

thinking of moving to paraguay.. can u help?

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im an american citizen but currently living in the philippines because my retirement is just 1000.00 usd per month. id like to know if 1000 dollars is enough to live there. im alone and dont cook much. also, do i need to renew my visa every 2 months like here in the philippines? any and all input will be greatly appreciated--

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Hi tommieboy999!

I hope other members will be able to advise you soon ;)



With $1000 per month you'll be able to live like a King here PERMITTING you live on property that you own. The moment you start paying rent, it all depends on what's you're rent gonna be.

About your Visa, here you get a 3 months visa, but its far more recommendable to get your residence papers done here if you should decide to live here.Proof of your $1000 pension should be enough to obtain it I would venture to say.The only hackle with that is is that if you use "professional" paper makers they will cost you about $1000, if you do it yourself much much cheaper but you'll have a lot of headaches and will need lots of patience.

Hope that answers your questions.


thank you for your input my friend. that helps!


I also have a retirement income of about the same amount and live quiet well in the Philippines, however we have a house.
I'm also considering moving to Paraguay.  The Philippines is over
populated and the language is difficult to learn.


thanks for your reply roav. other options would be india or malaysia. all 4 of these countries will allow us to live a pretty good life on 1000. per month. but paraguay is much closer to the u.s. and much cheaper to fly back when i want to visit.


You must just not forget one thing, English is not spoken wildly here.


yes i know. since i spent many years living and working in miami, i speak some spanish, but i need to brush up a little


One thing to keep in mind is the falling rate of exchange of the dollar to the PY Gaurani.  Over last year the dollar has lost about 20% to the local currency.  Although it has picked up a little lately it is still at historic lows in PY.  So if your $1,000 a month is an income stream in dollars, it may get harder and harder to make it month to month.


yes. same as here in the philippines. the exchange rate is not what it used to be.. but its still more affordable than living in the u.s.  especially with what that idiotic president is doing to it


That may be so, but still people $1000 US is today G4.000.000. If one lives on one owns property and the need for a flashy life does not exists, then G4 Million is still gonna go a long way here, and even more the further away one lives from the city where of-course like every other place on earth everything is more expensive.

Just my 2 cents.


I've been looking at Huanchaco, Peru but am open to other places.  A big concern is heat and humidity.  Huanchaco has year-round mild weather.  I know Paraguay has cheap electricity so air conditioning not a problem.  If you were trying to convince me Paraguay is the best place to retire to what would you say?  I also gave up on the Philippines due to the crowding and poverty.  What cities/towns should I consider outside of Asuncion?  Beyond Internet I don't need much but I do like going to the movies and eating out.  Are local ladies interested in older Americans?  May still go to the Phils to find a wife and bring her with me.  Hope to hear your opinions, thanks!


Hi,its difficult to live in Montevideo with 1000 dolares except if you buy an appartment.Because to rent a small furnitured appartment costs at least 400 dolares.A good  one no the best costs 550-600 dolares.Its better to go in paraguay where i am planning to move too.Here prices every day goes up.


Malaysia is about the best place in s.e. Asia to retire.  Been there.  India is much to overpopulated like the Philippines.
As far as your u.s. is concerned, that's about the last place on
the planet I would want to visit.


Some other cities near Asunción: Altos, Caacupe, Atyra, Tobati, Aregua, San Bernardino...... Itacurubi.............Bigger but further away: Villarica, Encarnación. I agree, one thousand US$ can provide you a very comfortable life, of course away of luxury, and much better in surround cities to Asunción, which of course are cheaper


roav wrote:

Malaysia is about the best place in s.e. Asia to retire.  Been there.  India is much to overpopulated like the Philippines.
As far as your u.s. is concerned, that's about the last place on
the planet I would want to visit.

I like Penang, but as the O.P. said it's a long way from the States.  With the exception of possibly finding a wife in the Phils I've ruled out S.E. Asia.  I need to visit family in the States regular.


Jfinestra wrote:

Some other cities near Asunción: Altos, Caacupe, Atyra, Tobati, Aregua, San Bernardino...... Itacurubi.............Bigger but further away: Villarica, Encarnación. I agree, one thousand US$ can provide you a very comfortable life, of course away of luxury, and much better in surround cities to Asunción, which of course are cheaper

You've convinced me to order a travel guide from Amazon.  Thanks for the tips!


Actually, living in the philippines is very cheap if you stay in the province. its clean, green and not populated at all. as far as finding a wife.. they will find you!  i was never considered very attractive in the states, but in the philippines, im a rock star! most girls here just want a guy to love and respect them (something filipino men dont do). you can live 10km from a big city and pay 100 usd per month for rent.the only reason i want to live elsewhere is because id like to experience another country before i get too old ..


tommieboy999    going down the same road looking for clean ,green, cheap and safe. i may already be too old.(56) anyway what towns do you suggest i check out  in the philippines to find the right combination of the factors i mentioned?  thanks


even at 56 you will have girls in the 20's trying to be your gf (if thats what you want).. but for clean and green i would say bohol is nice. ive been living here in bohol for 4 months now, its great, but i want more citylife so next month ill be moving to cebu. not the city, but maybe 20km away. i found a great condo for rent at 10,000p per month(200.usd) many foriegners there. you wont look out of place there. ive also lived in manila, cagayan de oro and surigao. but cebu is the place to be for americans..


thank you i will look into it please keep me posted on any changes or something that makes you change your mind again thanks good luck

Jorge Mongelos

HI, I think you'll be able to manage live there quite well with $1000 per month, let me see, $1000 x 4520 Gs= 4.520.000 Gs. yup, that'll make you live a decent live there, as a Paraguayan I can say that paraguayan people are friendly especially towards Foreigners, in fact, they'll put you on a pedestal just for being american. You have to be careful though, Paraguay doesn't have rules that regulate prices on products there, so, if you want to buy things cheaper, you'll have to ask paraguayan friends to do shopping for you, otherwise, paraguayan merchandizers may rise their selling price because they know that dollar has more value than guarani, therefore, they'll try to trick you on prices, but in supermarkets that's not a problem, the problem in supermarkets is that you have to be very careful when you go to the register because cashiers add the"comission," despite that is a nice country to live, people are very friendly and helpful specially with americans, Paraguay has two national languages which are Spanish and Guarani. Guarani is an indian language that we inherited from our ancestors,as well the terere and mate, those are the national drink there by the way, nevertheless, despite the fact that we have two languages we mix them and we speak what we call YOPARA and in the borders with Brasil we mix Spanish, Guarani and Portuguese, that happens in the city where I was born Ciudad del Este and that also happens in Pedro Juan Caballero and our Spanish has Argentinian slang because we have borders with Argentina too, I think you'll be white well living in Ciudad del Este, is kinda like Miami and you have Foz do Iguazu(Brasill) crossing the Puente de la Amistad (Bridge of Frienship) grocery is cheaper there and you have all the electronic an appliances in Ciudad del Este downtown way cheaper than other place, Brazilians, Argentinians go to Ciudad del Este because of that, and you can make friendship with other foreigners like, Arabs, Brazilians, Argentinians, Chinese, Korean, people there because there's a lot of foreingers that has stores there, anyway, I hope you can decide where to go! good luck!


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