Cmon, you guys are being a bit hard on Daniel.
Ok, I could have written Daniels post in 1998 when I was trying to decide to come or what.
First thing, coming on ones own was the hardest thing I ever did in my life. I spent a year reading everything I could find about Malaysia and joined dating sites to find anyone willing to talk about the place. Facebook and the like werent born yet. I did meet people who lied to me like crazy and as a result I prepped for the first trip in insane ways.
Online, I did meet two interesting people, Evie, an indian woman who works for FedEx and helped me hugely when I first came; Pei Chin, a chinese woman who I agreed to meet sometime during the second or third trip. One night when I picked her up in a taxi, we went off for dinner and were never apart again. After I found a condo because before this I had stayed six months at the Sheraton-Subang, she moved in, we started a business at Sunway and planned to marry. You never know WTH can happen in this place, thats all I mean to say.
I never wanted anything from people except some answers to questions but I did get more and im not ashamed to say so. Evie helped me get my bearings about everything and within about four weeks I was already on my own. Stepping straight off an aircraft is daunting, no matter what the country. A smiling face to meet you aint a bad thing at all. I had my plans regardless of anyone elses presence, but some initial help was very welcomed so get it if you can (i know, thats why you are here).
You have a few choices. You can prep little or nothing and just wing it, its been done a zillion times. Or you can read, get to know people in FB, YT, IG and collect info and make some acquaintances who might be able to be those smiling faces on the first day. But you know what? In the end it doesnt matter. What matters is your drive and purpose and determination and goals. If you come goal-less and clueless, you might have a good time or lousy time, im not sure. I knew expats who arrived alone, spent 24/7 in bars, learned nothing, went home more broke and wondering WTH did they just do! I was a driven person, I began writing a book during my first trip that was published later in KL. I made a life, but in doing so it was the hardest thing. I had to claw, bite and wrangle for absolutely everything because even your so-called friends dont really care if you live or die. You'll be on your own even if you are not.
Whether or not someone should or shouldnt come is not for me to say. Some people are just curious and have to get something out of their system; others have a purpose which fails; others come with nothing and form fantastic ideas and work to bring them to life. Which are you? Many people come through the forum broke and desperate, others are party animals looking for some fast fun. Im more inclined to help someone who is serious and trying change or improve their life and have the resources to do it, like time, money and patience; someone familiar with and trying to increase their understanding of the flow of Asia so they dont fall on their face. To get the most out of the possible help in here, decide what you really want out of this place and if you dont know, therein lies the first problem. I know I havent helped you completely but maybe there is something for you to think about and thats good enough.
As for driving, I very UN-recommend it on your first time, its pretty difficult and only adds to your problems. But for licences, Malaysia recognizes the US-AAA International Driving Permit which I have used all along. I dont know if NZ is recognized as a convertible licence here, maybe someone else knows. But you cant drive with the NZ licence alone, you must have an IDP or convert your licence to a local one. In this forum search for that information as its been asked and answered many times. You can also search the government (JPJ) website, start here: