Walking group
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Hi Everyone,
I just joined this site on 7/28/17. My name is Ildi, I am Hungarian/American who lived and worked in the states most of my adult life and now I'm retired and living in Budapest for 2 years now. I'd like to start a walking group for seniors; however, I'm up for a younger crowd to join also, as long as they are willing to keep at a speed that is at a comfortable pace for seniors. Although they are free to branch off when they feel ready to move beyond senior pace. After all the aim is to get stronger and healthier to do just that.
Details as to where to meet, how often, other scheduling issues can be worked out as needed after a group has been formed. At this point, I only want to know if there is any interest at all?Â
Hope to hear from you soon.../Ildi 🙋🇺🇸
It might not be exactly what you want but have you ever heard of the Hash?
I Google'd it here...might be active still.
- might be reachable at: budapesthash[at]gmail.com
I do not attend my myself as I have family diversions in Hungary and I'm travelling overseas a lot. When on jobs overseas, I sometimes turn up at Hashes in Egypt, Azerbaijan, Kosovo and other places.  You do not have to run! There's always a walking group. I always walked. You can just turn up for it - there's no membership system. If you can find the Hash Master, just call him/her to confirm it's all operating - changing personnel means people come and go.  You don't have to drink either. It's quirky British origins might be strange, especially the end bit, but I've seen all sorts of nationalities at these things getting well stuck into it.
I do a fair bit of mountain biking when I get the opportunity and I've zoomed about, I've seen several groups of older people (what's old anyway?) hiking in the Buda hills.  I don't know who they are or where they come from but definitely seen them.
Thanks, Fluffy. I'll certainly look into it, even once a week is a start and who knows, I may be able to find a walking buddy that wants to do it more than once a week, sans the drinking part.
Isongrad wrote:Thanks, Fluffy. I'll certainly look into it, even once a week is a start and who knows, I may be able to find a walking buddy that wants to do it more than once a week, sans the drinking part.
I know the problem. I'd quite like to find someone to do mountain biking once in a while, nothing too strenuous (I'm a few years short of 60 myself), perhaps 1 or 2h, 2 x a week (when I'm at home in Hungary). I'm trying to get my younger kids to come with me but they aren't really up for it.
I know the hills around Buda are good for walking but definitely it's more enjoyable and safer to have some partners to go with. Â
There's a good social aspect to the Hash. It's really quirky and the drinking doesn't have to be alcoholic (can be just water). I've been hashing in Muslim countries. So don't be put off, it's all meant to be fun. All life styles and religiosity acceptable.  You meet all sorts of people and in my business which involves being very odd places with lots of expats, you can find some very surprising contacts - you see someone at the Hash a few times and then some random meeting later on, you meet them professionally.  The ice had already been well and truly broken!
Hi St151
You are the only one so far who responded wishing to join. Although there were 2 others who responded, but for some reason they couldn't participate right now.
One person who responded indicated that there is an expat British walking group that already exits. They apparently meet every Sunday at 11:30a at Batthanyi tér metro station, on the promanad just opposite or facing the Parliament.  They typically take scenic routes around the city, and up around the hills. They make pit stops along the way at cafés/bistros then continue on.Â
Although, they only meet once a week, I still wanted to check it out. Last week there was too much commotion going on with Swim world championship right at the same spot, so I didn't go. But I'd still like to check them out, thinking that I could perhaps meet some people who go walking more than once a week. Would you like to meet me there this coming Sunday and we can check them out together?
Hope to hear from you soon...ðŸ’ðŸ»
Would be interested. I am only in Hungary part year and based out at Poroszlo, but have free travel pass.
David Pearce ***
Reason : Do not post your personal contact details on a public forum for your own security
Hi, where can I find details of this walking group?
Hi St152
The group hasn't been formed yet, I'm still trying to get interested parties to join. So far I only had two responses who may be interested.  if you are interested also that would make 4,including me. So that sounds like a good start.  Do you have any suggestions on how to get this walking group off the ground? I thought perhaps we could all meet at a designated area, to get a little acquainted and go from there. Not sure where anyone lives. But I thought I would just pick a popular spot in center of city somewhere to meet and post it on this site with time and date and see who shows up.
Let me know what you think?
Hi, you mentioned a group that already meets?
Yes, but they only meet once a week on Sundays. And they usually make pit stops along their walking routes to have some ale. So, just that you know, I don't have anything against this, it's just that I haven't had a chance to check them out yet,
But, if you are game, they usually meet every Sunday at 11:30a at Batthanyi tér metro station. I believe they are Brits and their group is called the Hash Hatters? They meet on the promanad, facing the parliament across the Danube.Â
I may try to check them out myself this Sunday, depends on my family situation and if it's not too hot.
Isongrad wrote:... I believe they are Brits and their group is called the Hash Hatters? They meet on the promanad, facing the parliament across the Danube.Â
I may try to check them out myself this Sunday, depends on my family situation and if it's not too hot.
They aren't all British although that's the origin. It's any nationality whatsoever and there's no membership system and completely anonymous. Usually you get a silly name which is called your "Hash" name. They are called Hash House Harriers or 3H - Google it! Long long history the world over.
I stand corrected...thank you. I will google them.
I couldn't find them! Do they have a Facebook group?
I believe you may find them here...they are known as Hash House Harriers
St151 wrote:I couldn't find them! Do they have a Facebook group?
If you were there, maybe they weren't noticeable as there was (apparently) an airshow there today or the group is defunct.
I am interested in your walking Group. I am a Hungarian American living in Budapest for a year now.
I can walk easy for long period of time. Still Young so send me information.
St151 wrote:I'm still interested in this
Seems quite difficult to get people involved.
Shame it seems the Hash option isn't progressing (as far as I know).
Hello Fluffy2560
I was trying to send this to a group that expressed interest, but I can't figure out how to send it in a group. This system I'm using won't allow me to copy and paste. I was wondering if you could possibly help me out on this? I'm trying to get this group off the ground but right now I'm trying to get ready to go on a trip and I'm tight on time. Here is what I wrote:
"Some of you expressed interest in participating in a Walking Group. I was hoping to get it together a lot sooner, but unfortunately some family issues overtook my wishes and now I have to travel back to my family to handle certain things. I would like to know if any of you on this distribution would be interested in kicking off the initial meeting while I'm away? There is no reason to wait for me if you all decide to start walking immediately.  I should be back by latter part of this month, so I can join in later.Â
I believe this is a good size to start off the group with potential 6.  Basically we just need to meet each other first and then agree upon a mutually agreeable place and time to meet for walking, at least 2-3 times a week.
Keep me posted if anything develops...😊"
The others that were interested are:
Marilyn Tassy
Thank you.../isongrad
Isongrad wrote:Hello Fluffy2560
I was trying to send this to a group that expressed interest, but I can't figure out how to send it in a group. This system I'm using won't allow me to copy and paste.
No idea how you can do it but sounds like a feature needed. Why not message the operators of this site to ask for that? I hate to say it but Facebook (FB) does that kind of thing for sure. I'm not a fan or member of FB myself as it's intrusive but clearly it has its uses.Â
I actually found the Budapest Hash there - with almost 200 members.
Looks "live" as well:
As I said before - you can just turn up there. There's no membership system. With 200 people in the group, it must be still operating.

Isongrad wrote:I was trying to send this to a group that expressed interest, but I can't figure out how to send it in a group.
Create an Event. Select the event type as "½ûÂþÌìÌà gatherings". Add invitations to those that expressed interest.
The Event creation option is in the "Community" sub menu.
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