Re income proof - they don't care. You are married to a French National. I took bank statements, etc., But they didn't want them.... (See my post for details)


Take exactly what is on their list:
AND Get travel insurance for 3 months (it's indicated elsewhere for everyone - again, see my post)
BTW - it's not obvious, but the visa you get allows you to work in France, and immediately get on the health coverage system.


SF consulate folks are very nice! And keep in mind that they want you to immigrate to France!

Olive France

That's great and easy ! My friend had to marry here in France too!  How lucky for you that you didn't have to !


Olive - that sounds awful! And frustrating...
I'd love to hear the details (although not necessarily on this thread) - it's a minefield out there for so many.

Olive France

It's not on this thread however you answered a question and I was just mentioning what someone else went through. It's not a conversation I'm bringing up. Thanks


Gotcha, makes sense


your husband doesnt need to register your marriage in France,
when he got married, he had get to ambassy to get things done, maybe a bachelor or divorce certificate then the ambassy through the city hall he lives in, published the "bancs" for 3 weeks, means the marriage is already resgistered to the city hall.

so you re only problem is to get a visa...
then for US citizens ivsa are not required if the stay is less than 3 months...so u take your plane, go to france, and get the long term visa done in france.
for that you go to the prefecture, of the department where your husband lives.

you see, it s extremly simple, you just need time depending on the location, in paris, queuing takes hours :)


Hello everyone, I  am sneha. I have a bit of similar situation like the lady mentioned above. I am married to an irish man and I am a Mauritian lady. We want to move to France for a while( more than 3 months)

The thing is that I have enquired at the Prefecture in France regarding about documents needed and if I need a visa as the spouse of an  Eu citizen before coming to France.

They said that I have to look for  a spouse visa from Mauritius then come there and proceed the paperwork.
But the thing here is that when I have checked with the French embassy in Mauritius,they are telling me I dont require a visa to go to France as Mauritius is part of the schegen zone.

I would really like someone to help me and give me any useful information about this situation.Can I travel as a visitor then  do the paperwork there?

Please advise me how I must proceed.

Thank you very much in advance ;)


Hi sneha, this looks like it applies to you and your situation (it sounds like they meant that Ireland is part of Schengen, not Mauritius):
Also, here's a quote from another website
"Family member of a EU citizen needs to obtain only the "entry" visa to France in order to settle in France. If your nationaility does not require to apply for a short term stay visa for the Schengen Area, you do not need a long term stay visa for France." ~~~
Note that because your spouse is EU but not French, it is actually easier for you! Once you have an address in France, just go to your préfecture there and get your long-stay visa.


Thank you Julie H.
Yes I have actually already went through the Europa guidance.

I was only a bit confused about the situation.

And thank you again for helping me out.


You're very welcome, Sneha! Good luck!


Thank u so much Ur help....so our plan is for me and my 3 kids to move next summer !! Who do u recommend for insurance?? And how far in advance should I apply for our long stay visas...and do I need to purchase plane tickets before then?

sagitta limbu

Hello everyone,
I am Nepali  married to a french man. And we are living in Nepal for the last 9 years. We are planning to move to france this year.
What visa Do i have to apply for to move to france?


you need to apply for a 'long stay ' visa or long séjour in french.
you apply at the consulate or embassy.
here is a french link


meghannrobbe wrote:

Thank u so much Ur help....so our plan is for me and my 3 kids to move next summer !! Who do u recommend for insurance?? And how far in advance should I apply for our long stay visas...and do I need to purchase plane tickets before then?

you re married to a french, so you do nt need a plane ticket...you can go to France without anything for 3 months, if you plan to stay longer you need a long stay visa, you can apply for it in France or in your country at embassy or consulate.

sagitta limbu

Thank you for the information.


Do u know if my children need seperate long stay visa appts??


Don t they have dual nationality?
if so, they re french ;) they don t need anything.

if not

i m sorry it s in french...
your husband should help you about it.

sagitta limbu

Bonjour bratche,
Will i be able to work in France with the long sejour visa while staying in France?


no, it doesnt allow you to work
but you re married to a french, so it s different.
i m not aware of new laws now,
20 years ago,
the spouse had to apply for a resident visa, renewable after one year, then good for 10 years, as resident, you can just do anything...there was some test to pass, like health exam and a kind of information course, took only one day.
that was all.
i know many things changed because of mass illegal immigrees, but as a spouse of a french, i dont think it s much different, you might have to take up french courses though, for that the best thing is to go to city hall, they would provide you list of available courses, free or not, it s a good way to make friends after such a big move far from your family  :)

sagitta limbu

Merci Bretche,
If any informations needed, hope you will be there.



American mom 2 kids

I'm a us citizen getting married in France to a French guy.  We're going to live in the USA and in France . Do I need to get  long stay French  visa while I'm in France to go back and forth ? What does he need to stay in USA for a year ? Is the PAC a good idea to get? What law protects me best from paying his French taxes or debts?    This guy is really hot and were totally in love but all these legal details is making us stressed out. Why does he want me to sign that document with a notary that I'm really divorced? Who is that document for and does that affect me in any negative way later ?
Thanks. This thread is cool.



-polygamy is illegal in France, so to get married you need to provide a proof you are not married.

-PACS is more like a pact, it s not a legal mariage, it s more like legal union. He would get problems with it in USA

-to protect yourself from his debts, you have to make a prenuptial contract, where you both can settle rules.

American mom 2 kids

Thank you for responding .  He was going to do the same job as in France with the same company. But he didn't get the job in America.  Whats the important thing we need to do to get him working quickly by this June in USA ? I'm hitting a head Hunter and a professional resume writer for him .

American mom 2 kids

Thank you for responding .  He was going to do the same job as in France with the same company. But he didn't get the job in America.  Whats the important thing we need to do to get him working quickly by this June in USA ? I'm hitting a head Hunter and a professional resume writer for him .


If you're legally married in the states you do NOT need to get married again here! You just need to register you marriage in France,in order for you to get a spouse resident permit.
Tell your husband he needs to "transcrire le mariage", the embassy or consulate can assist you.


yes but she wrote : "
I'm a us citizen getting married in France to a French guy."

I m sorry i don t know much about USA side.


If  you are already married  to him in the states,you just need to legalise the marriage with French authorities,and than file for a spouse visa.
If you are going to get married in France,you come (on a tourist visa for countries that need a visa to enter France),you marry here,and after six months of living together as spouses,you ask for your spouse resident permit.

American mom 2 kids

Cool easy

Thank you


Hi all, excellent content, congratulations.

My future wife and I are getting married in France, she is Brazilian and I am French. Currently she is on a tourist visa.

Does she need to leave France after the wedding to get her New visa? Does this visa give her working rights?

Best regards,


As soon as you re married, you go with her to the prefecture and you apply for a residence permit, they will give you a temporary paper until you get the permit. It should be 1 years first, then you will have an appointment and they will test you, verify it s not a white wedding or fake wedding, then they should give you a 10 years resident permit.


Not at all.After the marriage,you need to live together for 6 months  before filing a residence permit demand at la préfecture. You need proof that you live together: edf,phone,assurance etc in both names. It is VERY important she doesn't leave France during these 6 months!
And do not file the demand before 6 full months.
After 3 months in France she can get AME (aide médicale d'état) for health care.
She will indeed be without permit for a few months,but that's the case for anyone who marries here. She just needs to carry her marriage certificate with her in case of a control.
Where do you live in France?


Hi both,

Thank you for your reply.

So if she waits in France to apply for the residence she has to wait 6 months and in the mean time she wont have the right to work, is that right?

If she goes to Brazil and applies from there to a familial reunion will it speed up her residence? We Live in Divone-Les-Bains and were instructed by the mairie to apply from Brazil so it can be faster.

Thanks once again.

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