

uvita/ojochal internet


hello -

just another typical request about internet services  :|

so we are currently visiting family that rents in the compo or coffee farm area outside san isidro
they just acquired claro satellite tv/internet  (through a tico) and the service is good enough for me to day trade

what I'm missing (because she didnt set things up) is how does one go about getting an acct with claro if an expat? this is a work in progress and Im not being lazy just using a poke at all resources at once approach

fwiw we are trying to get ahold of that tico for the acct setup details, they dont live onsite

our situation is this, we may have just snagged a decent rental in the uvita area but there's no internet so I'm trying to get that claro dish service moving now so it'll be ready to use the next few weeks, possibly

we'll get over the mountain tomorrow to visit tinamastes market and the beach, so i'll try to update this post with more details afterwards

if anyone can contribute to this approach or a better one for uvtia area internet feel free

this is definitely not simple topic to weed through so please forgive any confusing information I just provided


See also

Phones and Internet in Costa RicaStarlink Internet AccessMobile phone plans in Costa RicaWi-Fi/Internet coverageTELEVISION IN COSTA RICA

Sometimes, these companies will not let a 'tourist' sign up for an account. Ask your Tico friends to inquire about this. ICE will not permit a 'tourist' to get a land line to access the 'net, until a legal Resident.

You could try


You may find the same issue with attempting to get Claro TV.  We are permanent residents and we had to pay a year in advance for the first year of service.  After that it was monthly.  Not sure what they will allow with a non-resident.  You may have to find a Tico friend that is willing to put it in their name.

- Expat Dave


So we have been blessed with a situation where an expat was able to setup a kolbi Wi-Fi service for us. Its good enough to work on for now until we get a long term living situation arranged.

Thanks to all for the responses and recommendations.