

Iraq English schools.

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Hello everyone,

I'm currently in the progress of moving to Kurdistan. Are there any schools hiring? Are there any private companies that teach English or have English tutors?  Salaries?



Yes there are several private schools with good payment for native english speakers. Also, there are many institute who hire native speakers to teach english.

you can find companies to hire you too, it depends on what your skill and what do you want to work in .

there are some of them, I cant list them all but I just give you an example

1. AUIS, American university of iraq suleimania .
they hire people with master degree to teach english with salary 4000-6000  dollars

2. cheufat school , salary: 3000-6000

you just need to get in contact with them.. let me know if you need further help



I would just like to know the average salary of a teacher in an international school in Kurdistan. I have a bachelor's degree and CELTA. I also have over 3 years of teaching experience. I also like to know the safety level in Dohuk.


Average salary in an international school in kurdistan start from 2000 US $ to 5000 $ or more.
Duhok is safest city in Iraq and middle east . It is very quite and calm city. You needzero worry about safety there.



I am also moving to Kurdistan this coming August/September. I would like to teach English. I have teaching experience but I am not a native speaker of English. I am from Italy and I speak English fluently. I do hold an American passport. I have been to Kurdistan several times and I am very familiar with the area. Any tips would be appreciated!


Hi Eleonoraga,
Try this website. sabis website.

and american university of iraq sulemani

do you have master or just becchelor?

There are several other schools and unies that want people like you.
Like Komar University, American university in Duhok, and there many ngos and companies that probably find ur skills useful.
try "Find a Job in Kurdistan"  page on facebook

Also, feel free to contact me, I would be glad to help as much as I can


Thank you for your prompt reply! I have a Master's Degree from Great Britain. All your tips are really appreciated. If you have any names of companies and/or NGOs that are hiring, please let me know! I have just joined the group on FB that you mentioned. Thank you!