forming an organization called american friends of uganda
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a group to find support for orphans in uganda
FRIENDS OF ORPHANS REVIVAL MINISTRIES [FOP-REV] a fully registered NGO and an implementing agency of various programs. That is to say health education, advocacy for rights of marginalized groups such as low income women, children in danger. The ngo is located in Kirinya, Kira town council and it is keen to serves and improves the lives of the most poor in the community of Wakiso. FOP-REV is both registered as a community based organization and non governmental charitable organization registration number WCBO/510/10 and NGO REGISTRATION NUMBER s.5914/8626.
The secretariat of the organization is found at Bombay Kirinya, Namataba Bukasa road in Kira town council
Fop-rev's main aim is to fight illiteracy, prevent disease, poverty in the community through provision of support and aid to children and care givers from impoverished families and those impended by financial difficulties, due to a number of challenges. We base on this mandate that we continue to come up with community projects that will help the community in the fields of education, health, sports, social economic, social support, community awareness raising projects that aim at changing behavior of people and promoting gender balance and changing lives of the most vulnerable in the community.
The organization was founded on 3rd march by a group of heart felt volunteers who saw lives of orphans being that which was so hard for them. The children hard no future. They lacked all most of the basic needs, welfare, discrimination, stigma by HIV/AIDS and its effects in their own communities. The organization was founded to mobilize funds to support the needy and most vulnerable in Wakiso and reduce malaria spread, advocate for the rights of marginalized people such as HIV positive children, low income women abused children
''A World without HIV, Malaria, and Violation of Rights''
FO-REV exists t o contribute to the National Processes of Preventing HIV Infection, Malaria, Advocacy for the Rights of most Marginalized Women, Orphans &Other
* To support and educate orphans and other vulnerable so that they can realize their life to fullness
* To advocate for just and human laws that guarantee human rights respect and observance.
* To encourage low income women to participate in income generating activities to improve on the hold income which improves the lives of the most poor and lives of OVC'S.
* HIV /aids prevention activities
* HIV/aids education and community sensitization
* HIV prevention among the adolescents /reproductive health programs
* Condom distribution
* Family planning
* Home based HIV counseling and testing
* Individual counseling
* Malaria prevention through provision of mosquito nets to those who need them most
* Social support to orphans and vulnerable children [OVC'S]
* Child protection
* Research and advocacy
* Women's crafts project
* Student's placement /internship
1. Friends who can support activities of the organization
2. God father to guide the organization
3. Financial assistance to support day to day activities
4. Technical person to help write proposals and other documents
5. Friends to join as director to support the running of the organization and share same vision with the founder members
6. Sourcing friends of fop-rev from abroad to fund raise for organization
7. Finance to start income generating activities for the low income women and orphans
8. Land for office development
9. Person to lobby money from ministries. Embassies. Funders etc
FOP-REV products and services
Charitable fund- foprev offers a number of charitable funds that can be tailor made to meet each donor’s philanthropic intent. The minimum contribution necessary to create a “named” fund is $ 5,000. Donors may make a gift to an existing named in amount. Such funds include:
* Unrestricted Fund - unrestricted funds allow the fop-rev board the flexibility to address important needs over a long period of time. They are permanent endowment funds, which means are not depleted, grow over time to provide support where Wakiso community needs are deemed to be the greatest. The total collection of unrestricted funds comprises the fop-rev community impact fund, which provides funding for grass root non profit organizations through a competitive grant application process.
* Field of interest fund -The fop-rev field of interest fund provides permanent funding for a cause within a special field of charitable interest. For example, fop-rev pools donations to “The women’s fund”, and the board of directors determine how it is grant are distributed to women’s organizations that address issues facing women and girls in Wakiso district and Kira town council.
* Donor advised fund - with this fund, donors make recommendations to the foundation concerning which programs they want to support, thereby maintaining a more active role in how their charitable gifts are invested in the community. Donor advised fund may be established as a permanent endowment ( a portion of which is granted annually) or as pass- through fund, through which all or part of the fund balance may be granted.
* Designated fund – donors with strong ties to specific organizations may want to create a designated fund, in which they specifically name charitable programs for which the fund will provide a source of steady income during and beyond their life time.
* Non profit endowment fund – a charitable organization (or an individual on behalf of a charitable organization may) may create an endowment with fop-rev foundation to support the agency’s mission. such endowment receive expert investment management and portfolio leverage by pooling funds with FOP-REV’S 1,000,000 in asset
Philanthropic services – in addition to providing charitable funds that help donors match their passion and dreams with programs that make the greatest charitable impact, fop-rev also provides philanthropic services to assist the donor and their professional advisors. Such services include:
· Strategic planning to help develop a donor’s philanthropic mission and goals.
· Staff expertise to ensure that all grants support legitimate charitable organizations
· Public recognition that donors deserve, unless otherwise directed
· Consultation, financial illustrations and sample documents on the variety of ways to carry out philanthropic intent. Includes charitable gift planning for flexible, efficient and tax- advantaged gifts that make difference today, as well as deferred gift for the future
· Information summaries on variety of community issues and specific giving opportunities in the Wakiso community. upon request, fop-rev will offer site visits , briefings and invitations to prospective grantee meetings.
What is the fop-rev vision? (“Look back from 2010”)
Fop-rev envisions that Wakiso communities are remarkable places to live, learn, to work and to raise a family; communities wherein citizens are recognized for their philanthropic support of their neighbours in need.
Fop-rev board members and staff envision the building of an adequate financial assets base that assists non profit organizations by granting sufficient funds to them meet their service delivery goals
Fop-rev “vision priorities” seek to:
* Promote philanthropy through efforts that inspire residents to give to charitable organization
* Develop the capacity of non profits organization to make systemic change (focused, strategic.” at the root of the problem”)
* Provide funds to non profit organizations that respond to basic needs of incorporating system- wide changes that improve the quality of life in the areas of health, education, community development, human and social services and arts and culture.
* Support programs and projects that encourage innovation and strengthen capacities with the diverse, multi- cultural communities of Wakiso district
Marketing and Communications
Marketing and communications effort directly facilitate and support the overall mission and should include measurable anticipated outcomes. Objectives typically include : identifying the public audience to be targeted ; behavior to be altered ; the level/ amount we want to change; and the time frame when this should will occur .
What do want to achieve through marketing & communications effort?
* Implement an on- going series of educational opportunities for board and staff regarding fop-rev products, services, policies and tools for promoting the foundation.
* Build greater brand awareness of fop-rev programmes and services among key financial advisers and other targeted audiences through logo and collateral materials, including various print and online communications
* Increase the number of personal relationships with professional advisers through out the Wakiso district by positioning fop-rev as primary philanthropic resource for charitably – inclined clients
* Increase media coverage to highlight philanthropy with in general, show casing donor stories on specific products and services as well as stories about the foundationÂ’s grant awards to programs that improve the regionÂ’s quality of life
* Maximize media opportunities with radio and television stations to share programs and discuss strategic and vision priorities
* Develop a donor recognition system , and educate board members , staff, donors and prospective about its level and benefits
* Enhance the fop-rev mailing list to reach high –net worth – individuals in Wakiso community with an average of 7 impression through media, advertising, direct mail and email
* Source new funds from current and prospective donors to target & 200.000 and asset base of 5,000,000/= UGX
* Increase publicity for philanthropy in general by announcing annual awards and other major fop-rev activities on or around national philanthropy day on November 15
* Support non profit organizations through programs and workshops that increases understanding of the role that philanthropy play in strengthening their respective mission, and the way fop-rev can assist in their overall development.
Yours truly,
Isuubi Richard Moses
+256 775236388
we are seeking a group of donors to support orphans to go to schhol, clothes. build a school for orphans and form a group called friends of orphans