para estudiar , trabajar y tener una familia .
Average Czech Republic
Cost of living in Czech Republic is 34.78% lower than in Germany (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account).
Rent in Czech Republic is 36.90% lower than in Germany (average data for all cities).
Brno :
Four-person family monthly costs: 1,604.50€ (41,794.46Kč) without rent (using our estimator).
A single person monthly costs: 466.27€ (12,145.64Kč) without rent.
Cost of living index in Brno is 33.96% lower than in Berlin.
Cost of living rank 369th out of 516 cities in the world.
Brno has a cost of living index of 48.67
Four-person family monthly costs: 1,729.54€ (45,051.36Kč) without rent (using our estimator).
A single person monthly costs: 510.31€ (13,292.69Kč) without rent.
Cost of living index in Prague is 29.29% lower than in Berlin.
Cost of living rank 349th out of 516 cities in the world.
Prague has a cost of living index of 52.11.
Karlovy Vary
You would need around 48,606.17Kč in Karlovy Vary to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 48,000.00Kč in Hradec Kralove (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare cost of living. This assumes net earnings (after income tax). You can change the amount in this calculation.
Consumer Prices in Karlovy Vary are 3.21% higher than in Hradec Kralove
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Karlovy Vary are 1.26% higher than in Hradec Kralove
Rent Prices in Karlovy Vary are 5.58% lower than in Hradec Kralove
Restaurant Prices in Karlovy Vary are 10.04% higher than in Hradec Kralove
Groceries Prices in Karlovy Vary are 6.29% higher than in Hradec Kralove
Local Purchasing Power in Karlovy Vary is 20.20% lower than in Hradec Kralove
You would need around 48,606.17Kč in Karlovy Vary to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 48,000.00Kč in Hradec Kralove (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare cost of living. This assumes net earnings (after income tax). You can change the amount in this calculation.
Hradec kralove
You would need around 48,026.29Kč in Hradec Kralove to maintain the same standard of life that you can have with 54,000.00Kč in Brno (assuming you rent in both cities). This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent Index to compare cost of living. This assumes net earnings (after income tax). You can change the amount in this calculation.
Indices Difference Info
Consumer Prices in Hradec Kralove are 6.60% lower than in Brno
Consumer Prices Including Rent in Hradec Kralove are 11.06% lower than in Brno
Rent Prices in Hradec Kralove are 23.82% lower than in Brno
Restaurant Prices in Hradec Kralove are 15.66% lower than in Brno
Groceries Prices in Hradec Kralove are 8.57% lower than in Brno
Local Purchasing Power in Hradec Kralove is 0.44% higher than in Brno
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