

resignation due to family emergency

sam kannan

Dear sir,

my employment visa expiry on this week & given resign letter last week only due to family emergency by email & medical details also submitted.

but both HR & Me already mutually agreed (Verbal only) one month before visa expiry about my visa cancellation, so that i resigned last week but the date of resignation is one month before as per resign letter.

now HR telling your resignation under process & you should continue your duty until exit from company.

but now we dont have any projects, management forcing me to work for other division, which is PDO site (i am not interested to renew my visa due to family problems, will PDO allow me to work  without labour card & Expired visa)

See also

General visa requirements for OmanHow to get passport and visa for a newborn in OmanI lost my Oman visaVisa cancellationGamca unfit

Hi sam kannan,

You cannot work without a valid employment visa and a resident card.

If your employer is refusing to let go of you and is forcing you to work elsewhere, it is clearly against the Oman labour laws.

As an expatriate living in a foreign land, you have every right to complain about the illegal activities of your employer :

(i) at the Ministry of Manpower, in person, and through their website,
(ii) at the Indian Embassy in Muscat.