I moved here about a year and half ago. Before moving I had never visited the island, but was very excited. My husband is military and when we married he was already slated to come here, so I had no choice in moving. Anyway, in my mind I was thinking of a relaxing tropical island with many beautiful places and a slow pace of life. We were coming from Pensacola, FL which is a very relaxed place.
We arrived in San Juan and I was excited to see the growth and all the things to do. We do, however, live on the west side of the island, which I also like. It is more of a slower pace, but still busier and more crowed than I imagined. I was a bit shocked about all of the buildings in disrepair and the way people always seem to be in a hurry when driving, I guess I was expecting it to be a bit calmer. I was also disappointed in the trash and littering that occurs here. That is pretty easy to fix if people would just start taking care of their island. It was also amazing to me that when we went into the government offices to get our car registered (in San Juan) that the workers said they didn't speak English, but the random gas station worker in Aguadilla does! UMMMM...not sure about that! It was a huge hassle getting our car paperwork processed, and we are military, so we didn't have to pay the tax. Thought it would be easier.
So, it was not what I expected, but there is good and bad everywhere. The good: beaches, weather, the experience of living somewhere that has a different culture and language, cool things to do outdoors, and there are some beautiful things to see. The bad: the driving, how hard it is to get the simplest thing done (car repairs, groceries, etc.), the food is not my favorite, the trash on the beaches, stray dogs, crime.
Ok..all that being said, there are areas here that are better than others, just like anywhere. Rincon, for example, is very laid-back. That is more like what I imagined the rest of the island to be like. I do, however, recognize that I am living here as a American and I can't expect it to be like the States. So I do try to appreciate it for it is and enjoy all the good things the island has to offer. If you are thinking of moving here just don't expect it to be too much like the States just because it is a U.S. territory. PR is unique and has it's own way of doing things, which is fine if you keep that in mind. The people, the driving, the food, the way business is conducted is all very different. I would totally recommend you come stay awhile in the area you are considering before moving here. I see so many people on this site that are thinking of moving here without really checking it out first. Please do your research! It can be a fun place to live if you have the resources and do your homework. Hope this helps!