

Boca Chica????

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Hi all!

As some of you may know, my wife and I just spent two months+ in Punta Cana and loved it. We are looking at going to the north coast (Sosua/Cabarete) for at least a month in January. We also met a great couple in PC that are going to Boca Chica for a few months beginning in December. They suggested that we spend sometime there as well.

I haven't seen anything about Boca Chica in the DR forums and was hoping that some of you may be able to provide some insight. If we go, it would be to see if this is a potential location for us to move to permanently. We  know that it's close to Santo Domingo (which I'm sure has some advantages and some disadvantages).

Any thoughts you can share with us on Boca Chica would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!


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Greetings. When it comes to Boca Chica, it depends where in Boca Chica you go, it does attract a lot of tourists, but it also has a reputation for being a sort of red light district as well.  Boca Chica is one of those places where you simply have to go and experience it for yourself, some love it, and others refuse to set foot there again. Take the trip and let us know what you think.

Bob K

Not one of the "great places" to live or spend time.  Great place for entertaining local "girls"

Bob K


It is close to SD and attracts locals and tourists. Many of the restaurants are massive ripoffs taking advantage whenever they can.

Several recent arrests in child prostitution, many issues with drugs etc there. Being on the beach you will struggle with aggressive vendors and high prices as well.

For me - not a place I would consider.

Juan Dolio is 20 minutes away and a different ambiance entirely.


BC is just like every other place in that it has its good and bad points.  A good point I noticed there was that it's the only place I've seen where the main drag is closed off at nite as a pedestrial mall. Nice for people watching.


Old Thread but this cartoon from El Dia today relates to articles in the press yesterday of contamination of  the beaches of Boca Chica with fecal matter at high levels.

Boca Chica Beach is revealed to be highly contaminated with fecal matter


Put that on the thread for water that I started today please!  This is disgusting


I grew up very close to Boca Chica. Even though I left the country 20 years ago and things might have changed, I have gone back to visit and it is not a place where I would move. After careful evaluation, we selected Las Terrenas instead.


My Dominican friends are alerting me ....many robberies in Boca Chica now......I live in Juan Dolio .....and very happy there....much better beach too


parrottguy1 wrote:

My Dominican friends are alerting me ....many robberies in Boca Chica now......I live in Juan Dolio .....and very happy there....much better beach too

Goverment took samples of the water in 8 points of Boca Chica Beach, and the contamination level  are under the Maxium acepted  for swimming, INAPA minister was interview in the program El Gobierno de la mañana in the radio station Z101.  I was listerning the program this morning.


Here is the Z101 written report of that mentioned above:

Inapa studies reveal that Boca Chica beach can be used due to low levels of pollutants

The director of the National Institute of Drinking Waters and Sewers (Inapa), Wellington Arnaud, revealed this Monday that the Boca Chica beach can be used, according to several tests carried out by the body he directs.

In exclusive statements for the Government of the Morning , the official reiterated that of the aforementioned tests, none reaches 300 coliforms, as established by the regulations for human use.

"Thank God, and I want to announce it to the country, 8 tests and none reaches 300 coliforms (...) there are up to a thousand coliforms that are allowed for human use, and none of the 8 tests that have been done reach 300 That is good news, it is good news for the country, "he revealed.

Wellington Arnaud reiterated that as a result of the tests carried out by the entity he directs, in company with the municipal authorities of Boca Chica, it was determined that the aforementioned popular spa does not represent a danger to humans.   

He argued that of the 8 samples, 4 were superficial and the rest were deep, and in none of them could the high pollutant that had been announced by the director of the Water Sector Cabinet, Gilberto Reynoso, be detected.

"Possibly you take a child to bathe in Boca Chica and before 24 hours he has a fever, because it is highly contaminated, loaded with fecal bacteria," Gilberto Reynoso had warned.

Wellington Arnaud recognized the skills of the referred specialist, but reiterated that the popular beach in the municipality of Boca Chica is free of contaminants that block use. 

Also  read : Boca Chica Beach in pictures: second Holy Thursday in the middle of the pandemic
The official assured that by the middle of next year the government plans to start sewerage work in the municipality of Boca Chica.


The director of Inapa affirmed that since his arrival at the institution more than a million Dominicans have been included in the water supply system, as he argued that it is a commitment of President Luis Abinader.

"For us and our team it is a great privilege to work on such a sensitive issue as the issue of water (...) we have included more than a million Dominicans in the system," he said.

Now read:

coli levels at designated swimming beaches should not exceed 88 per 100 milliliter (mL) in any one sample, or exceed a three-sample geometric mean average over a 60-day period of 47/100 mL. Recreational waters that are not designated beaches should not have more than 406 E.


Of course they have to say it is within acceptable limits but by what standards? Read for yourself and decide.




Yeah, not sure how much I trust their testing. The damage has been done to an extent. Meaning I will not be splashing around there any time soon....


I agree. Not going swimming there any time soon. 

I also question the standards we are measuring against!


planner wrote:

I agree. Not going swimming there any time soon. 

I also question the standards we are measuring against!

Well, then I must be a Boca Chica Beach survivor, lol, swim there many times.  Lets see what more come,


Riva31 wrote:
planner wrote:

I agree. Not going swimming there any time soon. 

I also question the standards we are measuring against!

Well, then I must be a Boca Chica Beach survivor, lol, swim there many times.  Lets see what more come,

I also don't swim in several beaches on the north coast.  If you understand where the sewage dumps you don't swim downstream.

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