

Hospital bills in Florida for Irish expat involved in accident


Hello, Im from Ireland and I live partime in USA where I had an accident off a scooter. i was taken to Accident and emergency room by ambulance with a head wound requiring 10 stitches. I received a 13,000 hospital bill after 4 hours in emergency. I have health insurance in Ireland will this be covered.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

See also

The healthcare system in the USAHealth insurance in the USHaving a baby in the USAAccidents and emergencies in the United StatesPublic Service Health Care Plan

This question would be most appropriately answered by your insurance. As a general rule, if there is nothing specific in your benefits that exclusively says you are covered out of the country, you are likely to be footing the bill. It is your best bet to contact them directly.
You can also call the hospitals financial services and see if they offer any assistance if your insurance will not cover you. Generally, this has to be done within a short time frame from your hospital visit. They will evaluate on a case by case basis.
Best wishes!


I wish you a speedy recovery.

Unless you have the appropriate visa you vacation in the US. Even snow birds do not live here.

You contact your health care provider to find out what is required for you to file a claim and if a claim for services rendered in the US is covered.

Did you get a copy of the police report?

You contact the hospital's billing office to find out how potential insurance payments from abroad are being handled. You may or may not have to pay out of pocket and then be reimbursed by your insurance.

With no details but scooter versus Irish it is hard to say something.


Do have an account in state?