

Moving to Addis with a young family and in need of advice

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My family will shortly be relocating to Addis, we have two children who by that time will be be 2 years and 3 months. Although this is not our first time living in Africa it is our first time with children so I currently have a 101 questions. Can anyone help me with the following...........

1) Can anyone recommend a good daycare program for my two year old that would prepare her well for joining ICS at 3?

2) Can anyone recommend how to find a good maid/helper and how things work in this regard? For example; Is it normal in Addis for helpers to live in? Do they manage household stuff/cooking and babysitting or is it more normal to get a nanny as well for babysitting? What is the approx cost/month? Are all helpers Ethiopian or do they come from other countries?

3)I understand that rental houses do not come with curtains. Can I find  curtain fabric& makers/ready made curtain in Addis?

4) Given the age of our children are there any items that I should bring with me as they are not available in Addis?

5)Is it poss/wise to go out walking with a stroller in the neighborhood? I ask as if so I will buy a double stroller.

Sorry for the very long mail and thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

See also

Living in Addis Ababa: the expat guideHow safe is Yabelo?Monthly WagesFamily moving to Addis (short term)About investment Hospital

Welcome on board WendyS ;)

I hope that other members will be able to provide you with useful information in regards to your above queries.



This is a long email, but natural for any expatriate with kids.
Daycare before 3 is available but I do not really know about where.
With regard to school, I propose Bingham Academy as your first and best priority.
Regarding curtains, I know a friend of ours did get curtains for her new apartment from here and it is just perfect. I really do not know how much it costs.
House helpers are locals, and you need one babysitter and another for the kitchen work.
You may need a guard for your house.
You can't have stroller to take your child around. That is sad.


Hello dear friend, first i would like to say welcome to addis. Yes you can get house maid or babe sister. mostly house maids live together and you can find nice curtains in addis. I know some good house maid who speak english and have good exprience and honest so for more information about any thing, email me solbig222@yahoo.com


Wendy, some of the suggestions are true. You can find a babysitter and another one for the kitchen. Guard is also important. No intention to scare you but there are 'break-ins' in Addis.
I am not in Addis at the moment, but born and grew up there.

I just love assisting people, I have asked a friend back home to get together few list of daycare centers (kindergartens) and curtain manufactures with contact numbers. I will get back to you if he send me the list.

Strollers..not common in Addis. But if you rent/buy a house close to Bole, very limited areas though, you might be able to use it. But doing shopping etc...will be difficult with your kids on a stroller.

There are many children shops in Ethiopia, Bole and Piazza area. Don't just expect superior quality stuff but I am pretty much sure you will find lots of things.

All the best


Wendy, the friend came back to me with few details. Here you go...

1. Gibson Youth Acadamy- around Bole   Telephone  0116610150 - one of the best.
2. Dandi Boru School
3. School of Tomorrow
4. Ethio-Parents - around Gerji

The information I got is that Gibson Youth Acadamy is owned by Americans with good management.

There is nothing much about the curtain but he told me that there are some little home made cottage industries. He hasn't sent me any address. I know it is not too much but I suggest you search these small shops when you reach Addis.

All the best Wendy!

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