Well, the time is drawing near for me to start applying for postdoc grants. For me to finally get a real job! Yay! But when I apply for these grants, I have to apply to take them to a specific university. So now I have to choose. These are the options, and the reasons for considering them:
A uni back home in Canada - there's a specific university back home that I've always said would be my ideal place to work. It's in the warmest and most beautiful part of Canada. Just a province away from where I grew up and all my friends. It's very close - just a few hours drive - to my little sister (who is going through some difficult life issues at the moment, and could really benefit from a big sister around). The department is great! In fact, the professor that first got me interested in field linguistics works there. I could also teach there (I really want to teach). And I'd make a lot more money this way (I'm pretty broke). I'd be close to my friends and family from home. I really miss them.
The uni in Papua New Guinea - I'd probably get to teach, and the students would all speak different first languages (note - I'm a linguist and this would fascinate me!). It'd be the experience of a lifetime to teach there - and something I may not be as eager to do when I'm older. I'd be close to my research area. Job-wise, this would be an amazing choice. And my boyfriend lives in PNG. And realistically, I can't see him being able to come stay with me anywhere else at any time in the near future. But living in Port Moresby might scare me a bit - I don't know anyone there. It's been ranked as the worst city in the world for expats to live in. (Although I don't want to make the rumours of PNG being a dangerous place to go any worse - some areas really are safe.) The uni has also been going through a lot of turmoil over the past year. (Including riots.) But I do love Papua New Guinea. And I'd be close to my friends and 'family' from PNG. I really miss them.
A uni in Australia - I don't have a particular one in mind. But it'd be closer to PNG. And most people who do the kind of linguistics that I do are here. But I'm not sure I want to do this - I haven't been overly happy in Melbourne (even though there are specific reasons for this). I wouldn't be close to any friends and family, unless I stayed in Melbourne. But then it'd just be the small handful of people that are here temporarily for their postdoc or PhD.
A uni in the USA - there's a specific university that I turned down to go to for my PhD. A nice, prestigious university that I always said I'd consider applying to for my postdoc. It's warm (this is a big plus for me), but expensive to live in. It'd be good for my career, and I'd learn a lot. I'd be a bit closer to friends and family - only about a 4 hour flight instead of a jaunt around the world, but still far away.
I'm thinking of maybe applying for different places with different grants (one of them requires it be in Canada anyways). Then waiting and see what I get (if any!). But I keep going back and forth. Obviously, the two that are foremost in my mind are the uni in Canada and the one in PNG. But I suppose I should consider the other options.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! If anyone can think of anything I've overlooked... or anything else.