

looking to move to cape verde

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Daniella Sgoluppi


My name us Daniella and I am looking to move to cape verde. I don't know where to start and would love some help and advice.

Thank you.


Hi Daniella,

It's hard to give you any useful advice unless you tell us more about yourself and what is your mofive for moving to Cape Verde!


Daniella Sgoluppi wrote:


My name us Daniella and I am looking to move to cape verde. I don't know where to start and would love some help and advice.

Thank you.

Daniella Sgoluppi


I would like to move out there and work I would love to do anything really, I would like to know how to go about finding work and accommodation


Hi Daniella. Sorry for the long delay in replying to your question.

Since no one else replied, I'll fill you in on the basic considerations even though I still don't get why you would simply want to come here to work. First, Cape Verde is a tiny country. There are few jobs available here. Unemployment and underemployment are very high. Typical service jobs pay about 100-250€ per month...hardly a living wage if you are expecting the standard of living you may be accustomed to in developed countries. Professional jobs pay anywhere from 400-800€ but there are normally no such job openings as the few available openings for professionals are quickly filled.

Most of the recently created jobs are in the tourism sector on the tourist-heavy islands of Sal and Boa Vista because of all the recent investments made in the sector. Talk to the business owners there. You cannot write or call them unless you personally know any of the business owners or investors there. Rather, you must physically visit and make personal inquiries about any openings.

For cheap short term accommodations, check AirBNB. For long term accommodations, again, just ask around while you are here looking for work.

On the other islands, there is little hope of landing a job as, literally, thousands of qualified locals can't find any work (and typically immigrate for better opportunities). You would have to speak Portuguese (or krioulu) fluently to even have a chance because that's what your colleagues and clients would speak.

Your best option is to start your own business or service targeting tourists and expats in Sal or Boa Vista (it's really easy to start a business but you'll need money to invest in the business). I would advise against starting a business targeting the locals as they don't have much disposable income.

Hope this helps,


Daniella Sgoluppi wrote:


I would like to move out there and work I would love to do anything really, I would like to know how to go about finding work and accommodation


Hi there Daniella and Angelo,

Please note that this new thread has been created from your posts on the Cape Verde forum for better interaction and visibility.

All the best,