Hi Priscilla,
There are some Guinean recipes in this link below, as well as recipes from a few other West African countries.
There is one Guinean dish that I had once while on a visit to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in August 2019 at a friend's place that I really, really enjoyed. It was a sauce made from sweet potato leaves with a little bit of meat, and served with rice.
There is a recipe in the link above for the Sweet potato leaf sauce: Leaf Sauce, Sweet Potato (Maffi Hakko Bantura). I am definitely keen to try this recipe at home. I will once I find a place that sells sweet potato leaves. I live in Wellington, New Zealand where it's more common for one to find sweet potatoes available in shops and markets as opposed to finding sweet potato leaves.
Does anyone else have any favorite Guinean foods or favorite recipes?