

The best apps for expats in Mexico

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We invite you to share information regarding some of the apps that have helped to facilitate your move abroad in Mexico. This will help expats-to-be who are making the move as well.

Which apps did you use while preparing your move to Mexico?

What apps do you use the most for your everyday life in Mexico: whether it's for transport, managing finances, general information, learning the language of your host country, leisure activities, etc.?

How does this technology help you in your everyday life as an expat?

Which apps would you recommend to expatriates in Mexico and why?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


See also

Phones and Internet in MexicoMobile phone plans in MexicoVPN for watching US TVCell phone service in San Miguel de AllendeSim cards in Mexico

At the top of my list continues to be Duolingo's apps. I speak Spanish, but I still use it every day to refresh and now I am learning German. Free is nice but I now have the paid version because it is not expensive and offers off line options.
Google translate is often very useful for working out spelling and sentence structure.
Waze is a good GPS app on my phone , a lot of the standard GPS don't work too well in Mexico.
Currency converter for obvious reasons

And Booking .com to help with the where , how much. and what do they have  part of travel. It takes a lot of the stress out of travel. I know what to expect they know what to expect. I don't get somewhere , booked next to a smoker, and having no parking.


I have berm told many in Mexico also use Whatsapp to communicate. It requires internet connection but allows you to not only text but also telephone to US "free" so you don't use any minutes/data from your cell phone plan,  etc.


Jan2017 wrote:

I have berm told many in Mexico also use Whatsapp to communicate. It requires internet connection but allows you to not only text but also telephone to US "free" so you don't use any minutes/data from your cell phone plan,  etc.

Are you sure Whatsapp  requires internet ? I use it not only in the house, but when I am traveling. I prefer the text option, but I have had no problem using it anywhere I go.

I also get free calls to the U.S. with telcel as  my phone service. The car is fully hooked up with GPS and the hands free phone concept so I have to fight with it about who will answer the phone, Whatsapp doesn't communicate with the car which is fine with me. Years of having to be available 24/7 by phone has made me very selective about calls, with a preference for not doing it as much as possible  :lol:


travellight wrote:
Jan2017 wrote:

I have berm told many in Mexico also use Whatsapp to communicate. It requires internet connection but allows you to not only text but also telephone to US "free" so you don't use any minutes/data from your cell phone plan,  etc.

Are you sure Whatsapp  requires internet ? I use it not only in the house, but when I am traveling. I prefer the text option, but I have had no problem using it anywhere I go.

I also get free calls to the U.S. with telcel as  my phone service. The car is fully hooked up with GPS and the hands free phone concept so I have to fight with it about who will answer the phone, Whatsapp doesn't communicate with the car which is fine with me. Years of having to be available 24/7 by phone has made me very selective about calls, with a preference for not doing it as much as possible  :lol:

You are correct! It works on your data plan for calls or text if wifi isn't available.  But if you have internet access you can text or voice call without charge to your data plan,  etc. From what we have read the real reason for using it (instead of Messenger, etc),  is because so many others are already on it, particularly in Mexico, so communication with your doctor's or friends will be less hassle.

Know what you mean about a little time away from contact by everyone :). Back in the day my brother's wife once threw his pager in the toilet. Would be kind of expensive to throw a cellphone in there!


Just to be clear, your data plan is Internet!


Hi Priscilla,

I am having problem here in Hermosillo, Sonora looking for people to work.

1) Chinese translator from Chinese to Spanish.

2) Chinese Administrator assistant to CEO.

If you come across some one that interested to work here in Hermosillo, do
let me know highly appreciated.

Thanks you


Hi Alfred,

I suggest you use the jobs section at the top of the page to look for potential employees to assist you.




No apps, no smart phone. We got what at the time was called a Deed Of License from a company
called The National Pen Company 25 years ago. Went there on vacation. Loved it and then we
bought property. when we retired we moved there and never looked back.


I use Duolingo too. It is great, except has a lot of words to memorize that I will never use.


I need info. on using my car from Minnesota usa. How long can I keep my plates? My car is twenty years old with a street value of 500.00 us .


bothner06 wrote:

I use Duolingo too. It is great, except has a lot of words to memorize that I will never use.

You would be surprised at the words you will use.
as for your car it might be more cost effective to sell it. You will have to pay import if you want to go beyond the border. The money will be refunded when you return to the U.S., but the car cannot stay here. If you think the car has only one trip left in it , it would be less expensive to sell it in the U.S. and use that money for your trip.


Yea :D I live in Ireland I would not bring it haha. I mean if I would be able to use my licence (EU licence) to buy a car maybe and drive on it or would I need to do another licence... dreading it ;-)
I love my car but it would not be paying to bring it especially as it is a right hand drive...


Kerryspirit wrote:

Yea :D I live in Ireland I would not bring it haha. I mean if I would be able to use my licence (EU licence) to buy a car maybe and drive on it or would I need to do another licence... dreading it ;-)
I love my car but it would not be paying to bring it especially as it is a right hand drive...

Excellent reasons not to bring your car. I used my U.S. license , to get a license here you have to have a long term visa, not a visitor visa. As a visitor you can rent a car and drive around with your current license..


So if you are wishing to settle here you need a mexican licence did I understand right? Well I need to figure out first how long the visa is which the employer will organise as I plan to stay and work here not only for a summer but probably for long(er) term... ;-)


The visitor visas are 6 months usually, so that should give you time to think about it. Before it expires you can cross the border and return to renew it for 6 more months


All the apps I use are already listed in this thread, so I will simply add that you should swap your sim card (you may have to root or jail break your phone first) so you're not roaming.  Also find out who the best local provider is and use their service.  For example, I'm in an area with TelCel and Movil but the former gets much better connection (at least here in this area).


Yes, I think it might be better to switch the terms to WiFi and/or phone's data plan. It is at any rate a handy app.


We have used WhatsApp, Waze, Google Maps, XMSirius, Echo and Expedia apps for information on our move and use to Cabo. WhatsApp we have used with discussions from all around the world.

The only negative about WhatsApp is in regards to strength and/or speed of WIFI/internet connection. If access is not good enough, texting is best.

Currently, we are going through the process of submitting for Temporary Residency via our local Mexican Consulates Office. Foreign plated vehicles are not permitted to stay permanently (unless you are a diplomat) in Mexico and must be returned.


Hi, which currency converter app are you using? There many to choose from, and I wonder which one is most highly regarded for use in Mexico. Thank you.




Some of my favorites;
Duolingo, TinyCards, SayHi, Google Translate, Google Maps

and Yelp, Skype, WhatsApp, Steps,
... and Vivino  ; )

...also I get unlimited data using Facebook and Twitter  on my Telcel package



Michael108 wrote:


...also I get unlimited data using Facebook and Twitter  on my Telcel package


Michael, does your TelCel package allow tethering or hotspot use to another device, such as a laptop or tablet? If allowable, is that an extra charge? Also, if allowed, is your tethering/hotspot data limited separately from your main data plan?


IDK. I haven't moved yet. My company uses AT&T.


thanks for the info.  We are not moving for a year but already use the Dulingo and Tiny Cards.


Priscilla wrote:



Which apps would you recommend to expatriates in Mexico and why?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


Just wondering, Priscilla: Any plans to roll out an Expats.com app in the future?




OceanBeach92107 wrote:
Priscilla wrote:



Which apps would you recommend to expatriates in Mexico and why?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


Just wondering, Priscilla: Any plans to roll out an Expats.com app in the future?



One can hope not, things are busy and complicated enough.

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