

How long will my work pass (EP, S-Pass, WP) application take

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@Aagya Only you alone can decide what your preferences are and which risks you are willing to take.

But, as we have explained many times before, company B cannot apply as there is an application from company A ongoing - it needs to be completed or cancelled first!


The MoM system is still showing invalid. Company A has not been able to appeal online and they have again written to enterprise singapore for help. dont know if Company B can apply in between.


Hi everyone,

This forum help me a lot during my waiting for EP approval.

My appreciation to share my journey as well.

Hope it does some little help to people in similar situation.

Workpass Type: EP

Experience: 20 yrs

Salary: 20K+

Application Submission: 17-Nov

Approved: 11-Dec

In-between status always showed "Pending"

MOM updated on 27-Nov "We need more time to review"

(never request for additional doc, didn't need other agency input, nor any vetting agency)

Current job: company director for a startup overseas without any fixed salary.

Previously had been working in Singapore for two reputable MNC total 12 yrs as a EP holder first, then ex-PR, and left Singapore for more than 8 yrs. PR expired and unable to renew in time. Renounced PR in 2018 and returned blue IC card to ICA but didn't withdraw CPF.

Somewhat the approval took a little over 3 weeks after submission.


Hello, is anyone employer utilizing DataFlow for authenticating qualifications? How much time does the process typically take? Both of my universities are listed in the MOM dropdown. I read the company cant apply EP without this authenticated first? Thank you


Hello Everyone,

Just want to update my EP process

EP Submitted: 5th October 2023

MoM give an update on 20th October 2023 that they need 3 more weeks to evaluate the case

More than 3 weeks from 20th October, EP Still Pending

EP Rejected: 11th December 2023, both MoM and Employer couldn't  give me the reason

EP Appeal: 12th December 2023

EP Approved: 27th December 2023

Total EP processing time: 83 days.

This is my 2nd EP, my first EP got approved within 13 working days or 17 days on 2022.

Hope everyone got their EP approved and hope your patience will be worth it in the end.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



What is the reason for the rejection ?Did you mange to find the reason ?

Since you could not find the reason for the rejection, how did you appeal ?

Did you/ company submit any additional documents ?

Any insight information would be very much helpful as My Ep got rejected in the appeal stage without proper reasons


My Ep got rejected in the appeal stage without proper reasons

MoM itself defines the approval criteria - and they don't break their own rules.

So I can assure you that all rejections (incl. yours) are for "proper" reasons!


Here is my experience with EP (first one) for reference:

EP submitted on Dec 14th

EP approved on Dec 28th


Hi everyone, this forum help me to get better understanding about the whole work pass applying process while i'm still waiting for my appeal result.

Here's my background, i'm Indonesian 30 yo, got a degree with 6 years working experience. few weeks ago i accepted an offer from a company in Singapore.  They handle all the process from checking my eligibility with SAT ( I'm eligible), compile all the document needed and finally applying for the Spass on 28/12/23 the result came earlier than i thought it would be, the company HR inform me about the rejection on 02/01/24 without specific reason from MoM, and told me that they are writing in to appeal, but as i read from this forum an appeal seems to be useless when you cant adress and resolve the issue, so far the company did not request any additonal documents from me for the appeal

Just want to share my story while still hoping to get the approval. Hoping everyone the best of luck!


@thyeri what is your background? i applied around the same time till now no update


My education background is not so linear with the job that I have applied for but I have 2 years of experience in a reputable company that matches the job I applied and got an offer in SG. In total I have 7 yoe but maybe in less related role than the job I applied. Could this be a problem for an EP given other framework fulfilled?

My prospective company applied for EP/S Pass 4th Jan and the status on my side, when I checked is still Pending. Does the EP status check that we do on our end give other info as well as mentioned in other replies or just the short status.


Ho everybody whoever was followng my EP SP application.

i wanted to share that my SPass got approved on 23rd December after 4 months of struggle.



@Aagya Congrats. Is that EP or S-pass? There is a difference




Just want to share some good news,

My employer submits my EP/S Pass application on 4th Jan

Shows 'Pending' on 4th Jan

Shows 'Valid' on 19th Jan early morning


@firewarden wow congratulations my EP submitted on 22 December still showing as pending :( can my employer be able to appeal is it? please advice?



I am not an expert in this but it seems from previous post, your employer may appeal if you got a rejection. Pending is just waiting



hmm okay thanks for the update.


This is to give heads up to everyone who are loosing their hope on the outcome of their applications .. different applicant has its different story..

s pass applications : 18/1 5:35pm

approved : today 19/1/2024

just keep your hope..Be patient..if happened to me , youll be next..



What's your job ? Is it listed under shortage occupation list(SOL)  skills ?

Just want to know whether we can apply for an s pass to a candidate who is working on a skill which is listed under SoL .


@Malaptul Please note that user names are automatically changed to "GuestPosterXXXX" when someone deletes their account on this page. So you will not receive a reply!


Just want to share my super long-awaited happy news.

My EP has finally been approved today after 133 days 1f601.svg

06-10-2023 : EP/S pass applied

18-10-2023 : HR received email from MOM that the application is still in process

15-11-2023 : EP rejected. MOM mentioned that it's because of inconsistencies between the educational qualification information declared in the application and the verification proof submitted.

11-12-2023 : Appeal submitted

11-12-2023 till 05-01-2024 : the record never showed up on MOM website despite HR mentioning that they had received an email receipt of the new document that had been submitted for the appeal on 11/12.

05-01-2024 : HR helped to call MOM and MOM put up a case for investigation.

17-01-2024 : new record showed up on MOM website. It showed 'pending'.

16-02-2024 : EP has been approved.

Lesson learnt:

before submitting your education verification report, make sure to put the correct MOM verification number.

Just to share a few examples:

Avvanz supposed to start with AV*

Cisive supposed to start with CV*

Dataflow supposed to start with DF*

RMI supposed to start with RM*

The report that I submitted had the wrong verification number. Instead of the MOM's one, the report showed the internal verification number used by the verification company.

Another one is, Just be patient and keep your hopes up. Nothing is impossible 1f601.svg

This is my 2nd EP. The first one was approved in 19 days back in 2020.


Hi All,

I received a new job offer in feb, and my company applied for my s-pass on the 8th of March 2024. Today is my second week but it is still pending.

Is there anyone currently on the same boat? My previous s-pass/EP took me (exact) 1 month. So just wondering what’s the current timeline for this application.



@minzsut has it been approved by now ?


@hyron020192 Yes, it has! Here’s my timeline.

8/3/24 : Application Submitted

16/3/24 : Still Pending

23/3/24 (12am) : Application is approved.

Around 2 weeks of processing, 10 working days :)


I had signed an offer letter with the company and just waiting for the IPA letter. However, i'm curious about it because everytime I check it on the MOM website it shows "No record found". Is there any instance that you can't check the status of your work permit online? Can you guide me on this?


@rchlrdc Does "waiting for the IPA" mean that your work pass is already approved? (Only then an IPA can be issued.)

In any case, your company should contact MoM to check on this. All existing applications and passes are visible in EPOnline!


@rchlrdc If you just signed an employment contract with the company and there is no application visible in MoM's system, then the company has probably not yet applied for your work pass. Ask them!


@beppi signed it around 2 weeks ago. how long does the processing for the work permit would take? I saw on the form that it would take around 5 weeks. Does it take that long?


@rchlrdc It can take anywhere between two weeks and two months (in some cases even longer) AFTER the employer has submitted all required documents - and based on your observation, this might not be the case yet.

MoM will send an acknowledgement, that the application has been received, to the employer within ten days of submission. Ask your employer if they already received this!


@beppi i see. The HR department wasn’t replying much so I’m constantly checking it through the work pass status check from the MOM website using my passport No. Anyway, i’ll just ask them again. Thanks!


@rchlrdc It takes a few days after submission to be entered into MoM's system (and being visible there). No application shown means either not submitted yet, or you are within those few days - or there is an error on MoM's part (which is very rare).

Are you sure you logged in correctly?I heard that the EPOnline system is no longer accessible for job-seekers (only for employers).

The processing time (usually 4 - 8 weeks) only starts after the application is in the system.


@beppi i’m checking it through this website: I can’t check it through EP online as you need to register through singpass or something. I’m hardly having a hard time since HR don’t usually update on the status of my application and not even replying on my emails so i’m kind of paranoid. They will just send you an email if there are something that needs to be accomplish other than that no replies at all.

so i’m still on the waiting game 😅


@rchlrdc This site is for checking on illegal workers - it shows only issued and valid passes.

There is no point doing that in your situation!

It used to be (and I am not sure if that is still true) that job-seekers can log into EPOnline with their application number (which later becomes your FIN number), which is issued and sent to the employer when the application enters the system. Ask them for it!

But if they don't respond, there is nothing you can do but wait (and think whether this is the right employer for you - this kind of treatment is likely to continue!).


@beppiI Ohhh. I understand now. Thank you so much for clarifying! I’ll just try my best to check with my employer if not i’ll just wait patiently. thank you!!


Hi guys  i tried to search any comment or topic regarding this but unable to find what Im looking for 

this topic has been posted multiple time but trying my luck here to find at least answer to my worries 

4/6/2024 -EP/ S Pass applied

25/6/2024 - Received an email from MOM stating that;

As we need to carry out more checks, it will take 3 to 4 months to review your application. Each case will be assessed holistically, taking into account applicant-related criteria, input from other agencies, and whether fair consideration has been given to workers in Singapore.

We will convey the outcome or any additional information to your prospective employer directly.

Just want to ask those who have experienced this. Any chance that I will have a result earlier than 3 months? As my current S pass expiring on 25/7/2024. I can be allowed to stay here legally until 24/8/2024. can i ask for extension by then?

thank you so much for answering  and thanks admin for allowing this post 


@Jinsamir We had similar topics often in the past, and I remember answering one just a few days ago. So I am surprized you didn't find an answer.

In short: MoM estimated processing time is a best guess based on their experience. It could be faster, especially if the "external agencies" (officials, schools and employers in your home country) reply faster than expected.

But it is VERY unlikely that te time shrinks from 3 - 4 months to the one month you still have.

If not having you in time would cause considerable operational problems for your employer, they can apply for a temporary work pass earlier. But your own personal situation is not sufficient to get one.

Once your current pass expires, you get a 30 or 60 days SVP (non-extendable), after which you have to leave Singapore, if the new pass isn't issued yet.



July 1 - application submitted

Rejected at the same day because of my passport copy, sent a clear copy of it.

July 3 - application resubmitted

July 4 - check through MOM website, â€application pendingâ€

Hoping it will be approve soon. 🤞ðŸ»


Just wanna share my experience with EP (first time) for reference:

EP submitted on June 20

EP approved on June 27

around 5 business days.

wish everyone luck. ðŸ‘ðŸ»


Is anyone else facing issues in checking MOM Work Pass status? I've keyed in my details but won't go pass through the submit screen. Thanks

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