Married after conception
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Hi everyone,
Does anybody know what are the rules regarding babies conceived before marriage, especially with respect to when ot comes to registering the birth?
My partner and I discovered she was pregnant in December, and married in her home country late February. The baby is due in August.
I understand that when registering the birth, one of the documents to be submitted is the marriage certificate, and have heard that this will be cross checked against what they believe the conception date was. If the marriage date is significantly after the conception date I have heard of instances of refusal to issue a birth certificate.
Does anyone have any info on this? I know that in the UAE if the birth date is less than 180 days after the marriage date then a birth certificate will not be issued.
Is it a similar rule here in Bahrain?
Thanks in advance.
As far as I know, there is no hard and fast rule.Â
And depending on the hospital, sometimes a marriage certificate is not even asked for. Because some hospitals are electronically linked for birth certificate issuance and when they punch in the CPR numbers of the parents, the system probably checks automatically and / or, when you give your documents like passport / visa copies, your spouse, if sponsored by you, is listed as such on the Bahrain RP.
Keep in mind the process i.e. manual vs. online. Some hospitals issue manual notifications of birth which you take to the MOH and apply for the birth certificate. In these cases, the marriage certificate may or may not be asked for - as it is the hospital responsibility to verify this status in the beginning. For all others, they notify electronically after which you log into and apply for the certificate.
For example, for my child, in Awali hospital, I don't recall providing any marriage certificate (we provided our passport, visa and CPR copies and my wife was on my sponsorship as listed on the visa) and definitely there was no checking of any dates whatsoever. We did an electronic registration of birth from the hospital system where they put our names and CPR numbers. For peace of mind, I would advise you to pick one of the hospitals like this i.e. private facility with predominantly non local staff and online birth notifications.
And also to your point regarding UAE, it is not really correct. For non-Muslims, irrespective of the date of marriage vs. birth date, the certificate is issued with the normal documentation. It is for Muslims that the matter is referred to the birth committee and evidence of paternity must be provided via court documents. Check this link:
Hi XTang,
Thanks for the response.
It is all a bit of a worry, as it could depend who you get on the day as to whether they want to check or not. The other less preferable but safer option would be to send my wife back to her home country for the birth. However, there is a chance I could miss the birth if we did this and the baby came early.
I'm also wondering what the ramifications are if the worst was to happen and they did check, and subsequently refused to issue a birth certificate... Obviously this is required to get a passport, but I wonder if there is a proceedure for cases such as this where you could still obtain a passport or some kind of travel document.
I'm trying to work out what the worst case scenario would be, for example if I lost my job and visa, and we had to leave Bahrain and we still couldn't get a passport for the baby.
Nothing is ever simple...
And thanks for the info on the UAE, I stand corrected.
In line with Xtang, I think when this process is done via online system and through the Hospital which can provide you the same (listed below), is going to be the safest option in your condition. Also check the link given below.Â
If your partner has a passport in which her married status is notified (I think this is not the case here), or your marriage certificate is already presented to the authorities at the time of getting CPR /Visa for your partner, it is an automatic procedure for obtaining a birth certificate (what happened in Xtang's case).
But wouldn't it be more safe to just send your partner to her country and get valid documents for your future baby and then proceed, I know it is bit longer way, but gives you peace of mind, and as you thought the worse case scenarios, at least your child has official nationality/travel document, so he/she won't be trapped.
Request for Birth Certificate
About the eService
This service provides the opportunity for parents to request the birth certificate issuance of their new born & also pay the fees online via a quick and easy method on the eGovernment Portal. Parents are also able to issue the certificate through the eGovernment kiosks that are available at government maternity hospitals.
This service is currently available in the following hospitals:
  Salmaniya Medical Complex
  Jidhafs Maternity Hospital
  King Hamad University Hospital
  Bahrain Defence Force Hospital
  American Mission Hospital
  Bahrain International Hospital
  Bahrain Specialist Hospital
  Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital
  Royal Bahrain Hospital
  Al Kindi Specialist Hospital
  Noor Specialist Hospital
  Al Hilal Hospital
  Awali Hospital
As Man in whites said, you can check the hospitals in the list and maybe go to one of them to talk to the people in person. My recommendation is Awali as unlike most of the hospitals in that list, the majority of their maternity staff i.e. midwives / nurses, are western. All the gynecologists and anesthesiologists are also expats. I would suggest to book an appointment with a gynecologist and during that, ask the detailed questions on the process and what happens.  They would have seen cases like yours many times before, so will be able to guide you much better.
Personally, if your wife is on your visa and you already provided marriage certificate for the visa, I don't think there will be a problem. And if you are non-Muslim, that is even better. Worst case, birth notifications can still be done in case of any dispute and the Embassy can issue an exit pass for exit from Bahrain (this is a temporary travel document for nationals who don't have a passport - most countries do this). For complete peace of mind, you can always do this in your home country despite the logistics issue.
Thanks for the replies, very useful information.
Yes, both of us are non Muslim
Currently my wife is not on my visa, as she was here on a tourist visa before we married, and my employer wont begin the application process until she is back in the country and have the attested marriage certificate. Before that she has to apply for a new passport in her married name.
What also worries me a little is the length of time it took to process my visa and CPR when I first came to Bahrain. It was very much in the order of several months, and bearing in mind there is only about 4 1/2 months until the birth I feel it is cutting it fine. Not sure if this is normal or if our local affairs guy is particularly slow. Obviously we will need her CPR to register the birth electronically.
Your PRO is slow. It shouldn't take this long.
But if she gets her visa and has a CPR, you can follow the above process.
Yes, my son was born in Thailand. However, I have been in contact with a Philippino lady who was in exactly the same position as me and she had her son here and obtained a birth certificate within a few days of the birth. We used an oncologist here in Bahrain whilst my wife was here and she said it would not be a problem.
So my advice after all this... if you are not Muslim and you use one of the hospitals listed in the thread that registers births online then you will PROBABLY be ok.
I hope everything works out for you
As a footnote, make sure both parents have residents vsa's and CPR's here in Bahrain as these will be needed to register the birth.
I gave some advice to another member via private message. Posting it here so that the rest can also benefit from it.
The way it works is:
Awali registers birth notification
You go online on, put notification number and cpr of child (automatically assigned when awali reports)
Request birth certificate
So in this entire process, no one checks the dates. Awali asks you to fill out a form stating how long have you been married and will take the form the way you give it - no cross verification. They want money only.
And the notification of birth is done by the midwife in maternity who are usually British or Scottish. So very understanding. I actually sat with her and did for my daughter as the midwife computer skills were poor . And I wanted to make sure that the names weren't misspelled.
If you are non Muslim expats, zero risk.
If Muslim, even then, no risk as you are married. The question is open ended ie it doesn't ask how long have been married "legally"... So you can use that your advantage i.e. married in mosque before and registered civil marriage later.
i was delivered my baby in Aerican Mission Hospital Oct 15th,and my marriage cetificate is registered in the embassy of my country in bahrain at Apr 1st...and now,they told me can't get the baby CPR...but can i get the birth certificate first ? If can’t .is there any solution???
i have the visa and cpr,also the marriage certificate from the embassy of my country in bahrain...but the AMH said the government refused to give cpr,cause our marriage days are less than my pregancy days...i dont know what to do now...the angent said we need to start heir a lawyer and go to the court to solve the issue
the baby's birth certificate is realeased by IGA now。。。
Can somebody help me what i can do
I got pregnant out of marriage with ab bahraini guy which we are both single but we process all the documents and got married and gave birth here in Bahrain. But now i'm unable to get passport for my child. even i have birth certificate and marriage contract. They told us to get lawyer and we did but until now there is no answer. it's already been a year i'm following it up. Can anybody help me to make the process faster so i can able to get bahraini passport for my child.
Thank you
What is your nationality? Have you looked at getting a passport from your own country?
Any updates for issuance of birth certificate for child conceived before marriage. We are facing the same issue there are agents but asking for 600BD. kindly help us on the process you have done.
You got pregnant before getting married? Like how many months? I was 3 months pregnant when i got married but the birthcert or my son got release 5 days after i got discharged from the hospital
Hello there! I just want to share our experience with you. Me and my husband got married when I'm already 5 months pregnant in the time of pandemic. He's Colombian and I'm from Phillipines. We got married in the kingdom of Bahrain ministry of justice in Hoora and it really took us time to get married because of the lockdown in our countries so its hard to take our documents there. So I just gave birth and because of the rules here in bahrain, the hospital will not issue the birth certificate directly and you'll have to apply for it yourself. Here are the steps :
First, the hospital where you've given birth will give you a birth notification form filled up but no notification number.
Then, you'll need to bring it along with your cpr and passport copies and marriage certificate in Arabic of you and your husband to iGA in isa town.
In iGA, you'll need to go to birth and death certificate section where a gentleman can assist you on what you need. He will teach you what to do. They will tell you to file a case in the ministry of justice online.
You need to have an eGovernment app on your phone with your log in. Then scan you and your husband cpr, passport, birth notification form, marriage certificate in Arabic, and a letter in Arabic stating why you need to file a case to get your child's birth certificate.
From the eGovernment portal, it's all Arabic, but better use a laptop so it can automatically translate for you in English. Go to ministry of justice to file the case. It'll be a long process but you might need a help from someone from iGA or who can read Arabic. Then during this process you'll attached all those documents and your contact number and email then you'll pay 12BD.
When the MOJ receives your request, you'll receive your notification from your phone and email for an appointment. You'll just go to MOJ in Manama just to present yourself once they ask you to come. You'll just sit there and wait. That's what happened to my husband. MOJ will also give you a call, they might ask you to send those documents again online. Just save their number so you can follow up on them.
Then, you'll wait in 3 months after that ministry will notify you to come again to their office. You will actually see your name in their monitor, it just means they're attending your case so just wait for their instructions. afterwards they'll inform you that the court decision will be sent to you on your mobile and email address.
When you receive the court decision from MOJ, the next step is to apply for an execution letter from execution court which is also online. The same as where you applied for the case and pay 10bd. Then again in 2 days you'll receive a notification that you'll need to pay 4bd and then after 2 days you'll receive the execution letter.
This execution letter is what you'll show to iGA in isa town and then they'll issue your child's birth certificate for 1bd. You can request a copy, maximum 3.
Hopefully, this will help.
Actually, as long as you're married even after conceiving, you can get your child's birth certificate. Regardless, even if you gave birth a month before delivery. It will be a dreadful wait and it'll test your patience but you'll surely get it.
If you get married before you're 3 months pregnant or less, the hospital will issue your birth certificate directly.
Piece of advice: There's also a rule in going to hospitals for antenatal checkup, it's better to go and have yourself check on a private hospital whereas in public what I know is they'll ask if you're married and might report you. You can transfer to the government hospital once you got married which I did afterwards.
Additionally, one doctor from a government hospital told me to be careful and not to be admitted in the hospital while I'm pregnant and unmarried, as the hospital will report me to the ministry.
Hope this little information will help. This is based on my personal experience.
Stay safe everyone.
Hi i need to speak to you. Do you have a number i can call.? You can direct message me as i have a lot of question. Did this happen last year.
I wanted to talk to you so we know what we will do.
Hi everyone. Any idea what happens when marriage is done after birth? Birth was done at mother's home country and marriage could not be done yet due to covid. Will a visa be given to the child after the marriage is done?
MotherEarth0000 wrote:Hello there! I just want to share our experience with you. Me and my husband got married when I'm already 5 months pregnant in the time of pandemic. He's Colombian and I'm from Phillipines. We got married in the kingdom of Bahrain ministry of justice in Hoora and it really took us time to get married because of the lockdown in our countries so its hard to take our documents there. So I just gave birth and because of the rules here in bahrain, the hospital will not issue the birth certificate directly and you'll have to apply for it yourself. Here are the steps :
First, the hospital where you've given birth will give you a birth notification form filled up but no notification number.
Then, you'll need to bring it along with your cpr and passport copies and marriage certificate in Arabic of you and your husband to iGA in isa town.
In iGA, you'll need to go to birth and death certificate section where a gentleman can assist you on what you need. He will teach you what to do. They will tell you to file a case in the ministry of justice online.
You need to have an eGovernment app on your phone with your log in. Then scan you and your husband cpr, passport, birth notification form, marriage certificate in Arabic, and a letter in Arabic stating why you need to file a case to get your child's birth certificate.
From the eGovernment portal, it's all Arabic, but better use a laptop so it can automatically translate for you in English. Go to ministry of justice to file the case. It'll be a long process but you might need a help from someone from iGA or who can read Arabic. Then during this process you'll attached all those documents and your contact number and email then you'll pay 12BD.
When the MOJ receives your request, you'll receive your notification from your phone and email for an appointment. You'll just go to MOJ in Manama just to present yourself once they ask you to come. You'll just sit there and wait. That's what happened to my husband. MOJ will also give you a call, they might ask you to send those documents again online. Just save their number so you can follow up on them.
Then, you'll wait in 3 months after that ministry will notify you to come again to their office. You will actually see your name in their monitor, it just means they're attending your case so just wait for their instructions. afterwards they'll inform you that the court decision will be sent to you on your mobile and email address.
When you receive the court decision from MOJ, the next step is to apply for an execution letter from execution court which is also online. The same as where you applied for the case and pay 10bd. Then again in 2 days you'll receive a notification that you'll need to pay 4bd and then after 2 days you'll receive the execution letter.
This execution letter is what you'll show to iGA in isa town and then they'll issue your child's birth certificate for 1bd. You can request a copy, maximum 3.
Hopefully, this will help.
Please sir/ madam please I need your help I have the same situation yesterday they asked me to register ekey and file in court case because my baby is more than 45day old .
Please I need your help I don't know how to used the ekey system please my contact *** please help me to enable get my son birth certificate
Thanks for your understanding
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@lhen0309 Depends.. to get my son's birth certificate it took 8 months .I hired a lawyer gave him the power of attorney so that I didn't have to go. There's a lot of process when you file a case. If you don't get any messages then please visit the court and give the case no so that they can check online . Then you will have more clear picture about what is going on.
Hi does anyone have any idea my wife just gave birth and the hospital is saying they can’t process the birth notification number said to go cpr office since the date in marriage certificate is not matching. Actually the registration of the certificate was done on Apr 2023 but the actual marriage was done in 2013. I’m Indian and I didn’t make the certificate that time. Recently I made the certificate and on certificate it states that the registration of marriage certificate effects from 2013. Because my social marriage was done on 2013 and even in my wife’s passport my name is there on spouse name. The passport was issued on 2014.
If anyone has done such a process earlier I'm sure they will reply, but for faster processing visit the cpr office with all the documentation and ask them how this can be resolved.
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