Hi there, it is very unlikely that you will find direct employment in Portugal, first because of your age and secondly not being able to speak the language but not let that deter you.
Do you drive, that will be essential. You will need to find out because you do not have an EEC driving licence whether you will need to take the test again in Portugal and in that case it would be in Portuguese. It may well be that you can transfer your American driving licence into a Portuguese one. Which ever route one goes down dont expect overnight results. It you obtain an American International licence that should cover you for the first year
Many years ago when i Lived in the UK I was fortunate enough to attain the qualification of an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society of GB. In those days I lived in Jersey Channel Islands, I was the highest qualified photographer in the Channel Islands that did not have their own photographic business. in 1989 my career working for a bank came to an abrupt end with the Big Bang financial crises I lost everything and not being able to find alternative employment I started my own photographic business in the UK which lasted 5 years and returned back to Jersey when the financial climate improved in 1995 and returned back to banking. Between 1995 and 2006 I did not take a single photo and it was not until I came to Portugal on my retirement that the urge to take photos and make very short amateur videos brought me back into photography, nothing serious just for fun photographing local events to circulate with the Expat community
Between 2008 and 2013 I ran my own web site for the purpose of keeping the expats involved what was going on , it all became to much to me , taking photos, making short videos and the web site that I thought to my self what the hell was I doing all this for bearing in mind I came to Portugal to retire so on the 1 January 2014 after giving plenty of notice I closed the whole thing down
It has come yo my notice that in the last two years there has been a big uptake on Americans visiting Portugal for holidays. Numbers have increased through the roof and will continue this way because Portugal has just been nominated the number 1 European holiday destination. Have you given consideration to starting your own web site targeting the American and Canadian market incorporating a travel agency facility. You can include escorted photographic holidays. Just a thought. The summer months will keep you busy running around with American visitors taking hundreds of photos and building up short video material and the winter months can be spent editing your videos and photos for inclusion on your web site. There could also be opportunities to sell some of your material to photo agencies. The opportunities are endless, just to name a few.