Today's Weather
We had 20°C yesterday
Oh great, storm coming in
No storm came or rain. Not that it mattered as I was at work. 😅
It's still rubbish this morning - 10 C, rain expected.Ìý This isn't right for May! It should be about 25 C, sunny and warm.

fluffy2560 wrote:It's still rubbish this morning - 10 C, rain expected.Ìý This isn't right for May! It should be about 25 C, sunny and warm.
Weather.... varies.
That is why I started this topic. To record in real time the weather, but also to keep a historical record (even if it is an incomplete record with time gaps).
Yes, this year is cool. It happens. Similar weather in May was experienced back in 2012. I even posted a blog post about it.
For what it is worth, my lettuce love this weather. I have had the best lettuce crop in years.
My tomato starters, however, are very unhappy.
klsallee wrote:fluffy2560 wrote:It's still rubbish this morning - 10 C, rain expected.Ìý This isn't right for May! It should be about 25 C, sunny and warm.
Weather.... varies.
That is why I started this topic. To record in real time the weather, but also to keep a historical record (even if it is an incomplete record with time gaps).
Yes, this year is cool. It happens. Similar weather in May was experienced back in 2012. I even posted a blog post about it.
For what it is worth, my lettuce love this weather. I have had the best lettuce crop in years.
My tomato starters, however, are very unhappy.
Well, I didn't order this weather and I want some of my money back.Ìý It's supposed to be like clockwork here - nice weather this day, rain this day etc.
Cucumbers look dire.Ìý I think they are missing something. Things are very green outside at the moment and some plants are doing well and others not so well. Looks like the horse chestnut tree is dead. The raspberries are going quite well and my exotic grass collection is looking relatively bushy.Ìý I suppose there's upside.
But it's pretty good outside now. Blue skies, sunny, T-shirts.Ìý Hope it lasts!
Lovely today but we rain tomorrow. At work and Sunday so I don't mind.

Prediction is 7°C tomorrow, May 14th. That is pretty chilly for mid May.Ìý Â
klsallee wrote:Prediction is 7°C tomorrow, May 14th. That is pretty chilly for mid May.Ìý Â
Yes it is - way down on the numbers.Ìý It was nice yesterday.Ìý
I put the variability it down to climate change, the leaders of newest banana republics - el presidentes Trump, OV, Maduro, Kim Jong-Un and May.Ìý I won't counterbalance with a Soros.
Right now in the burbs of Budapest, the barometer is showing 20 C outside with rain.Ìý We've had a minor bit drizzle this morning.Ìý
This is just not right.

fluffy2560 wrote:Right now in the burbs of Budapest, the barometer is showing 20 C outside with rain.Ìý We've had a minor bit drizzle this morning. .
Being west of Budapest, the temps are already low where I am, but the cold front it heading your way...... My forecast is wet dog tomorrow.
klsallee wrote:fluffy2560 wrote:Right now in the burbs of Budapest, the barometer is showing 20 C outside with rain.Ìý We've had a minor bit drizzle this morning. .
Being west of Budapest, the temps are already low where I am, but the cold front it heading your way...... My forecast is wet dog tomorrow.
Oh great!
We've already got damp dog with muddy paws sprinkled with aroma of rain.
Dog is banished to the porch.
It's February or November in May.
Occasional drizzle, 12 C, cloudy 8/8 cover, barometer steady, very slight breeze.
Wet dog.
5°C / 8°C today with rain off and on
Sunny, with high turbulent looking clouds, some breeze, 27 C in the sun.Ìý
Some rain overnight but all dried up now.
Damp dog with muddy paws.

The amount of predicted rain this month is.... disturbing.
Great for lettuce. Lousy for grapes and tomatoes. The weather dog/stick/rock is not so far predicting a good result so far this month. Prediction is wet dog/rock/stick.
Nor is my barometer predicting great weather either (which is more scientific than my dog as a predictive measure).
Or other, for even better . Lots of rain predicted. This is the screen capture as of today, for historical use:
Non-explanation for the bad weather:
"Fagyosszentek" in Hungarian apparently.Ìý I didn't know about this.
I only knew about which doesn't match up with where we are now.

Not "today's" weather, but looking at weather predictions for tomorrow: 2.5 cm of rain....
Good grief.
We tend to get either more... or less... than predicted. But still. 2.5 cm. Good grief....Ìý
Lettuce loving it.Ìý
But I put my tomatoes under cover. The last large bunch of rain caused leaf blight on them.Ìý

Went for a walk with the dog.
When got back, had to get out "THE TOWEL"*. Officially, weather dog says it is raining out at the moment.
* Weather dog actually likes "THE TOWEL". Waits for it by the door. Extra pet and rub time for him. He ain't stupid.Ìý
klsallee wrote:Went for a walk with the dog.
When got back, had to get out "THE TOWEL"*. Officially, weather dog says it is raining out at the moment.
* Weather dog actually likes "THE TOWEL". Waits for it by the door. Extra pet and rub time for him. He ain't stupid.Ìý
Sounds like it was worthwhile unlike my afternoon.
We took my ye olde Dad to Szentendre (on the Duna) to see the ye olde Hungarian town and it started raining in biblical amounts. Lightning, thunder, the whole lot. Flooding everywhere and the river was high.Ìý We didn't even get out of the car as it was torrential.Ìý Â So we spent 2.5h driving there and back only to circle a couple of small streets jammed up with delivery trucks and wet tourists.Ìý Â
We heard on the way back - on the radio - that M0 and many other roads in Budapest were blocked and that the trams couldn't run as the water was too deep.
On arrival back at Fluffy HQ, the dog was completely sodden. It's too stupid to know it should go in its luxury kennel when it rains.
Very sunny, 24 C expected, quite windy.Ìý
Maybe this is the real summer, just in time for June.

June 2. Time: 14:30.
Currently having heavy rain and hail. Not predicted for today by any weather web site or my barometer.

1.1 cm of rain in the last two hours.
is now showing rain this afternoon.
shows no rain. Which is of course -- wrong.
Side note: Links above are for the real time web sites, not the current conditions where I am.
Guess I will have to go back to relying on Accuweather more. Despite their tracking of users at that web site.
Been warm and rainy all at the same time - was about 26 C.Ìý There were very stormy dark and heavy looking clouds, laden with rain.Ìý Â There were a couple of a torrential downpours and then it was really humid.Ìý Â
Muddy dog!
Yay summer is finally here. 30°C today and it's getting warmer
SimCityAT wrote:Yay summer is finally here. 30°C today and it's getting warmer
Yes, finally!  I was doing physical work outside most of the day and it was actually a bit uncomfortable in the sun.Ìý I think I drank about 3 litres of water in about 4h.Ìý Â
Next weekend there's a forecast of 34 C on Saturday down near Balaton.Ìý Â
Tomorrow (Monday) is a holiday in HU so the roads will be blocked up in the afternoon with everyone coming back from the lake.
35 in the sun, 29 in the shade - too hot to do anything outside.
People are returning from Balaton look like lobsters.
fluffy2560 wrote:35 in the sun, 29 in the shade - too hot to do anything outside.
People are returning from Balaton look like lobsters.
I tan nicely, but its to hot for me. We have the same temps, sod doing anything until later outside.
SimCityAT wrote:fluffy2560 wrote:35 in the sun, 29 in the shade - too hot to do anything outside.
People are returning from Balaton look like lobsters.
I tan nicely, but its too hot for me. We have the same temps, sod doing anything until later outside.
Yes, best to keep out of it.Ìý Â I also tan but I really suffer in the heat and I want to keep out of it - risk of skin cancer.Ìý My kids look roasted.Ìý Â Even when it's getting a bit dark or there's some shade, it's still pretty hot.Ìý I usually wear a hat outside and I never sunbathe as I find it uncomfortable.Ìý
The dog comes to look out the door, thinks no way and hides in the shade in the house.Ìý Â We've started putting ice cubes in the dog's water and she seems to like that.Ìý I can see she's really hot as she's panting, lethargic and not very hungry.Ìý She perks up in the evening when the sun has gone down or behind the other buildings.
Mrs Fluffy reported the car was saying it's 35 C outside.Ìý  It's all relative - my niece in the Middle East reports 47 C ! My bro in the UK reports cold and rain with the cricket washed out.Ìý  What a difference!
I expect we'll have a massive thunderstorm here soon but the forecast says a week before that happens. I can see one or two thin clouds out there.Ìý My barometer is reporting falling pressure.Ìý
Rain interfered with stuff previously and now it's heat -Â must be global warming.Ìý Â The other day I found one of my kids had put an egg on some greaseproof paper on the car to see if it'd cook.Ìý I think the car needs a wash now.Ìý Â I wish I'd been consulted on the experiment beforehand.
Parts of Germany yesterday had hail the size of ping pong balls.Ìý
SimCityAT wrote:Parts of Germany yesterday had hail the size of ping pong balls.Ìý
That's bad.Ìý It'll bash in stuff and cause a load of damage.Ìý Clouds are forming up here - we might get some rain.Ìý We've had to have the airco on as it's just horribly hot inside.Ìý The dog is more "active" now with the lower temperature.Ìý Â I expect it'll want us to play with it.
Was nice on Tuesday at the lake, all the holiday lake goers were gone.
I could actually see just water from our nice spot under a shady tree lakeside. Only a handful of people at the lake.
Water was clear and wonderful as usual.
I enjoyed it but my husband now looks like a lobster...
Yes, one can burn in the shade.
It was common to have temps. in the high 100's up to the high teens in Vegas but it was a dry heat.
Lived in New Mexico and only went to their lakes a few times.
Nice enough but not much shade there and the air in NM always has a high desert chill in it even mid summer.
One would wonder why in places like New Mexico the cowboys wore so many layers of clothing in the desert.
For protection, it's dry there and you hardly sweat at all but you can burn in less then 5 mins.
My husband dislikes having A/C on, never feels right to him, gives him a headache.
Lucky I have my fans.
Hmm, summer just started and not even officially yet and I am ready for fall!

Was wondering when the discussion would move from "too cold and rainy" to "too hot and humid"......
P.S. Yes, everything is relative. 34°C is great weather for me, even working outside. Even when humid. But I grew up in a hot climate, so am accustomed to it.Ìý
klsallee wrote:Was wondering when the discussion would move from "too cold and rainy" to "too hot and humid"......
P.S. Yes, everything is relative. 34°C is great weather for me, even working outside. Even when humid. But I grew up in a hot climate, so am accustomed to it.Ìý
I think it's a bit of a sudden change.
May was ridiculously cold and now June has gone the other way.
My Mum and Dad were in the Pacific for years and my Dad complained (and still does) about the heat. My dearly departed Mum liked it warm.Ìý
It's a bit strange how people get acclimatised. I always wondered how people in Scotland managed to actually live there under such conditions.Ìý It's only 10 C in Lerwick and blowing a gale.Ìý Up in the north of England you see people walking around in T-shirts when it's about 12 C.Ìý I'm not even going to get into the weather in Nunavut.
And besides what else is such a perpetual non-controversial thing to whinge about except the weather!

fluffy2560 wrote:And besides what else is such a perpetual non-controversial thing to whinge about except the weather!
I find that people that whine mostly whine about things they can not, or believe they can not, change. As a perceived emotional "safe harbor". Either work to make change happen if possible, but if not possible (that is, rocks are hard, water is wet, one can not un-wet a dog or unscramble an egg, and weather happens) simply report conditions, but otherwise accepting things as they are. Engage energy in more productive activities that can be changed. Knowing the difference may be a sign of intelligence.....
So much time wasted on whining. The entire world seems to be made up lately of whiners. IMHOÂ (In My Humble Opinion).
In other words, IMHO - Deal with it. Tough it out. Move on. Spend energy on productive activities, not just whining over one backyard fence or another.
But we, and I, am going .
In other words, report today's weather. A little bit of commentary, and slight diversions from topic, is perfectly okay. But let's avoid whining.
It is actually not so hot or humid today.
Waiting to see if we do get any thunder storms or not, the weather is always so off that I've decided not to plan my days around the weather reports.
I am extremely sorry to hear the sad news about Mr. Fluffy's mother. Last time I heard she was a bit ill but didn't know it was so serious.
It is never easy to lose one's mother, ones only read stead fast friend who is always there for you no matter if you're right or wrong.
Marilyn Tassy wrote:It is actually not so hot or humid today.
Waiting to see if we do get any thunder storms or not, the weather is always so off that I've decided not to plan my days around the weather reports.
I am extremely sorry to hear the sad news about Mr. Fluffy's mother. Last time I heard she was a bit ill but didn't know it was so serious.
It is never easy to lose one's mother, ones only read stead fast friend who is always there for you no matter if you're right or wrong.
Entirely off topic but well, I can be forgiven....
Transferred to....Asbolutely Anything Else
klsallee wrote:fluffy2560 wrote:And besides what else is such a perpetual non-controversial thing to whinge about except the weather!
I find that people that whine mostly whine about things they can not, or believe they can not, change. As a perceived emotional "safe harbor". Either work to make change happen if possible, but if not possible (that is, rocks are hard, water is wet, one can not un-wet a dog or unscramble an egg, and weather happens) simply report conditions, but otherwise accepting things as they are. Engage energy in more productive activities that can be changed. Knowing the difference may be a sign of intelligence.....
So much time wasted on whining. The entire world seems to be made up lately of whiners. IMHOÂ (In My Humble Opinion).
In other words, IMHO - Deal with it. Tough it out. Move on. Spend energy on productive activities, not just whining over one backyard fence or another.
But we, and I, am goingÂ.
In other words, report today's weather. A little bit of commentary, and slight diversions from topic, is perfectly okay. But let's avoid whining. could be for far more insidious reasons like mind control or worse also known as simply making conversation! Â
After all strangers are just friends you haven't met yet....surely?...n'est pas?
We all know that we're social animals and we like to share experiences and it's really good to do that for bonding and "team" building even virtually.Ìý
And what better way to start a conversation at the bus stop* but to discuss the weather - a perennial subject never to be satisfied.
BTW, you can unboil an egg - see here: .Ìý
OK, it's not a cake and no unscrambling but it's a start.Ìý Â
*(British) people over 50 will understand that "joke".Ìý I say that as I don't know about other cultures and their bus stop etiquette.
And today's weather is......
hot, hoT, HoT,...HOT!!!
33 C in the sun, 28 in the shade.
Brutal UV - protection required!
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