

Today's Weather

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fluffy2560 wrote:
klsallee wrote:

Snowing today. First snow of the year.  â„ï¸ â„ï¸ ðŸŽ…ðŸ¼ â„ï¸ â„ï¸

Yup, maybe 3-5 cm out there now.  Lots of traffic queues. 

Outside work postponed. 

Now might be gone by next week.

Around here, did not even accumulate. No snow on the ground yesterday, or today.

Sunny days expected next two days. Good time to visit Christmas markets.

Also, with clear skies, don't miss the planet show at dusk -- Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus are in line right after sunset in the South West sky. Don't wait, as before it gets really dark, Jupiter and Venus would have already gone below the horizon.


klsallee wrote:

Around here, did not even accumulate. No snow on the ground yesterday, or today.

Sunny days expected next two days. Good time to visit Christmas markets.

Also, with clear skies, don't miss the planet show at dusk -- Saturn, Jupiter, and Venus are in line right after sunset in the South West sky. Don't wait, as before it gets really dark, Jupiter and Venus would have already gone below the horizon.

We've got about 5cm on the ground but it melts during the day as it's well above 0 C and then it freezes again at night making for hazardous driving and walking if not wearing proper footwear.  Doesn't melt in the shadows at all but my main outside thermometer is reading about 6.5 C just now and 2.8 C on another more in shadow.

Unfortunately some inconsiderate person put a street light directly interfering in our line of sight to the South.   We'd have to drive some distance to get away from the urban light pollution.  A tick for living out in the sticks vs a non-tick for us urbanites.   

We've had this problem before with viewing the ISS. There's a mobile phone application you can see the current position.  It's mostly visible to our North going approximately South East.  One of the Fluffyettes has been monitoring it.   

I could get out some old amateur radio gear I have, see if I could rig an appropriate antenna and then try and get in contact with them LOS (Line of Sight) on 144Mhz.  I believe they will take questions sometimes!   That'd be an Xmas holiday project.


fluffy2560 wrote:

We've had this problem before with viewing the ISS. There's a mobile phone application you can see the current position.  It's mostly visible to our North going approximately South East.  One of the Fluffyettes has been monitoring it.

Out watching a meteor shower one summer, and ISS flew by. It was unexpected, and actually very impressive. Much brighter than the other dim satellites one can usually see moving across the sky.

Sadly, future light pollution may not just come from your local street light.... No one will be immune:


Well, it tried and I mean tried although they said it wouldn't. We just had it in the air and that's what it was. Still damn cold though.


SimCityAT wrote:

Well, it tried and I mean tried although they said it wouldn't. We just had it in the air and that's what it was. Still damn cold though.

I suppose you mean snow.  You're missing the magic Santa factor*.  And where is Rudolph when you need him?! 

* btw, does it actually feel like Christmas?  Like when you were a kid?  To me, no, it doesn't.  TV shows lots of Xmas stuff but all it feels like to me is winter.


klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

We've had this problem before with viewing the ISS. There's a mobile phone application you can see the current position.  It's mostly visible to our North going approximately South East.  One of the Fluffyettes has been monitoring it.

Out watching a meteor shower one summer, and ISS flew by. It was unexpected, and actually very impressive. Much brighter than the other dim satellites one can usually see moving across the sky.

Sadly, future light pollution may not just come from your local street light.... No one will be immune:

ISS is definitely moving at a  fair clip and usually visible for only a few minutes.  It's such a large object moving so fast, it's really obvious.

You do realise that if you watch a meteor shower, you'll encourage the or mobile vampire plants.


Really cold today -4 C with fog.

The dog is in my bad books.  It stole one of my outside temperature sensors I put outside and the it took it and chewed it up.  Totally destroyed it.  I only have one left now and they don't make them any more.   I'd had it 20+ years and it was working flawlessly for all that time until the mutt got hold of it.


fluffy2560 wrote:

The dog is in my bad books.  It stole one of my outside temperature sensors I put outside and the it took it and chewed it up.  Totally destroyed it.  I only have one left now and they don't make them any more.   I'd had it 20+ years and it was working flawlessly for all that time until the mutt got hold of it.

Sorry for your loss. That sucks.  :(

From my own painful experience, such things need to be made theft proof, pet proof, deer proof, racoon proof, etc. etc. etc. Forget any one and Murphy's Law will find a way to inject itself. And we will all forget at least one.... :mad:

But don't be too hard on the dog. After all, chewing it up happened more than 5 minutes ago... So the dog may not even remember doing it.... :D


klsallee wrote:


But don't be too hard on the dog. After all, chewing it up happened more than 5 minutes ago... So the dog may not even remember doing it.... :D

I suppose it's really my fault for not being more cautious. I know what the dog is like.  I am not a happy bunny. 

I'll bear a grudge against it for a few more hours before relenting as usual.   Damn dog is equipped with big brown sorrowful eyes.  Total manipulator.


fluffy2560 wrote:

Damn dog is equipped with big brown sorrowful eyes.  Total manipulator.

Same with my dog.

And my wife. The lovely brown eyes part. Not the manipulator part ... (cough--- cough--- hack--- wheeze.... ).*

* The parenthesis part added for comic effect only. Really. Trust me. My wife said so..... :)

P.S. Oh, yes weather -- was suppose to be sunny today, but it was not. Suppose to be sunny tomorrow ... we shall see....


klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Damn dog is equipped with big brown sorrowful eyes.  Total manipulator.

Same with my dog.

And my wife. The lovely brown eyes part. Not the manipulator part .....

P.S. Oh, yes weather -- was suppose to be sunny today, but it was not. Suppose to be sunny tomorrow ... we shall see....

It's already tomorrow and it's not sunny here.  Will we get a refund?

I told my very eldest Fluffyette to use her big brown eyes to get herself on a work related course she wanted to go on.  She was on the course. 

Thank you Puss In Boots:


Marilyn Tassy

So far we haven't turned on our heater in our flat. Tonight maybe the night however.
Sunday night is suppose to hit zero C and looks like it may snow again.
I sort of dig it, although after just one hour outside I do start to freeze up.
My friend in Hilo wrote me yesterday, it has dipped down to a "freezing" 70 degree F.! Poor thing, wonder how she will cope?!
She is always trying to get us to move back there, would be very odd to go there to stay after Budapest. Probably would need to break myself in first by at least going to a small city in the US otherwise the shock of it being so slow there would be way too much for the system.
One nice thing about the cold in Hungary is that the walkways are now mostly cleared of cafe tables and one can actually walk without having the wait staff running between you and your walking partner.


Marilyn Tassy wrote:

So far we haven't turned on our heater in our flat. Tonight maybe the night however.
Sunday night is suppose to hit zero C and looks like it may snow again.
I sort of dig it, although after just one hour outside I do start to freeze up.
My friend in Hilo wrote me yesterday, it has dipped down to a "freezing" 70 degree F.! Poor thing, wonder how she will cope?!
She is always trying to get us to move back there, would be very odd to go there to stay after Budapest. Probably would need to break myself in first by at least going to a small city in the US otherwise the shock of it being so slow there would be way too much for the system.
One nice thing about the cold in Hungary is that the walkways are now mostly cleared of cafe tables and one can actually walk without having the wait staff running between you and your walking partner.

It's already been snowing here again - only a light dusting this morning.  There are narrow streets here so they don't bring the anti-ice'/salt truck so we've had it if the car is stuck on or in ice.   We also hardly have pavements (US: sidewalks) so there's no cafe staff to dodge. 

We've had the heating on for a couple of weeks and we've even had the wood burner on.   We don't really need it but I've still got about 2 tonnes of wood,  I should use it and save the gas.   I think it's well below zero outside  but very cosy inside but wood heating is a fickle thing - either a sauna 1m away from it and much colder 3m away.  And you have to leave the doors open.   

Dog is suffering as no-one had time for walkies in the snow - at least not until the weekend.  Been really busy these past days.

I am not sure I could enjoy the same weather all year maybe like in HI - seasons bring a sense of renewal. I quite like the Spring for the optimism. I particularly like Spring in the UK - there's a special look and atmosphere to it.   Hereabouts, we've got a bit of a hump to get over - Xmas, New Year and maybe, just maybe, in February we'll see some snowdrops and sunshine!   But work never stops.

Past 21st December we'll be getting longer days -  every little helps!


Not Today's weather, but next weeks weather prediction, for my area, from

Monday, Dec. 16
Maximum minimum temperature: 12° / 2°

Tuesday, Dec. 17
Maximum minimum temperature: 13° / 7°

Wednesday, Dec. 18
Maximum minimum temperature: 12° / 2°

Rather  "balmy" for December. Will it happen? Well, we can only wait and see.  ;)


klsallee wrote:

Not Today's weather, but next weeks weather prediction, for my area, from

Monday, Dec. 16
Maximum minimum temperature: 12° / 2°

Tuesday, Dec. 17
Maximum minimum temperature: 13° / 7°

Wednesday, Dec. 18
Maximum minimum temperature: 12° / 2°

Rather  "balmy" for December. Will it happen? Well, we can only wait and see.  ;)

That's pretty good. Latest has it dropped back a bit but after heavy rain here last night, we're not seeing such high temperatures up this way.   

Shame as I had "plans" outside for some tidying up in the garden.  So long as it's not raining work can continue.  It's pretty pleasant at the moment in the sun but only showing about 8 C.   

Dog is in the bad books again - chewed up our polystyrene outside tap  quick removal frost protector.  My fault for leaving it on a window sill and the wind blowing it off.   Luckily I've got a spare. Obviously with this mutt about one needs spare parts for everything.


fluffy2560 wrote:

Dog is in the bad books again - chewed up our polystyrene outside tap

Reply moved to:

/forum/viewtopic.p … 22#4751164


fluffy2560 wrote:

Shame as I had "plans"


klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Shame as I had "plans"

Our mouse's best laid plans end tonight.   

The humane mousetrap has not worked on the current rodent occupants so we're going to have to use a traditional method of removal.  We're unhappy about it but I don't see we've much choice.  It's either them or us.  The last straw was finding our Xmas light cables have been eaten.

Weatherwise, it's looking excellent for early next week with 13 C!! 

Outside work might continue! I've got tree roots to remove.  Off topic but how to get them out?  I think digging as much as possible and then pulling out with the car but maybe it won't work, it could rip the towbar off.


fluffy2560 wrote:

Our mouse's best laid plans end tonight.

Reply moved to:

/forum/viewtopic.p … 22#4752750


fluffy2560 wrote:

Outside work might continue! I've got tree roots to remove.  Off topic but how to get them out?  I think digging as much as possible and then pulling out with the car won't work, it'd rip the towbar off.

Reply moved to:

/forum/viewtopic.p … 22#4752754


klsallee wrote:

Not Today's weather, but next weeks weather prediction, for my area, from

Monday, Dec. 16
Maximum minimum temperature: 12° / 2°

Temp today, Monday Dec 16th: 15°C. So reality exceeded exceptions.  :)


klsallee wrote:
klsallee wrote:

Not Today's weather, but next weeks weather prediction, for my area, from

Monday, Dec. 16
Maximum minimum temperature: 12° / 2°

Temp today, Monday Dec 16th: 15°C. So reality exceeded exceptions.  :)

Pretty warm here too but not quite that level.  Tomorrow will be nice - sunny and 13 C expected. 

I notice however that there's a heavy frost at night.  Obviously clear skies expected overnight.

Maybe I'll have opportunity to do some sunny stump removal (btw, I got one large one out by digging - took 6h over 2 days but now there's a hole to fill in).


fluffy2560 wrote:

Maybe I'll have opportunity to do some sunny stump removal (btw, I got one large one out by digging - took 6h over 2 days but now there's a hole to fill in).

Well.... I am impressed. Seriously. That is commitment to get a job done.
For anything that large, I normally wimp out and hire an excavator.

I never redneck it....


klsallee wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Maybe I'll have opportunity to do some sunny stump removal (btw, I got one large one out by digging - took 6h over 2 days but now there's a hole to fill in).

Well.... I am impressed. Seriously. That is commitment to get a job done.
For anything that large, I normally wimp out and hire an excavator.

I never redneck it....

It was a kind of cathartic exercise.   I sit slaving a lot of the time over a hot computer and I just had to get out there and do something else utterly unrelated before I get stuffed again and forced to do more hot computer work. 

So I dug a trench all around about 30cm deep, then started hacking at the roots with an axe (US: ax) until I could get it to move a bit, then I just kept digging it out underneath, hacking more at the roots until I could push it over a bit and do the final separation with some larger roots.  Mrs Fluffy then came and helped me roll it out of the hole up some wood planking.  Once I got it on the level, I pushed it onto a metal sheet, then dragged it down the garden a ways.  Builders can take it away.

I reckon, 2h to get the the trench down about 20cm, hole was maybe 2m across, then 1h hacking on roots the first day.  Second day, 1.5hours digging out underneath it plus 30-40m minutes hacking and 30mins approx Fluffy team manhandling.  Still got to fill in the hole more - another hour.

It did have a sense of achievement and satisfaction.  Strangely more satisfying than the day job that one. Maybe that means I should retire if I enjoy hacking at wood with an axe rather than discussing the finer points of this and that. 

Now where are next weeks Lotto numbers....I had them here a minute ago....

That video....incredible bad luck or Darwin award material....stupid way to die....


Looks like 14 C outside, some clouds but also some blue skies.  I took the opportunity to get the wheels off my car and replace some minor bits underneath.   Wind quite gusty though which means things need securing.

If this can continue during week, then maybe it'll be dry enough to do a bigger fiddly job under the car, more tree stump digging and filling in of holes.  Hopefully it'll be dry enough for the builders too.


Current temperature, Dec 18th, 14:00: 19°C.
Are we sure this is December?  :/


klsallee wrote:

Current temperature, Dec 18th, 14:00: 19°C.
Are we sure this is December?  :/

It's one of those specials.   In Munich, we used to get  the Föhn at  different times.  It was peculiar.

Way back in about 1995-ish, Mrs Fluffy and I were cycling in the Buda hills in T-shirts in mid-February!

It's certainly warm but not as warm as it's getting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.  Sorry, off topic, couldn't resist.




SimCityAT wrote:



Ouch. I feel your pain.... :(



Wow!  Brrrr......!


Just a tad windy today



SimCityAT wrote:

Just a tad windy today

[img align=C]https://scontent.fvie1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/79768250_10157584959907279_2847453263006007296_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_oc=AQnd62qa9TXdSYEu7CblTgIZNdKji7cvmMvZ5SH8WEusgCDzrf5lc7qirb4OAtmtKxY&_nc_ht=scontent.fvie1-1.fna&oh=b4dc346ca311f83144dfbbaf8102b553&oe=5EA9CF1B[/url]

Yes, strange one, we have the same.  Last night was quite heavy rain with gusts.  My outside thermometer is showing 5 C and it's extremely dull, wet, cloudy and dark.   It's staying-in being-cosy type weather.


Well, never seen that weather before, 2 water spots where the water has come through and the garden room door had a pool of water by it. Had wind and rain up to 50mp/h in the end. Come daylight lets see what other damage is?


SimCityAT wrote:

Well, never seen that weather before, 2 water spots where the water has come through and the garden room door had a pool of water by it. Had wind and rain up to 50mp/h in the end. Come daylight lets see what other damage is?

Oh dear!  We had the same kind of thing here last night.  I had to go out last night and put some heavy stones on some metal sheets I've got laying in the garden.

And this morning, very calm and very sunny, 7 C.

Update 12.30: 12 C, intermittent sunshine but with high gusts.


Happy Xmas:

11 Cm partial cloud, little wind, chance of Xmas presents turning to lazy porked out movies this afternoon.

Incredibly I've just seen a very nice butterfly flying about in the garden. Talk about confused weather!


I really don't get the weather, it is getting more and more milder. The way it's going we won't ever have snow at Christmas.


SimCityAT wrote:

I really don't get the weather, it is getting more and more milder. The way it's going we won't ever have snow at Christmas.

Totally agree with that.   

All that snow clearing equipment we have to keep handy will instead go to our local Donald Trump Museum of Climate Change.   I'll stop there before I explode and cover everything in turkey.


Cold snap coming, -3 C, very frosty looking but some early morning sunshine.

31st December predicted to be cold, below zero with bright patch at 00:00 due to fireworks.


We had rain, sleet, snow then rain yesterday. Today it's showing  -1°C. While in the UK they are having a heatwave shortly with 18°C.


SimCityAT wrote:

We had rain, sleet, snow then rain yesterday. Today it's showing  -1°C. While in the UK they are having a heatwave shortly with 18°C.

Whoa! 18 C...that's bonkers.  Almost Hungarian weather.   Says 10 C in the sun here.

Where do I have to go for 18 C?  I couldn't see anything above ~9C in the South East.

Mrs Fluffy's Uncle here in HU says it'll stick to no winter until well past February 2020.

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