

Do and don't in the Reunion Island

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Are you living in the Reunion Island? We need you to share your experience of the local customs :)

Is it difficult to adjust to the local customs in the Reunion Island?

Could you please share with us a list of the do's and don't's in the Reunion Island?


See also

Living in Reunion Island: the expat guideFrom Italy to Reunion IslandNew in Reunion - keen to meet English speakersMoving to la RéunionMoving to La Réunion : any info about bringing pets and shipment

Say hello
Don't think that english is something precious that you can' t possibly share !!!


Well...I wouldn't say it is difficult to adjust to local customs, it's just different !

Drink rum and stop the beer  :cool:
Kiss the people (on the cheek) when you meet them for the 2nd time  :par:
Be direct when you like or dislike something  :dumbom:

And, above all, enjoy the food !!!

Cheers !


oh you can drink beer but only "dodo"; :D   rhum is drunk by the eldest (gramoun in creole) both drinks are good for the economy  ;)
I'm trying hard to figure out the do's and don't... :unsure i must admit it's pretty hard !! :cheers:



I wrote a blog post a while back about what NOT to do in Reunion - you can read it here:


Nice tips for everyday life. Thanks heap :top:  ....I quite like the idea of living in a tiny island lost in the huge indian ocean but not so tiny eventually (2.5K km2) & with plenty of new friends (the sharks)  :lol:

What about customs at work ? Would you have any recommendations to work smoothly with Reunionese people ?


Make sure you always greet all your colleagues when you arrive at work in the morning! Very important!