

Meat confusion


Hi all

This is going to be a strange one but its one thats perplexing my wife and I.

Three times now we've purchased lamb at Lulu and it seems to be goat meat.
We're well versed with sheep meat and the meat was definitely vastly different. It had a strong odour and funny taste

We clearly asked the staff on several times on each occasion if it was sheep/lamb meat and they assured us it was

Either they're lying or cannot tell the difference between goat and sheep

Anyone else experience similar?

See also

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Hi AndrePrevin,

I've been through the same Lamb-Goat-Mutton issues myself. The staff who served you are not the problem. It is something quite different.

In fact, I still remember like it was yesterday what happened many moons ago.

We tried the Australian Goat meat once (and never, ever again !). While cooking it, the house started reeking so damn awful that we were forced to keep all the doors and windows of the house wide open with the ceiling fans and the A/Cs in full blast for quite some time for the godawful stench to escape !!

The problem you faced is not because of the Lamb or Goat meat, but rather the original place of the meat's origin.

In most larger malls and hypermarkets, you can find meat sourced from a broad variety of far-flung and nearby places like New Zealand, Australia, Pakistan, Somalia and India, of course.

The only way to get the meat you want is to sample a small portion of all the meats. And stick with the one that your palate prefers.

Well, it worked for us.